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Subject: Swans Christmas Party

Matt Ewart
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Date Posted: 12:52:32 12/15/04 Wed

Saturday 18 December 2004
Bring a Mate Christmas
A quick note for heads up of the Swans Christmas party. Mr Social himself has booked the Red Room at our Walkabout (Shaftsbury) for the 18th of December. The festivities will kick off from 6pm, entry is the right price FREE, the club will be putting on nibbles and there will be raffles and a good night to be had.

This will be a good opportunity to catch up with everybody and get the Swans heading in the right direction for 2005. So bring a mate or many! If there are any questions about the night, please give Ewey a ring 07981 427 924 or Kingy on 07906 332 496. It is sure to be a good night and it will be great to catch up with everyone. If there are any ' NEW ' Swans or Swanetts please do come along and meet the gang, we are only more than happy to invite you into the Swan family.

Also there are some photo's on the a web site of the' REP TEAM 'and also CHOPPER DAY, so take a look.
Photos are on at:
Website - www.ofoto.co.uk
Login - elgrazer2@yahoo.co.uk

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