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Subject: Big Guns with Big Guts...

The Drifter
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Date Posted: 07:39:40 10/12/05 Wed

Marvellous to see that two of your big guns, (of course I'm speaking of, Sam the destroyer Youngs, and David Consadine Bell) gearing up for the new season, and looking as fit as I've ever seen them.
Who says drinking lager six nights a week, and regularly eating meals between snacks doesn't pay off.
Keep it up chaps, we're all expecting big things...

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[> Subject: Re: Big Guns with Big Guts...

You are what you eat
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Date Posted: 04:29:44 10/13/05 Thu

Nothing wrong with Belly and Sam drinking lager six nights a week, and regularly eating meals between snacks.Just look at Chewbacca talking while munching bowl after bowl pasta between slurping ale for inspiration!

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[> [> Subject: Re: Big Guns with Big Guts...

The Drifter
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Date Posted: 14:18:48 10/14/05 Fri

Of course theres no shame in scoffing cereal as an after dinner mint, nor should a bloke bow his head in the street if his main source of fibre is lager...
What I do insist that the lads duly note is this: Optimum playing weight does not necessarily equate to whatever old bloody reading the scales tend to throw at you after a night on the tiles n a late night curry.
Perhaps living in such close vicinity to the allures n the charms of Brick Lane is proving a temptation proffered by the original fallen angel that these coupla footy greats are finding a shade too enticing to resist.
And, lets face it, sport is about winning, and to win the flag we need this pair of proven performers fit n firing!

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Big Guns with Big Guts...

Jenny Craig UK
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Date Posted: 07:16:41 10/25/05 Tue

Dear Drifter
You say, I quote
"lets face it, sport is about winning, and to win
>the flag we need this pair of proven performers fit n
Exactly how overweight are these proven performers?
Can it be said they are
a) Winter tubby?-nothing the first 2 weeks training in Hyde Park wont fix
b)Heathrow injection fat?- clearly enjoying time in the Walkabout & local Balti House- 4 weeks training & stict diet control
c) Suffering the English Obesity Health Epademic- Do we need to send that woman from the TV 'You are what you eat'- In which case there is no hope!

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Big Guns with Big Guts...

The Drifter
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Date Posted: 08:02:47 10/25/05 Tue

Ms Craig, it's a delight indeed to see that in this era of global values, you for one, are casting your net beyond the bored fat kiddies of suburban Australia, that celebrity heads such as Ray Martin and Yana Wendt seem to take such unending glee in continually hounding...
As an independant assesor, I feel it pertinant to judge without fear or favour...
Therefore, it is in my opinion that the Big Guns aforediscussed fall into the Category 2 Fat listing.
(Heathrow Injection Fat)
However,if I could be so bold as to offer an intermediate category, I'd recommend these lads be upgraded to 2.5
(Mid term drizzle laden lager n kebab violations)
It is my recommendation that the Big Guns be placed on a stringent 5 week plan involving nothing but rabbit fodder, laxatives, and lemon barley water.
Lets get the Big Guns back on the park and moving with legs and abdomens that defy their rapid acceleration towards thirty!
The Drifter

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Big Guns with Big Guts...Heathrow Fat 2.5

MS Jenny Craig UK
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Date Posted: 08:59:06 10/25/05 Tue

Dear Drifter

Ok Heathrow Fat 2.5 it is.Serious image problem for the club?

Part of coming to grips with this problem is the individual fatty's must first realised they have a fat problem.
My question to you is other than this forum do these indivduals realise they have a weight problem?

And have they been sighted recently leaving 'that' establishement in Covent Garden at 2am heading toward the nearest Kebab shop?

Are they in denial?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Big Guns with Big Guts...Heathrow Fat 2.5

F Albert
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Date Posted: 00:43:09 10/26/05 Wed

Jenny Craig Slim·fast

Review In a Nutshell
Slim·fast is a weight-management program that combines its Slim·fast brand meals and snacks with a single sensible meal to achieve long-term weight loss results. Like all meal-replacement plans, the Slim·fast Diet, rather than focusing on the big emotional issues related being overweight, provides an immediate stepping stone toward change.

How Does It Work?
Slim-Fast centers its weight loss program on its self-created shakes, bars, and pre-packaged meals. In conjunction with the shakes, many Slim-Fast participants supplement meals with nutrient-packed bars. The goal for Slim-fast participants is to stay away from high-fat and high calorie foods, and instead, indulge in foods rich in vitamins and fiber. Through Slimfast caloric-reduced meals and snacks, combined with other healthy foods and daily exercise, more calories are burned than consumed, and weight loss is achieved.

Who Is It Good For?
Especially good for very overweight people; busy people; those who want to get started immediately.

Keys: Four Pillars
Flexible system
Personalized support
Essential nutrition diet
Stick to a lifestyle activity

Great for fat slobs
Wide published agreement on effectiveness.
Emphasis on personalized exercise regime.
Controls calories without counting.
Published evidence suggests success of plan.
Follows 2005 Dietary Guidelines.
Lower carb plan also offered.

No late night lamb kababs and chips
No Stella or XXXX for 6 month
Defers teaching positive eating habits.
Must purchase shakes and bars.
Only one meal of real food a day.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Big Guns with Big Guts...Heathrow Fat 2.5

The Drifter
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Date Posted: 07:40:56 10/26/05 Wed

Seems to me there are a couple of issues to take stock of here.
1. In times o crisis people must stick together.
2. In order to improve the problem must be addressed at the roots so to speak. (Cause generally predates effect)
With this is mind, I propose this:
The Big Guns be taken aside and spoken to with care. It's important for our lads to know we are all prepared to throw our weight behind them, so to speak.
After this, it is a simple matter of cutting down.
Sure, I was all about the lemon barley water diet, but lets be fair. These are two proven campaigners, n there is nothing wrong with the occassional six pint supper albeit not six days a week.
So, show your support, have a word with these jets, and let them know that it is all in their hands, rather than in their collective cow like stomachs.

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