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Date Posted: 06:15:04 09/03/02 Tue
Author: Candy
Subject: Another observation.....It's the little things

With all the hysterics I can understand why no one saw this. Go back and watch your tape. Todd looked really uncomfortable in the bunker when TeaUGH came on to him yet once outside he was completely different he had a shit eating grin on his face and dropped those drawers fast....ah ha!! Moving right along, Todd went into the water but right before he reached the TROLL he did the nose tweak thing. Remember when he was scamming everyone about the Sun Stock? Everytime someone bought what he said, he'd tweak his nose (as in GOTCHA) He did it yesterday...he's scamming her!!!

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[> Haha! Umm, ok. Something fishy is definately going on, because he was still repulsed by her in the bunker. But would Todd be foolhardy enough to bait that shark with the raw meat she's been salivating over for years? -- Sarah, 06:26:07 09/03/02 Tue

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[> Forgot about the tweak thing . That's right! IA Candy -there's something up with that! My bet is that Todd stops the whole aquatic adventure thing anyway -he'll inform Troll that he can't get Blair out of his system. JMO -- Margi -formerly Llanviewer -but there's just too damn many posting with that ID, 23:39:05 09/03/02 Tue

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[> I don't know Margi AKA Llanviewer, I'm kind of leaning towards TeaUGH snapping to his scam. (That or he calls her BLair in the throes of passion..that would be great...!!!SMACK!!!!) There is a reason that nose tweak was put in there right at that moment and we do know TnTROLL discuss Blair and then this ACKYPOOPOO Swill in the South Pacific BS is just about over. -- Candy, 05:32:41 09/04/02 Wed

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[> [> Ohh Candy, how would he ever mistake her for Blair with that perfectly bump free torso of hers pressed against him... and with that fresh no bath in weeks scent she must have going on. Maybe he's pretending she's Ross or his pet crab. -- Sarah, 10:37:03 09/04/02 Wed

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[> [> Well of course -TnT have to have a "Blair talk" every other scene. I'm glad Blair was never that insecure. I'm almost excited to see this eppie. Of course it doesn't hurt that this is the beginning of the end -I'm almost TnT free! Woo Hoo!!! -- Margi, 19:47:57 09/04/02 Wed

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[> [> [> One things for certain...... -- Candy, 06:32:48 09/05/02 Thu

Momma DOES have the magic and no, Blair has NEVER been insecure about Todd's feelings for her and thinking back on it, she's never been jealous of TeaUGH except where her child came into play. That's the only thing that's made any sense with this TRIPE reunion, the slimey attorney 'HO didn't get her beady little mits on Blair's children. What a joke that "you're in a good legal position to get your kids back Todd" was, bwahahahaha, you just know a judge is going to look kindly on some idgit man who deserted their kids and went frolicking with their ex some where in the south Pacific AFTER a foiled kidnap plot of said children..Oh my!!

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