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Date Posted: 18:34:01 10/08/02 Tue
Author: Candy
Subject: ITA Holly, that I didn't like about Malone at all but I don't think it was Al that screwed up Max , it was that TWIT Luna <~~Ack) There were quite a few characters I didn't like under Malone, Luna, that meathead Suede, Sloan Carpenter and at one point I loathed Todd. But compared to Jen and the rest of her wretched family, I take them ALL back in a heart beat if it meant the rest of the characters I like, got decent stories
In reply to: Holly 's message, "MM loved AL - and Max as a Daddy. MM is the guy who wussified Max in the first place" on 08:58:30 10/08/02 Tue

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[> [> [> Malone committed a few sins - -- Holly, 07:04:05 10/11/02 Fri

He killed off the Gordon Girls. I still think JB should have been cast as Lamie.

He made Clint a Phobe.

He made Max a fucking asshole. Max was gallant enough not to go trashing his ex-women all over town just to please the current Mrs. Max. Not after Malone.

Krista Tesreau as Tina (GDMFAHPOS). Every time I saw her I wanted to KICK her in the head.

He ruined Cord and Tina - Tina never in one million years would have chosen Cain Rogan over Cord, even though Malone made Cord an angry, self-righteous puss-face.

He fell in love with Pus-Trap and sacrificed Blair to the P&Martyr altar. I hope and pray that he remembers that the dream Blair was dreaming when Todd was being shot was of Starr coming in from a riding lesson, and a baby son, and T&B loving each other. I would like to see that she at least remembers that that WAS her dream-world.

Dylan Moody - does anyone else wonder wh. MM/JG's main male casting criteria was whether the guy would look good on a romance novel jacket?

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[> [> [> [> ITA, with what you said, Holly -- OTWB, 05:58:49 10/12/02 Sat

I have such conflicted feelings about Malone. I will say though, that during his tenure, I LOVED One Life, I wasn't afraid to turn it on, and I was riveted by most of his stories. He may not have WANTED to write Todd/Blair, but he sure as hell did seal the deal. Oops, maybe Griffith did it, that's even BETTER!

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[> [> [> [> [> That's the difference, isn't it? -- Holly, 16:27:39 10/13/02 Sun

I may not have LIKED everything Malone and Griffith did, but I was willing to watch it.

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[> [> [> [> Phooey on MM's sins they're chump change compared to what the rest of these fools have done. I'm ready for ANYTHING cause whatever it is it has to beat whatever has come in second by a mile, two miles, 10 miles...I'm so happy I could burst!! -- Candy, 19:46:07 10/12/02 Sat

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[> [> [> [> [> .........and I say AMEN Candy! -- off to sing the theme to, "Annie" ~Margi, 23:25:57 10/13/02 Sun

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[> [> [> [> [> [> We, the fans of OLTL, have been spared NOTHING, there's no where to go but UP!! -- Candy, 06:20:54 10/15/02 Tue

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