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Date Posted: 14:16:44 07/12/02 Fri
Author: Joy
Subject: Clickie...
In reply to: Lafaux 's message, "I saw this one just the other night. It's for "Progressive", promoting the power of having a good web page at work for you. This woman is at the compter, and on it, she has a picture of her ex-lover. She performs cyber-voodoo on him, and with each click of the mouse, we see what every awful thing that happens to him. The final click goes toward his crotch." on 09:53:38 07/10/02 Wed

This commercial that they only used to show on CNN for some reason. I think it was for a big name insurance company. This little black girl is in the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror as she’s doing a very rhythmic African dance while African music and a voiceover are in the background. There’s a knock at the door and she rushes back to the sink and starts brushing her teeth. Then, when she thinks the coast is clear, she gets back in front of the mirror and starts dancing again. I LOVE this commercial, they don't show it anymore though. Also liked the one a few years back where the man's daughter is getting married and he's remembering her childhood. Awww!!

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[> [> [> Ohhh I just remembered one! -- ladyday, 22:21:28 07/14/02 Sun

Can't for the life of me remember what the hell it was a commercial FOR, but the one where they just show all this outdoor wedding footage, shots of the bride, her bridesmaids, a whole flock of little flowergirls, all dressed in white and in the background the song "Thank Heaven for Little Girls" is playing. Anyone remember this one, and remember what the heck it was for? This commercial is about 11-12 years old. I know this because it started airing shortly after my first baby was born (a girl) and made me bawl everytime I watched it.

Never saw that dancing girl one Joy, but what was the connection between her secretly dancing and insurance?

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