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Subject: Season 2005 - Ideas

Swans Supporter
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Date Posted: 17:25:27 12/29/04 Wed

Swan Committee for 2005,

'Ideas of which may become useful and which should be implemented'

Minimum 3 Sponsors - 1 Major Sponsor! Your club needs sponsors not only for revenue but for social, and advertising for new players.

Advertise in Australia for New Players and all free Antipodeans mediums. Advertise in the major mediums in Sussex!

Update your website and continue to update it weekly!

Proper Training venues - London & Sussex (Imperative)
This will include proper coaching of players in Sussex!
Train twice a week, Skills and Fitness is needed to compete with the bigger clubs!

Recruiting - Needs to be Centred into the Antipodean market, and also to the BRITISH & IRISH MARKET. 12 Brits per week is not viable, we need a base of 15minimum per week! Also to continually attract players all year round!

Continual Communication to all players past & present!

Merchandise which will sell!

Fund raising which benefits the club!

Continue the Netball Club, but open the club to new sports, such as Basketball, Touch Rugby, and Touch Aussie Rules etc etc. Create a Sports club!

These are some of the major areas on which the Swans could benefit if put into action. The earliest they are implemented the better for the club.

Good Luck for season 2005, hope to see more Success on & off the field.

Go Swans.

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[> Subject: Re: Season 2005 - Ideas

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Date Posted: 18:00:54 12/31/04 Fri

swan supporter,
thanks for you comments,
firstly the website is/will be upgraded shortly and will have regular weekly updates as has been done for the last 4 seasons, the website has not been updated regually over the last few months due to computer breakdown and the changeover of committee which has pretty much changed by 100 per cent.
Also you say sell merchandise that sells! How do you know the merchandise does not sell, best of my knowledge it pretty much sells out every season with mabye the odd items left which get sold the next season. If you have any ideas email them over.
As for the other ideas i think they are being worked on, the importance of sponsorship is probably top of the list along with recruitment.
Would you be an ex swan yourself?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Season 2005 - Ideas

Swan Supporter
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Date Posted: 20:11:15 01/01/05 Sat

Thanks Sam for your valuable reply. I am not a past player but am and have been a supporter over the last 4 years. I like to keep an eye on how the swans are going! As I have had associates inform me of how badley the BARFL league is operated. In order to promote the game it is good to know that clubs are doing more than the league. I just don't want to see tyhe club fall through and continue to win a premiership!

I look forward to seeing the changes in 2005! Go get them swans!

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