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Date Posted: 09:42:27 03/25/02 Mon
Author: Lafaux
Subject: Review of the Academy Awards Ceremony

Once upon a time, long, long ago, I would stay up very late at night, well past my bedtime, to watch the Academy Awards. For me, it was like entering a fairytale. People drove up in their luxurious coaches, guided onto a red carpet by well clad footmen, and the women wore the most beautiful gowns I had ever seen. They didn’t just look good; to me, they were good. They represented the best. They were America’s royalty, graceful, and elegant. When their names were announced, and they walked toward the stage, they seemed to glide. It was like watching Cinderella or Eliza Doolittle at their debut ball. All eyes were on them. Once on stage, they took that special moment to exhale, composing themselves and their thoughts. The men were equally well donned in their tuxedoes, and they too well graceful and elegant, looking like modern day Prince Charmings.

Then something happened, and the Academy Award Ceremony became a cheap trick, a side show. It was about who could be most outrageously dressed, and who could have the most outrageous behavior. I became disillusioned. I stopped watching. I didn’t care. But Sunday night, I decided to tune in, and I’m glad that I did. Glamour is back, and she brought Elegance and Grace with her.

Never mind Whoopie Goldberg. She’s Whoopie; she’s suppose to be outrageous and irreverent. And she didn’t let me down with that Sexy Beast outfit she wore. Her jokes were often esoteric, going right over the heads of many of Hollywood’s elite, but that didn’t stop her. After Whoopie opened the show, the first award was announced for Best Supporting Actress, and Jennifer Connelly’s demeanor, in my opinion, signaled the tenor for the rest of the evening.

Add to that the recognition of Sidney Poitier some 41 years after he received the Best Actor Award for Lillies of the Field. This man has always had such style and grace, and he hasn’t lost one ounce of it. Like fine wine, he’s only gotten better. Speaking of fine wine, how about Robert Redford! These two men recognize the importance and the power of the industry, and they represent the very best of an industry that is often criticized and maligned.

Yes! I went to the ball last night, and I was delighted to see Cinderella’s story play out before my very eyes. I was moved by Halle Berry’s genuine emotion when her name was announced. I didn’t think that she had a real chance, not at this ball, but not only was she invited, she took home the top prize. And the evening didn’t stop there. Denzel Washington, was also awarded for his

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