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Date Posted: 08:33:40 08/01/02 Thu
Author: Philosopher
Subject: Agreed, Candy, agreed.
In reply to:
's message, "Things change but people (and actresses) never do..." on 07:07:42 08/01/02 Thu
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Doesn't look that way (SPOILER) -- Me (Maryellen), 12:50:10 08/01/02 Thu
According to scoops on SoapZone, next week "Todd and Tea passionately kiss", and the following week, "Todd can't forget about Tea". Looks like TNT will be.
Bite me, Gary. You suck, and so does OLTL.
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In Regard To Spoiler -- Llanviewer, 13:17:53 08/01/02 Thu
Todd can't forget about Tea????? Hmmmmmmm......interesting.....um.....she's on the island with him....why would he not forget her....she's right there?? Don't tell me this is the end for the hag???? Oh Candy and rest!!! Maybe we won't have to listen to the screech bag anymore!! If I'm right I want that jelly fish's autograph!!!!
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re: (spoiler) If they do it will be a first...that's beside the point -- Candy, 05:37:12 08/04/02 Sun
the last time I saw Todd with REAL passion was in Motel Hell so that doesn't worry me in the least (lemon passion doesn't count, or strawberries either) As for Todd remembering TeaUGH::::eyeroll, that ought to be a gas, especially if they use flash backs, not much there (TRIPE payoff wise) to choose from except half ass hand holding and stuffy kisses, unless GT plans on using a montage of all the abuse Todd heaped on her and vice versa. Gez, and I bitched about T&B this time around, after watching this crap (and crab) I think GT took the easy way out with this lame ass island story, TnT'ers have historically been easier to please than the T&B'ers and that my friends is why we get the good stuff (sex, kids, etc) and they get wood tokens.....jmo, as always
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