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Date Posted: 08:46:57 11/02/02 Sat
Author: OTWB
Subject: Yes, Stubby can be saved!!!! click
In reply to:
's message, "The Pepsi Challenge - FIX Sam" on 06:39:59 11/01/02 Fri
Stubby loves and loses yet again... Blair goes back to Todd, Sam doesn't get it. Why do nice guys ALWAYS lose? Cuz they're not nearly as nice as they THINK that they are, that's why!
He falls into the depths of depression, now that Todd has uncovered that he tampered with Matthew's DNA test, making him LOOK like the father, but the baby is really Bo's. He's lost another son... sob, poor SAMMY! Nora and Bo have decided that he's too pathetic for prison, let him live with what he's done... He's disbarred, he's been shamed, he's heartbroken...
Lindsay comes over to the house to check on him, because he's the father of her children, and it's not like anyone wants to speak to her either. They commiserate with their tales of woe. (most pathetic post 2000) They become friends, (cuz every one else hates their asses, duh) and at one point or another, Sammy realizes that it really was Lindsay that's always been there for him, and that Nora was just an illusion. She wasn't worthy, Blair never loved him, she was just using him... when it all falls apart, LINDSAY is there for him, even if she doesn't buy into his white knight BS, she knows who he really is and she calls him on it. The relationship becomes MORE than the one sided travesty (Sammy calling Lindsay on everything, while he looks saintly). They start an affair, based on comfort sex, eventually they hash things out ON screen, they have rootability...
THAT'S how you save Sam, it's also how you save Lindsay. Jen? WGAFF? They could bond over her untimely death. sWilly returns? No, at least not for a while... Then when he does, he's a recast, he can act, he has NO lisp, he's no longer a boy scout. Instead, he's dark, bitter, angry with his father, not trusting of him... He gets in trouble, he's an alcoholic, maybe he's into drugs...
The next thing you know, the Rapps are a REAL family, if sWilly is a recast that can act, then you start to see some humanity with them, folks start to relate to this couple who know each other so well, but know so little about themselves.
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I have a different scenario... -- Candy, 08:59:08 11/02/02 Sat
I'm going with how to save Sam AFTER he's dead..
1 Todd kills him and stuffs him in a trunk until he mummyfies
2 Someone (anyone) takes him to a taxidermist has him stuffed and mounted on a 3 ft pedestal <~~giving him the staure in death he never had in life) and donates him to a pawnshop in the seedier part of NYC
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I like that, but he should be in Angel Square, so we can see him now and then. I hear that his fans get depressed when they don't get to see him. Wouldn't want THAT. So, they put him in Angel Square, we turn it into a drinking game. Sam sighting! Last person to notice, takes a shot of JD, says a "hail Todd, and raise the robe." Kind of like playing "Slugbug" on long interstate trips. -- OTWB, 09:03:29 11/02/02 Sat
>I'm going with how to save Sam AFTER he's dead..
>1 Todd kills him and stuffs him in a trunk until he
>2 Someone (anyone) takes him to a taxidermist has him
>stuffed and mounted on a 3 ft pedestal <~~giving him
>the staure in death he never had in life) and donates
>him to a pawnshop in the seedier part of NYC
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LOL! I love that. eom -- Maryellen (Me), 09:05:39 11/02/02 Sat
>I'm going with how to save Sam AFTER he's dead..
>1 Todd kills him and stuffs him in a trunk until he
>2 Someone (anyone) takes him to a taxidermist has him
>stuffed and mounted on a 3 ft pedestal <~~giving him
>the staure in death he never had in life) and donates
>him to a pawnshop in the seedier part of NYC
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JMO, if his fans want to see him they can go to the seedier part of NYC for all I care. Thought about something though, the pawnshop person probably wouldn't want him in lieu of his bear so the only way they'd get to see their fave is if whoever drove by said pawnshop really fast and pitched him out destroying the guys bear. -- Candy, 09:21:23 11/02/02 Sat
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I like it... but every time I see him, I feel the need to take a shot of SOMETHING. -- OTWB, 09:24:43 11/02/02 Sat
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Save your liver WB, instead of a shot of, how about a shot at..click -- Candy, 17:52:38 11/02/02 Sat

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LMFAO! Yeah, definitely better of the old liver and I'm not much of a drinker anyway. -- OTWB, 20:29:11 11/02/02 Sat