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Date Posted: 10:04:40 09/18/02 Wed
Author: Sarah
Subject: I am quite thankful that it's finally over, but I don't get why they wasted an entire summer and a location shoot just to tell us what they made pretty clear all along. (possible spoiler involved)...
In reply to: Margi 's message, "What?! It's quiet here. Everyone out celebrating??! :)" on 20:22:40 09/17/02 Tue

Was there ever supposed to be a question that he was in love with Blair? He was the one that got kicked out because he messed up, he never 'left' or at all showed anything that hinted at him not being in love with her. So why the whole island story to drive home a point that was clear? Was it just so we could laugh when he rejected the troll, and threw grenades at her, and we can laugh some more when he doesn't send a rescue team to find her?

Or was it just a SPD to get him amnesia? Does anyone know if it's real or faked amnesia at this point that he's supposedly getting?

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[> [> I wish I knew why Gary bothered just to please a handful of Todd&IT fans! I hope Mr.Frons puts an end to Gary's comedy Hour! -- tbfan4ever, 12:46:25 09/18/02 Wed

OLTL should be written with layers, not just stupid plots and misplaced humor.

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[> [> [> They were pleased by that?? Why am I not surprised? If they weren't turned off by a punch and a shoe to the head, why would attempted murder by grenade and declarations of love for another woman ever sway them? I guess romance is subjective. -- Sarah, 17:09:26 09/18/02 Wed

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[> [> [> [> No, except for a couple of diehard TnT'ers they are not the least bit happy...I mean how much worse (or bigger) could that knockwurst up the old ying yang be than Todd declaring he loves Blair and likes the TROLL,,,,DUH!!! GT did the worst rope-a-dope I've EVER seen thrusted on a fanbase and that's why I'm not all over the place gloating my ass off. -- Candy, 17:37:17 09/18/02 Wed

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