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Date Posted: 20:31:39 05/03/02 Fri
Author: Lafaux
Subject: Osbourne News!

PIPI'S BACK! The Osbournes sending a bouquet of flowers to Kelly Ripa for helping to return their dog Pipi. Live with Regis and Kelly doubled the family's $500 reward for the return of its missing black Pomeranian, but the person who returned the dog declined the reward money.


"Osbournes" Score $20 Million?
by Mark Armstrong
May 3, 2002, 10:30 AM PT
Mama, they're coming home: It appears Ozzy Osbourne's family will indeed be back on MTV for a second (and perhaps even third) season.
While the cable network insists no deal has been finalized, both Ozzy's wife Sharon and daughter Kelly blabbed to the media Wednesday and Thursday that America's favorite family has agreed to another season of the reality smash, The Osbournes.
In turn, it could make them one of the richest. Daily Variety reports that MTV may pay $20 million for two more seasons of hijinks from Ozzy, Sharon, Kelly, Jack and their housepet menagerie. If the number is correct, it would be the largest chunk of change ever handed to the stars of a cable series--and a hefty increase from the $200,000 they received for the first 10 episodes.

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[> Re: Osbourne News! -- ladyday, 22:57:54 05/04/02 Sat

Not that they need the money or anything, but they deserve the raise....their show is a HUGE hit for MTV.

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[> Re: Osbourne News! More news -- dd, 21:14:39 05/10/02 Fri

Okay so Ozzie has been to the White house....Yes folks it is true..Ozzie and GWB party hardy...Well at least at the annual White House Press Dinner last week..

Drew Carey was the MC..He said GWB and the Oz man have alot in common..They party a little to hard in their younger days..People have a problem understanding them both when they talk... And the Women in their lives run the show......

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