Date Posted:21:21:56 09/13/02 Fri Author: Candy Subject: I can hardly wait for the gut wrenching TnTROLL will probably go something like thees!!!
Todd on the raft ready to set sail says to TeaUGH: "Parting is such sweet sorrow, goodbye Tea"...then under his breath "good riddance"
TeaUGH, sobbing hysterically, turns to Ross (who hands her a leaf to whip off the dripping snot) and says "It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all...WANT TO FUCK?"...fade to black
whack with the oar first? TnT just isn't the same without the violence... and all they gave them this time was him trying to blow her up with a grenade.
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Naw, who needs an oar when GT used a baseball bat=Todd's dreaming of Blair sex while doing "whatever" with the's the little things in life!! -- Candy, 04:02:28 09/15/02 Sun