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What I hope -- Greta, 10:06:30 09/02/02 Mon
What I hope is that not only Tea dies, but T&Bers are given some clue that Todd's heart really lies with BLAIR, and always has.
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Oh, and I also hope Todd stops being such a DOOFUS. -- Greta, 10:07:40 09/02/02 Mon
>What I hope is that not only Tea dies, but T&Bers are
>given some clue that Todd's heart really lies with
>BLAIR, and always has.
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I have no doubt he only ever loved Blair. Tea has always been just the booby-less prize.. second choice... last option he thought he had for a relationship. -- Sarah, 17:30:34 09/02/02 Mon
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What's to spoil? -- spoiling myself, 07:05:14 09/02/02 Mon
"78 letters written by THREE fans," ring a bell?
"The focus groups don't seem to remember her."
"Tomlin baffled by the ratings crash."
SOW - about a year or two ago.. "Twenty letters, in twenty differen fonts ALL saying the same thing."
Dissed by just about ever OLTL'er on the Net, except of course, those HOLY THREE.
Oh the memories of Kat and BAT, ring a bell? HOW many times did GUZA kill her?
Guza's back, and the Guza way is the BEST way.
It don't take an insider to figure THIS one out.
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Dead? As in VERY, unrevocably, Luna-dead? Oh PLEASE let it be true. -- Greta, 10:04:20 09/02/02 Mon
>"78 letters written by THREE fans," ring a bell?
>"The focus groups don't seem to remember her."
>"Tomlin baffled by the ratings crash."
>SOW - about a year or two ago.. "Twenty letters, in
>twenty differen fonts ALL saying the same thing."
>Dissed by just about ever OLTL'er on the Net, except
>of course, those HOLY THREE.
>Oh the memories of Kat and BAT, ring a bell? HOW many
>times did GUZA kill her?
>Guza's back, and the Guza way is the BEST way.
>It don't take an insider to figure THIS one out.
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I'd say Victor Lord dead, Luna's due for a comeback this fall. Wouldn't want THAT. -- spoiling myself, 11:27:27 09/02/02 Mon
>"78 letters written by THREE fans," ring a bell?
>"The focus groups don't seem to remember her."
>"Tomlin baffled by the ratings crash."
>SOW - about a year or two ago.. "Twenty letters, in
>twenty differen fonts ALL saying the same thing."
>Dissed by just about ever OLTL'er on the Net, except
>of course, those HOLY THREE.
>Oh the memories of Kat and BAT, ring a bell? HOW many
>times did GUZA kill her?
>Guza's back, and the Guza way is the BEST way.
>It don't take an insider to figure THIS one out.
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I just meant detail wise. -- Sarah, 17:34:18 09/02/02 Mon
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[> [> [> [> -- Candy, 04:51:15 09/03/02 Tue
There's only two ways for this stinkin Dingo island SL to end (logically speaking) 1-Hag dies a watery martyrs death=end of Troll 2-Todd tells the hag it always has been and always will be Blair and his family=end of Tripe. (I can hear her squawking outrage already)
There's also a 3rd option: Todd's already in a coma from some unfortunate accident that happened right after Blair threw him out and this is what he's dreaming about and the TROLL never really came back at all...
Whatever be the case it's a win/win situation, Todd's coming home TROLLESS and that's a fact.
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I wouldn't be happy with #1, because I don't want Todd to feel guilty about Tea's death, and I don't want him pining for her at all. eom -- Greta, 06:03:18 09/03/02 Tue
>There's only two ways for this stinkin Dingo island SL
>to end (logically speaking) 1-Hag dies a watery
>martyrs death=end of Troll 2-Todd tells the hag it
>always has been and always will be Blair and his
>family=end of Tripe. (I can hear her squawking outrage
>There's also a 3rd option: Todd's already in a coma
>from some unfortunate accident that happened right
>after Blair threw him out and this is what he's
>dreaming about and the TROLL never really came back at
>Whatever be the case it's a win/win situation, Todd's
>coming home TROLLESS and that's a fact.
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Lol Candy, I like the way you think, click for my ideas. -- Sarah, 06:20:37 09/03/02 Tue
Honestly, yesterday didn't bother me at all, but it's so completely out of left field and out of character for Todd that I have to believe either it's a dream (possibly even the whole island is a dream and they're still passed out on the sand), or he's going out there to drown her ass. BTW, he was still wearing tighty whities when he entered the water and they showed a significant part of them in the back shot.
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