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Date Posted: 14:43:16 04/10/02 Wed
Author: Lafaux
Subject: Mid-Season Shows Can't Rise To The Occasion

Midseason shows fall off quickly

Midseason series are facing a tougher time this season, and networks are even less patient than usual.

ABC's Sally Field drama The Court and Wednesdays 9:30 (8:30 Central) were both yanked after two episodes. So was CBS' AFP: American Fighter Pilot. Fox's The American Embassy lasted four weeks, and NBC ordered just three episodes of the live Colin Quinn Show. Good thing: It averaged a measly 6.6 million viewers.

NBC pulled the plug quickly earlier this season on Hank Azaria's Imagine That, and CBS' Danny was this season's first casualty, scrapped after two weeks.

Why the rush to cancel shows so quickly in April, when repeats often are plugged in to fill gaps?

Many midseason shows premiered later than usual because the Winter Olympic Games on NBC delayed rival networks' ability to promote their shows effectively. And as programmers gear up for the season-ending May sweeps, they're reluctant to continue shows viewers have clearly rejected.

AFP averaged 4.3 million viewers, Embassy 6.8 million, Wednesday 7 million, and The Court 9 million.

CBS' Baby Bob is the biggest hit of midseason. With 14.2 million viewers, it's the most watched new series aside from NBC's Leap of Faith. And unlike Faith, which loses a large chunk of its Friends lead-in audience, Bob has regularly built on its lead-in audience.

The jury is still out on Faith and Watching Ellie. The latter will get two more tries — April 16 and 23 — to cement a following before NBC determines its fate.

Fox also is mulling Greg the Bunny and Andy Richter Controls the Universe, which faded after strong premieres.

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[> I love Andy Richter. 8:30 is a horrible time slot to put a new show.eom -- Tf, 20:14:27 04/10/02 Wed

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[> [> I knew that show by Sally Field was going to flop, It really wasn't that great of a show to begin with, NBC should have out her on contract over there on NBC's ER, Andy Richter show is hilarious, I loved him from many years of being Conan's sidekick now he's grown into his own perfectly. Another show that should get the axe is George Lopez and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire -- Shonda00, 16:30:37 04/11/02 Thu

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