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MEDICAL AND PSYCOLOGICAL ORDEALS IN CHILDHOOD AND TEENHOOD - interesting polls and stories -- Knuit Holt, 07:40:22 05/07/17 Sun
Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood
Collected, edited and analyzed by Knut Holt
Please also see his websites with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex
You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about.
Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events
Memories of events that may be interpreted as alien abduction are quite common. Some may be from real abduction by non-human beings coming in strange flying vehicles.
Others may be actions done by governmental agencies or mafias for various purposes that have some of the same type of details.
Often one does not remember the abduction as such, but one remembers only some loose details during some kind of ordeal one has been subjected to.
I have made a poll to investigate these memories. If you have experienced something of the kind, please go to the poll and answar. All the answars will be lain out in the massage forum of the poll to be commented further upon.
The address of the poll:
Extended mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia:
In certain areas the health authorities has begun to subject children and teens to extended well-child physicals where one performs several or all of the following procedures: inspections with optical scopes through all or several body openings,ultrasound examinations of most body structures, x-ray taking of joints, EEG and EKG. The kid is often given sedation or even general anesthesia during these extended physicals to make the kid cooperative and to hinder him or her from remembering. Still the kid will remember a lot of details around the procedures and sometimes also from the procedures themselves, because anesthesia never works perfectly, and the kid will always have some symptoms afterwards that tell a lot of what has been done. This poll has the aim of investigating experiences from such ordeals.
Poll about cystoscopy:
By cystoscopy the doctor looks into your bladder with a long instrument. This instrument can be rigid like a stick or flexible. All age groups have cystoscopies. In some comunities a cystoscopy seem to be a mandatory exam at some ages of children and teens. These communities are probably not many yet, but this type of exam seem to increase in frequency, both for special purposes and for mandatory or recomended screening. This poll has the purpose of establishing a picture of the frequence of this type of exam in different age groups and the arrangements during the exam.
Secret medical exams and procedures under anesthesia:
There is growing indices pointing to a practice of doing secret exams and procedures on both children and adults in addition to the thing they are under anesthesia for. Such ordeals may be done for research, for trainging of medical students, ordered by child protective agencies, ordered by school health service, ordered by police or asked for by parents or relatives. This poll is to find out how common signs of such secret ordeals having been done are. This poll has beenlaunched in several sesseions.
Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:
Children, teens and adults are sometimes called in to undergo medical exams and procedures they do not know they need. Often these exams are very extensive with endoscopic inspections through body openings, ex-ray and ultrasound of several body areas, testing with electronic equipment and a lot more. Often the person is given anesthesia to be unconscious during all or parts of the procedure. If you or your children have been called in for something like this, please tell about it through this poll.
All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.
Knut Holt
Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex
Girl, 11,12,14yo, development check and gynecologic exam in a van
I am female. It happened in Russia, 1990-1999 when I wa 11, 12 and 14 year old.
My parents got a piece of mail that told them it was being offered and when the van would come. I went there alone by myself to a great ambulating van equipped for doing the exam.
I think it was do to whichever kids that had parents who wanted them to get a quick free exam without having to go to the clinic.
They had me go inside the van and told me to take off all my clothes. I did as they asked, and they took a sponge and a bucket of water and washed me. This was before being given the anaesthetic medication to drink.
They performed an ECG, functional test of the heart function, with electrodes on my chest and other body areas.
They had me lie down on the floor of the van while they did some examinations. They had me do some aerial bicycle kicks with my legs before anesthesia was given.
I got a device on a finger or a toe to measure pulse and oxygen in my blood. I got a blood pressure monitor wrapped around an arm or a leg. I got electrodes on my cheast and other body areas.
I got lubricating and numbing cream into my vagina. The anesthesia made me relaxed, but I was conscious. I was mostly awake during the procedure, despite anesthesia given.
I was placed to lay on my back with my legs flexed up, spread and mounted upon two devices.
They examined my head or neck. my upper body, my stomach area with and, my shoulder area, my hip area and my arms and legs with ab ultrasound probe or something similar.
They took x-ray pictures of my chest, my stomach and my hip area.They examined my genitals with an ultrasound device.
They recorded my body functions with electrodes on my chest, my belly and my genitals.
The inside of my cheek got swabbed. They spent a lot of time touching and examining my thin pubic hair and my bony hips and knees.
They used a speculum in my vagina. They inspected my vagina with a scope. They inspected me through my vagina with an ultrasound probe. The doctor explored my vagina with a finger.
I had catheter into my bladder. I sat up against the wall of the van with the catheter in until I peed, and until I could move easily again. There was no blanket, just sat there naked with my legs apart because I couldn't move them together.
Many people walked by and could see me. They did not let me dress or tell me where my clothes were for quite a while afterwards, and started examining other children. Only after 2 more girls and a boy were examined did someone give me my clothes and tell me to go home.
It was mostly a regular school but with heavy focus on dance and gymnastics.
This exam had the primary goal of checking the development status and puberty stage of the kids. Girls and boys that have ballet and gymnastic as a heavy subject on the curriculum are nearly always checked thorroughly in the intimate regian, joinst and for nutritional status, so this thorough exam was probably especially recommended for those kids.
Girl, 9yo, Western Europe, Heart catheterization
I am a female. I was a school-aged child, 9 yearsold, in 1980, western Europe.
I was examined in a hospital. My parents took me to the exam. A team of a doctor and nurse did the exam.
They examined my blood vessels or heart with a catheter inserted into a blood vessel. I do not know any other exam done.
I was given pain-killing or sedative shots. I was then totally put to sleep. I was totally naked.
First I got a shot in my butt to calm me down, then put me to sleep by mask.
What do you think was the reason for this exam? Heart disease.
They put me in a diaper.
What happened was that they put a catheter up to the heart, injected contrast fluids and took x-ray pictures. The catheter was probably inserted through a vessel in the arm or the shoulder area, but it could possible also have been inserted high up in a thigh or the groin area.
Boy, North A, intimate endoscopy at school, bladder dysfunction, treatment with catheter
I am a male. I was a school-aged child. Year 2011, In North America. I was examined in the medical section of a private school. I walked to the exam room early followed by the school nurse. A visiting doctor and a visiting nurse did the exam aided by the school nurse.
Exam overview:
They did an orthopedic exam. They examined my genitals. They examined my rectal zone. They did a general examination of my pelvic zones. They inserted instruments into my urinary opening. They inserted some kind of tubular scope inside my urinary opening.They inserted instruments into my rectal opening. They used an ultrasound sound through my anus. They took ultrasound pictures of the examined areas.
Anesthesia and arrangements:
I was given anesthesia into the blood-stream. I was sedated but mostly sleeping. I was naked at the examined body parts and at my genital/rectal zone, but elsewere clothed. During the exam I lay straight at my back first and then in stirrups.
Exam sequence:
First clothes taken off. Then had to go to the toilet. Then visual inspection and palpation of pelvic zones. Then they inserted a scope through my urethra and used it for more than 30 minutes. Eventually I was lifted onto a coach and lay with a blanket over me until I was fully awake. At last I was allowed to take on clothes and my parents came and took me home in a car.
Psychological test:
Two days before I had a long psychological test.
Urinary and genital exam details:
They inserted a scope to look into my bladder. They used a flexible scope in my bladder. They palpated my outer male genitals and testicles. They slid down my foreskin and spread my urinary opening. They performed a ultrasound exam on my genitals, including my testicles. They examined my my prostate with an ultrasound sond into my anus. They palpated my prostate with a finger into my rectum.
Rectal exam datails:
They spread my cheeks and examined extarnally my rectal zone. They examined my rectum with an inserted finger. They inserted a speculum into my anus to examine it internally. They examined my rectum with an ultrasound sond.
Strange observations:
I was called in for quite another thing, but they also examined my genital and urinary zone.","They said they should examine my stomach. Someone came and performed a psychological test even though I was called in for quite another thing.
Reason and judgement:
What do you think was the reason for this exam? I was surprised.
Arrangement after the exam:
They used a catheter to collect urine. After the exam I had a catheter when waiting for the sedation to go away.
Diagnosis and treatment:
The exam resulted in this diagnosis: They called the diagnosis bladder dysfunction. I had to have a catheter when I was sleeping each night during 3 years. My parents managed it.
In many private schools children's behavior, development and health are monitored much more detailled than in public schools. There also tend to be a thight cooperation between the parents and the school to manage the behavior and health. Any kind of deviation from a strict normality scheme will typically be noted, then result in psychological examinations, then physical examination, and eventual treatment to manage the deviation. A pelvic exam with a thorrough inner urogenital and anal inspection will typically be done.
In some private schools all boys and girls will be subjected to such exams at specific age levels. I suspect this school did this with many of the children or even all of them, but without informing generally about it.
Surprizingly often the exam result in some kind of management of the genital and urinary functions of the child, like intalling catheter during night, and in some cases even have the child catheterized permanently for periods to help emptying of the bladder completely and to hinder sleep disturbanses or behavior deviations due to an incompletely emptied bladder.
What was called bladder dysfunction, could also be caused by problems with urination caused by uncontrollble erections, which is fairly frequent in boys when they enter puberty, or the sexual reactions of the boy was not tollerated by the parents or school.
It is therefore possible that the catheter had the purpose of calming down the sexual reactions of the boy by means of medication smeared onto the catheter or delivered through the catheter.
It is also possible that this catheterization procedure was used as a standard in this school for all boys that showed certain bahaviour symptoms, or even for all children as a general means of managing intimate behavior of the children during the preteen and earliest teenage period.
I wonder if this school was either a montessori school or a school where ballet or gymnastic was a special or big subject on the curriculum, since these kind of schools tend to use such kind of arrangement.
Knut Holt
Man, 70-79yo, North America, Cystoscopy combined with sigmoidoscopy
I had cystoscopy - I am male. The exam took place in North America, Year 2011, when I was 70 -79 years old.
Had cystoscopy in a health centre. Got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason.
Given enema at home before going. A doctor came, asked questions and explained. God lubricating and pain-killing fluid inserted in through the pee-hole.
They put a rigid stick-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They also inspected anus with a scope.
No special arrangements afterwards.
The reason was urinary infection. It was useful.
Cystoscopy and sigmoidiscopy that the man probably also had at the same time are simple procedures that do not require other anesthesia that some painkilling lubrication, and combined with a gentle approach, to hinder most discomort, if it is only for inspection, which this example shows.
Knut Holt
Girl, 16yo, Finland, abucted and tested with other kids at a hike to a sauna
I am female. It happend in Finland when I was 16 yo, at a sauna in a relatively remote area. I was going with several of my friends who were all teenagers or kids. After sitting in the sauna for a while, we went outside for a swim in the cold water, as usual.
I saw an alien-looking flying vehicle that approahced me. Also a boat came towards me. Some alien-looking being appeared by me, but I did not see where they came from.
I say it was a "boat"" but it was an alien craft of some kind, on the water. It looked totally unfamiliar. The aliens came out through a hatch and swam towards us. They were very fast and seemed to be aquatic in nature.
They carried me away. They floated me into the vehicle through a door. They also took with them other persons, kids, teenagers and adults, together with me.
They just grabbed us with their weird cold alien limbs and swam very fast, we couldn't break their grip. They got me and all my friends and took us inside. It was somewhat dark inside and very humid, and the walls were all ridged like siding on a house.
The preparation occured in the same room where I entered the vehicle.
They washed me. They emptied my bladder with a device covering my urinary opening. They emptied my colon with a device covering my anus. They let me sit waiting after the preparation at a sort of chair. When waiting I was strapped down, I had some device at my urinary opening to keep me empty and at my anus to keep me empty, and a mask over my mouth and nose.
I saw kids and teenage people being prepared together with me.
The steam in the air was very thick but it was cold. We were all already naked because we were swimming outside the sauna. Everyone else was being put into similar chairs with masks over their faces and equipment over their lower areas just like me.
They smeared a jelly substance over our groins, armpits, legs, and eyebrows and put what looked like seaweed over those areas, pulled it off and removed all the body hair. They left the hair on our head alone though.
I was kept in the same room as before before the tests.
They staged sexual scenes or handlings and tested my reactions. They monitored my reactions with devices at different body parts. They tested my reaction with devices at my pelvic area, genitals or rectal zone.
They put a large piston-like device at my vagina and it started ramming inside me hard. This continued for the whole ordeal. I saw something similar happening to other girls but I was too distracted to see what they did to males. I heard everyone making various sounds, lots of screaming. There were strips of seaweed-like material sticking to my body at different points, I think those were measuring things? There was also a cup put below my genitals collecting any fluid.
I was still in the same room
They looked at and felt on my head, face. mouth, eyes, ears and nose. They put instruments into my ears. They put instruments into my nose. They put instruments into my mouth and down into my throut. They put instruments through my mouth and all the way into my stomach. They put instruments through my mouth and down towards my lungs.
They touched all parts of my body with the seaweed strips and seemed to take measurements periodically. Then they would change my position and put them in new places. I had the piston pushing into my sex the whole time.
They looked and felt at my breast. They looked and felt at my stomach. They looked and felt at my back." At one point there were tiny suction tubes put on my nipples, but they took them off pretty quickly. The rest of me just got the seaweed put on it. There was a tight rope or cord put around my ribcage at one point and tightened til it hurt, then removed.
They looked at and felt at my limbs and joints. They tested my joints by bending, flexing, spreading and twisting my legs, arms, hands and feet in all thinkable direction.
They examined my limbs and joints in other ways. I was put into many different positions throughout. They also put a cord around my ankle at one point, they left this one on and tight for a long while. They attached a lot of the seaweed to the palms of my hands and soles of my feet.
They looked at and felt at my intimate area. They examined At the beginning there was some of the seaweed like material put into my openings but after that it was just the piston machine. It was in there for hours. They tried stretching me out, curling me up, folding in about every direction, but mostly on my back and on my stomach with legs dangling off the chair.
After my first orgasm, a piece of that seaweed was put on my clitoris and held there by one of the aliens. they left it there but didn't pay it much more attention after I had a second orgasm, and after that I didn't have any more, they just kept pounding that machine into my vagina.
I started hearing less noise and realized a lot of people were passing out. The tube on my mouth suddenly sucked out the air and I couldn't breathe. They put seaweed strips over my eyes so I couldn't see. I blacked out after a little while. All I could hear was gurgling sounds and something like frog croaking noises.
I do not remember how I got back, but I woke up at the place where they took me. I woke up on the shore with my friend rubbing me and trying to wake me up. Everyone else was there on the shore, some awake, some still passed out.
Like I said, we never had clothes on in the first place because we were swimming outside the sauna.
I felt tired and drawsy when I was back. I had headache after the ordeal. My joints and msucles were aching. I blead or had discharge from my vagina. I felt totally empty in my stomach as if all the contents in my intestines had been flushed out.
The younger kids seemed to be fine more or less, only us older teenagers seemed wiped out. Of course everyone was still missing their body hair and eyebrows, but it grew back. It was pretty traumatic but I didn't end up afraid of swimming, I just worried about going out too far that I couldn't swim back quickly if they came again. It was also very frustrating that most people didn't believe our story, but half our group refused to talk about it.
The story contains details you never hear about in the abduction stories you can read in the media. But other abdiction accounts I have, have similar details.
The big question is of the kids were abducted by real aliens, or by some government or supergovernment project.
The swimming beings behaved like navy soldiers. The flying vehicle could have been a drone they used to have oversight. The drone possibly also sent out waves that paralyzed the kids to a certain extent so that they were easy to capture.
The boat could just be some military kind of boat.
The story tells about children and teens being aqbducted, but adults were also metioned. Those adults could gave been doctors or nurses.
Nearly all the equipment told about are in standard use in health centers where kids are examined.
The pistonlike thing used in the vagina is something used on kids in certain scientific projects and is as such a standard device even though it is not used normally for examination and treatment.
The seaweedlike material seems to be something they used to absorbe secretions for testing in a laboratory. This is the only material I have never read about before.
It appears that there was anestetic gas in the air inside the boat so that the kid got in a sedated state as soon as they had entered.
It seems like the kids were then howd in a sedated state by gas they got through the mask, and later by tubes into their throut. But this is also a standard method for making kids cooperative in hospital settings. This state probably made the experience seem more alienlike than it was in reality.
One can never be sure, but likely the kids were abducted by a secret project for surveillance and experimentation on children and teens.
Knut Holt
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NAKEDNESS IN NORWEGIAN SCHOOL - Occations where children in Norway are inspected and handled nude -- Knuit Holt, 07:37:35 05/07/17 Sun
Nakedness in Norwegian Schools - Historic Account and Current Practice
By Knut Holt
In Norwegian schools, in the 1900es there were many daily weekly, monthly or yearly occations where children from 6-15 had to be naked, but there seemed to be differnces from town to town, between towns and rural areas and from school to schools. Here is an account of the practice of having children naked in certain primary chools in Oslo, the capital of Norway, in the 1960es and 1970es.
Each class had a gym lesson at least every second day. Before the lesson all children had to strip naked and put on the gym clothes. After the lesson, the pupils once more stripped naked, took a shower, dryed themselves and then took on their street clothes. All this happeend in a common area where everybody could see each other, and under the supervision of the teacher.
Each saturday each class had a wash hour. They had to strip naked in a clothing room and then go into the washroom. They then had to stand in a tub and wash every part of the body systematically. A lady employed at the school superviced the washing procedure and also teached the pupils about proper washing.
All children were offered swimming lessons in the age of 11. Those did not occur in the school, but at several swim baths in the town. At a couple of these, the children had to be nude during the lessons.
Each year every child had a general physical exam totaly nude in the office of the school nurse. 3 students were called down and had to take off all clothes under the supervision of an authority person employed at the school. Then the authority person followed each students into the adjacent exam room one by one while the other two sat waiting. Then all parts of the body were looked over and examined. Most years the nurse alone performed the exam, but at 7 and 14 a doctor performed the exam.
When the nurse performed this exam, she only looked at the genitals and had the children bent forewrd during the scoliosis test in such a manner that she could also see the rectal opening. The doctor palpated the testicles at 7 and made a hernia test at 14. The doctor also spread the genital lips of the girls to look at the uretral and vaginal opening.
At some localities in Norway all children had at least one extensive pelvic exam, both boys and girls in the age level 5-7 and 11-14, organized through the school system.
These examinations conformed to a protocol and practice taking place at selected localities also in USA and other countries allied to USA, and the examination seemed to be a part of an international surveillance program of children that at least partly was held secret for the common public.
The exam at the early age typically took place at a local hospital or health center. At the preteen age it typically happened at a special area in the school consisting of a room for preparation and recovery and an exam room. The child was called in by a letter from the school nurse. A parent took himher up to the preparation room. Here all clothes were taken off. The child had to pee and then lay on an examination table. Here the child got som medicine to fall in sleep and hinder much of the memory about the exam. Once in sleep the bowel of the child was flushed clean.
The child was then brought to the adjacent examination room. What happened here, was inspection of the urethra and bladder with a cystosocpe, internal inspection of the vagina of girls and inspection of the lower digestive tract with a sigmoidoscope. This is perhaps the occation where the nakedness was at the extreme, because the student had to lay with hisher legs spread in stirrups.
The child was then brought back to the first room to wake up and recover. The exam took quite a long time, fully 4 hours, and it seems that thay did two children each week. The exam was performed with a nurse and coctor coming from a health center and with the same authority person employed at the school to help.
The child was not told beforhand what was to happen. This exam began much like an ordinary school physical, and all children were used to be naked during these physicals, so the children did nor suspect much. The anesthesia which was adimistered by a shot took gradually effect and the more intimate parts of the exam took place when the anesthesia was in full effect. Also it seems that one used ample doses of numbing medicines in the body openings during the prepartions and that everything was done extremely cautiously so that the child should not feel any pain or symptoms afterwards.
Still children often could remember glimpses from the procedures. What most often was remembered were intsruments being inserted and that they lay totally naked with their legs widely spread. The medication that the children got, was however of a sort that made them mostly uninterested in the ordeals taking place, and uninterested in thinking and talking about things they remembered afterwards.
Those of the children that remembered something seemed to have the attitude that this was something necessary for all children to go through and not anything to question further about.
Nowadays the exam program is less standardized and each child is treated more individually. There are still exams in the school health service at specific age levels, but what is done at these exams vary much according to the need one thinks that the child has.
Parents and the children themselves get a lot of information material about these exams and when they will occur, but the material tells very little about the types of exams that might be done, it is like the school health service have a policy of secrecy.
Often teachers send children to the school health service for a special assessment if there is something of concern, and Norwegian teachers are very eager to look for deviations that give reason for some special concern.
Also the parents or the child himself can ask for an exam. After such an initial exam, the child is most often refered further to a hospital and health center for a more thorrough assessment. The assesments that seem to be most frequent are:
- Pelvic assesment, often under general anesthesia or deep sedation, with endoscopic inspection through the urethra, vagina and anus. Usually all these inspections are done, but not necessarily at the same session. The inspection through the anus will often be a full colonoscopy.
- Assessment of eyes, ears, vision and hearing.
- Orthopedic assessment.
- Psychological assessment.
- Neurological assessment.
Few Norwegian children go through their schooltime without being refered to at least one of these assessment types. If a child goes through a psychological, orthopedic and neurological assessment, heshe is likely to go through the endosopic pelvic procedures as the next step.
One of the most frequent concern schools, parents and child protective agencies have regarding children, is that the child is subjected for sexual abuse, being subjected to vieolence or to negelct. The Norwegion society alo defines these things very videly.
The Norwegian society has established a system of instiitutions that children are refered to if one suspects even vagely that some kind of abuse has taken place. What happens in these institutions is as followe:
- A general exam of the whoole body
- A pelvic exam including genitals and anus, with specimen taking from the intimate openings.
- Psychological assessment
- Interrogation of the child by policed agencies
- Research
Thee establishemnts have an examination room equipped much like a gynecological office.
By the examinations, pictures are taken of the body and pelvic area of the child and the authorities will keep these pictures for various use, including research.
It has been difficult for me to find out if anesthesia is ever used during these exams or inspection with endosopes are used in the urinary system or anus, but vaginal exam with speculum and other instruments occur.
I think, however, that more occurs than that decribed in open sources.
This link shows a picture of such an examination room:
By Knut Holt
For more interesting information about health, fitness and sexuality, please go to this page:
By the way, did doctors/nurses ever put you to sleep in a hospital, health center or even at school, and were not told what they did with you under the anesthesia, or you suspect more happened than the things that were told, pleace take this poll.
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Understanding Stress and Coping
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SGG -- No name, 21:25:29 05/08/13 Wed
Congratulations to our 2013 National Royalty!
You are all Simply Gorgeous!

Thank you to all Contestants and families that attended!
Mark your calendars now - April 25-27th for 2014! !
Always the last weekend in April!

Banner By: Glitter Banners
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*** Brand New 18M-2T Glitz Babydoll Dress Just Listed! 99 Cents! No Reserve! *** -- No name, 20:45:13 04/16/13 Tue
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SGG -- No name, 22:56:57 04/02/13 Tue
Simply Gorgeous Girls 2013 Grand National
April 26-28th in Pigeon Forge, TN

Many ways to win! Deadline is April 5th!
This is the last one so don't delay, only $45 to enter!
E-mail:gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com for your entry form or
it is available on our website at www.simplygg.com!
Results on April 8th!
::: www.SimplyGG.com :::

Banner By: Glitter Banners
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AGG/DD -- No name, 22:44:17 03/29/13 Fri
Join us for an awesome Doubleheader!

Compete in both pageants for only $140!!!
Beauty, Summer Wear, Side Awards, Photogenic and Optional Outfit of Choice.
Wonderful Awards, Gorgeous Crowns and so much more!
Don’t miss your chance to win both pageants, over 25 Prestigious Titles being awarded!
E-mail: aggohwv@yahoo.com for an entry form or it is available on our Dynasty Doll website at www.dynastydollsusa.com
Banner By: Glitter Banners
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SGG -- No name, 21:07:01 03/20/13 Wed
Check out this Simply Gorgeous Girl!
You could be the next National Ultimate Majestic Supreme!

Judged on 50% Facial Beauty, 25% Personality and 25% Overall Appearance
The simplest National that you'll ever prepare for and one that anyone can win!
Compete your age as of January 1st!
You asked and we listened, we will be adding a Talent Competition!
E-mail for more info. as it is not listed on our entry form!

Banner By: Glitter Banners
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Ends Sunday! -- No name, 17:47:57 03/16/13 Sat
::: www.SimplyGG.com :::

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SGG -- No name, 10:30:49 03/16/13 Sat
Deadline to enter is March 19th!

Click on the banner and visit our website!
E-mail: gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com for an entry form!
Great way to win fees off! Only $45 to enter!
Accepting Natural and Print Model Photos!
::: www.SimplyGG.com :::

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SGG -- No name, 08:11:47 03/16/13 Sat
Simply Gorgeous Girls 2013 Grand National
April 26-28th in Pigeon Forge, TN

Visit our website for your National Entry Form!
SGG is not glitz, not totally natural, we are back to the basics of Pageantry!
No experience required and No expensive attire needed!
Enter now and get your place in line-up!
Enter our photo contest to win fees off!
::: www.SimplyGG.com :::

Banner By: Glitter Banners
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Simply Gorgeous Girls -- No name, 20:15:14 02/09/13 Sat
Simply Gorgeous Girls
April 26-28th in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee!

The early you enter the more $$ you save!
Our $495 Simply the Best Package Deal ends on February 15th!
Send in your entry and $195 deposit to get your place in line-up!
Did you know we have 4 Supreme Divisions - 0-3, 4-7, 8-12 and 13-up!
New Novice Queen Titles this year in every age division!
If you have a Simply Gorgeous Girl, then we are the pageant for you!!
::: www.SimplyGG.com :::

Banner By: Glitter Banners
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AGG -- No name, 19:56:25 10/15/12 Mon
Don't miss all the fun and excitement at
The "Best Christmas National EVER"!
November 16-18th in Pigeon Forge, TN

If you haven't entered yet, what are you waiting for????
Santa's Elves have been busy wrapping 100's of Christmas Gifts for the
Christmas Event of the year!
It's not too late to enter but time is flying by so don't delay, get your entry and deposit in and
reserve your Christmas Stocking full of gifts!
Visit our website for your National entry form!
If you are a Gorgeous Girl and love Christmas, then we are the pageant for you!
Banner By: Glitter Banners
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Royal American Cuties -- Heather McGrath, 19:00:00 10/12/12 Fri
:: Royal American Cuties ::

February 16, 2013
Rossville, GA
HURRY! - the first 15 people that send in their $50 deposit receive
door optionals, novice supreme (can not have won more than $1000 in the past 5 years),
elite grand supreme, and overall ooc winner for FREE!
Deadline to enter is January 15, 2013!
$50 deposit required to hold your spot. Sorry, no door entries.
All 32 winners will recieve a 12 1/2 inch crown with purple stones
$5 Banner by Glamkids.net
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AGG -- No name, 20:26:13 09/05/12 Wed
2012 National Photo Contest - Deadline to enter is September 12th!

Need to win fees off!
Don't miss the September 12th deadline to enter!
Join us for the "Best Christmas National EVER"!
November 16 -18th in Pigeon Forge, TN!
Click on the banner and visit our website for your entry form!
Banner By: Glitter Banners
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AGG/SGG -- No name, 18:26:42 08/18/12 Sat
Join us in Richmond, VA!

We have some tricks and treats in store for you!
Join us for a fun filled day of pageantry!
Win fees off of SGG VA Open State and AGG Christmas Nationals!
It's going to be a Spooktacular Event!
E-mail gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com for you entry form!
Banner by Glitter Banners
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AGG -- No name, 01:24:06 07/14/12 Sat
All Contestants receive a Christmas Stocking full of gifts at AGG!
November 16-18th in Pigeon Forge, TN

Make plans now to join us!
Our National paperwork will be available on our website soon!
We have some specials coming your way so stay tuned!

Banner By Glitter Banners
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DD -- No name, 21:18:32 06/26/12 Tue
Dynasty Dolls USA National Photo Contest!!

Deadline To Enter Is July 4th!
Visit our web site www.DynastyDollsUSA.com for your entry form!!!
Click on the banner and visit our website!
Banner by Glitter Banners
July 20-22nd in Gatlinburg, TN

Compete in Natural or Glitz beauty, or both!
Your highest score will be used for your Supreme Total!
::: Elite Package only $595 :::
3 Ultimate Grand Supremes $4,000 Bonds
3 Glitz Beauty Grand Supremes and 3 Natural Beauty Grand Supremes
Level Supremes and Level Mini Supremes
Many ways to win!
Click on the banner and visit our new website for an entry form!
Banner by Glitter Banners
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DD -- No name, 23:18:43 06/14/12 Thu
Win your fees paid to our National Finals!
Photo Contest - Deadline to enter is June 14th!

Visit our new website: www.dynastydollsusa.com
Don't miss the June 14th deadline to enter!
Visit our website at www.dynastydollsusa.com for you entry form!
Banner by Glitter Banners
You're Invited To A Birthday Party & A Summer National You Don't Want To Miss!

Dynasty Dolls USA 2012 National Finals
July 20-22nd in Gatlinburg, TN
Make plans to join us for a fun filled weekend!
3 Elite Grand Supremes $4,000
1 Elite Face Grand Supreme $2,000
3 Glitz Beauty Grand Supremes $1,000
3 Natural Beauty Grand Supremes $1,000
9 Level Supremes $800
9 Level Mini Supremes $400
18 Beauty Queens - Glitz and Natural $200
Custom Crowns and so much more!
Visit our new website at www.dynastydollsusa.com
Vendors attending:
H/M by Mykel Bacca- Email: hottiesbymykel1@aol.com
H/M & Tanning by Sherri Potts- Email: sherrip0tts@yahoo.com
H/M by Madonna Durbin- Email: madonnahm@aol.com
H/M by Carolyne Kiser- Email: candego@aol.com
H/M by Dawn Majors- Email: varegalmiss@yahoo.com
Tanning by Sun Kissed Kuties- Email: toconfusd@aol.com
H/M by Wanda Tabor – Email: wandabeautymaker@yahoo.com
E-mail gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com and I will be happy to add you to the list!
Visit our website at www.dynastydollsusa.com for your entry form!
Banner by Glitter Banners
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DD -- No name, 20:34:22 06/12/12 Tue
Dynasty Dolls USA 2012 National Finals
July 20 - 22nd in Gatlinburg, TN

Don't miss the June 12th Deadline!
Enter the Elite Package for only $545 or
the Natural Package or Glitz Package for $395.
Make plans now for a Summer Vacation in Gatlinburg, TN!
Join us for a fun and exciting weekend and many surprises in store!
Dynasty Dolls USA - Be a part of our first National Royalty!
E-mail gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com for your entry form!
Our website will be ready soon!
Banner by Glitter Banners
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DD -- No name, 18:46:27 06/07/12 Thu
Win your fees paid to our National Finals!
Photo Contest - Deadline to enter is June 14th!

Website coming soon!
Don't miss the June 14th deadline to enter!
E-mail gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com for your entry form.
Banner by Glitter Banners
You're Invited To A Birthday Party & A Summer National You Don't Want To Miss!

Dynasty Dolls USA 2012 National Finals
July 20-22nd in Gatlinburg, TN
Make plans to join us for a fun filled weekend!
3 Elite Grand Supremes $4,000
1 Elite Face Grand Supreme $2,000
3 Glitz Beauty Grand Supremes $1,000
3 Natural Beauty Grand Supremes $1,000
9 Level Supremes $800
9 Level Mini Supremes $400
18 Beauty Queens - Glitz and Natural $200
Custom Crowns and so much more!
Website coming soon!
Vendors attending:
H/M by Mykel Bacca- Email: hottiesbymykel1@aol.com
H/M & Tanning by Sherri Potts- Email: sherrip0tts@yahoo.com
H/M by Madonna Durbin- Email: madonnahm@aol.com
H/M by Carolyne Kiser- Email: candego@aol.com
H/M by Dawn Majors- Email: varegalmiss@yahoo.com
Tanning by Sun Kissed Kuties- Email: toconfusd@aol.com
E-mail gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com and I will be happy to add you to the list!
E-mail gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com for your entry form!
Our website will be ready soon!
Banner by Glitter Banners
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DD -- No name, 03:12:29 06/07/12 Thu
Dynasty Dolls USA 2012 National Finals
July 20 - 22nd in Gatlinburg, TN

Don't miss the June 12th Deadline!
Enter the Elite Package for only $545 or
the Natural Package or Glitz Package for $395.
Make plans now for a Summer Vacation in Gatlinburg, TN!
Join us for a fun and exciting weekend and many surprises in store!
Dynasty Dolls USA - Be a part of our first National Royalty!
E-mail gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com for your entry form!
Our website will be ready soon!
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DD -- No name, 03:30:53 06/06/12 Wed
Enter by June 5th and receive $50 in Dynasty Dollars to use towards your fees!

Compete in Natural or Glitz Beauty, we have titles for both!
Bonds and Titles to be Awarded!
3 Elite Grand Supremes $4,000
1 Elite Face Grand Supreme $2,000
3 Glitz Beauty Grand Supremes $1,000
3 Natural Beauty Grand Supremes $1,000
9 Level Supremes $800
9 Level Mini Supremes $400
18 Beauty Queens - Glitz and Natural $200
Custom Crowns and so much more!
Enter by June 5th and receive $50 in Dynasty Dollars to use towards your fees. The Elite Package would only be $495! Don’t miss out, get your place in line-up! Wait until you see our Custom National Crowns!
E-mail: gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com for your entry form!
Like us on Facebook!
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National Pageant Dress and Swimwear -- ss, 23:21:47 05/28/12 Mon
~ Excellent Condition!!~

1)Gorgeous Swimwear available in sizes 5, 6, 7 & 8. Sizes 5 & 6 are new with tags. The size 7 was worn only once and in is in perfect condition. The size 8 is new without tags. It has never been worn. $39.99 shipped.
2) New Nancy Landers National Pageant Dress will fit sizes 5/6 - 7/8 slim 10. Comes with matching hairbow. $425 shipped.
EMAIL: jes2@optonline.net
Banner By:
We Get Your Items SOLD!!
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DD -- No name, 19:27:49 05/18/12 Fri
Join us in Gatlinburg, TN July 20-22nd

Compete in Natural or Glitz Beauty, we have titles for both!
Bonds and Titles to be Awarded!
3 Elite Grand Supremes $4,000
1 Elite Face Grand Supreme $2,000
3 Glitz Beauty Grand Supremes $1,000
3 Natural Beauty Grand Supremes $1,000
9 Level Supremes $800
9 Level Mini Supremes $400
18 Beauty Queens - Glitz and Natural $200
Custom Crowns and so much more!
Enter our $545 Elite Package for only
$395 for the first 20 entries!
Our Early Bird is over half gone so don't miss out!
There will not be a lower price offered!
E-mail: gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com for your entry form!
Like us on Facebook!
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National Pageant Clothes for Sale -- SS, 01:38:31 04/23/12 Mon
~ Excellent Condition!!~

1)Gorgeous Swimwear available in sizes 5, 6, 7 & 8. Sizes 5 & 6 are new with tags. The size 7 was worn only once and in is in perfect condition. The size 8 is new without tags. It has never been worn. $39.99 shipped.
2) New Nancy Landers National Pageant Dress will fit sizes 5/6 - 7/8 slim 10. Comes with matching hairbow. $425 shipped.
EMAIL: jes2@optonline.net
Banner By:
We Get Your Items SOLD!!
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SGG -- No name, 21:38:23 04/09/12 Mon
April 27-29th in Pigeon Forge, TN

2 Ultimate Majestic Supremes - $4000 Bond 0-5 & 6-up
4 Supreme Divisions 0-3, 4-7, 8-12 & 13-up
4 Majestic Supremes - $2000 Bond
4 Face Supremes - $1000 Bond
4 Mini Supreme -$800 Bond
4 Novice Supremes - $600 Bond
9 Beauty Queens - $300 Bond
9 Face Queens -$200 Bond
Compete your age as of January 1, 2012.
SGG is not glitz, not totally natural, we're back to the basics of Pageantry!
If you've not entered, what are you waiting for???
Vendors Attending and offering their services:
Kyglamsquad@aol.com or 859-583-9018
H/M by Sandi Henry – shenry38501@yahoo.com
Tanning by Kelly Kasey – choemack@yahoo.com>br>Hair/Make-up by Ashley Mason – mason182@sbcglobal.net
Hair/Make-up and Tanning by Aimee McBurnett – EliteTanning@aol.com or 678-986-2138
Hair/Make-up by Madonna - madonnahm@aol.com
Hair/Make-up/Tanning – Jessica Painter and Tammy Samuels – Jessica.Painter@jenzabar.net or 540-652-6213
Hair/Make-up by Dawn Majors – varegalmiss@yahoo or 540-460-7859
Hair/Make-up by Wanda Tabor – wandabeautymaker@yahoo.com or 276-494-2898
Donna’s Studio – Modeling with Ms. Ashley – supermodel1216@aol.com
We will be happy to add you to the list, e-mail gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com
Click on the banner and visit our website for your entry form!
Banner by Glitter Banners
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SGG -- No name, 19:59:43 03/27/12 Tue
It's Going To Be One Exciting Weekend!!
April 27-29th in Pigeon Forge, TN!

::: This Could Be YOU In 2012!!! :::
Don't miss our last Photo Contest to win fees off!
Deadline to enter April 2nd!
3 Ultimates will win their Package Paid!
E-mail gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com for your entry form!
Banner by Glitter Banners
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AGG -- No name, 23:12:09 03/23/12 Fri
2012 Christmas National
November 16-18th in Pigeon Forge, TN

"New" for 2012 .......
Beauty plus 1 highest optional = Supremes
New Christmas Theme this year!
Mark your calendars now and make plans to join us
for the "Best Christmas National EVER"!
Always the weekend before Thanksgiving!
Our National Paperwork coming soon!
Visit our website for more info. and your entry form.

Banner by Glitter Banners
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` -- No name, 23:55:44 03/16/12 Fri
Tonights Best FACE Wins $500 Cash
Got Great FACE?
Deadline Midnight Tonight
$500 Prize Paid Tomorrow
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SGG -- No name, 22:01:21 03/16/12 Fri
Simply Gorgeous Girls 2012 Grand National
April 27-29th in Pigeon Forge, TN!

Enter our Simply Your Package Deal for only $425
This Package includes the Registration fee, Beauty,
Interview, Casual Wear & Natural Photogenic.
Beauty plus 1 = Supremes
2 Ultimates to be crowned this year!
0-5 & 6-up $4,000 Bonds
We have 4 Supreme Divisions.
0-3, 4-7, 8-12, &13-up.
We have many Surprises in Store this year so don't miss out!
Our hotel room block expires on April 1st so make plans now to attend!
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SGG -- No name, 10:01:29 03/15/12 Thu
No Expensive Attire or Fancy Modeling Needed!
The Simplest National You'll Ever Prepare For!

Beauty plus 1 = Supremes
Compete your age as of January 1st, 2012!
We are looking for Gorgeous Faces without the glitz,
hairpieces, flippers, fancy modeling, back to the basics of pageantry!
It's so simple! Just a Gorgeous Face with a great personality and a neat, flattering overall appearance.
We are back to what pageants use to be!
Think Sweet, Simple and Stylish!
If this sounds like your kind of pageant then visit our website
www.simplygg.com for your entry form.
It's not to late to enter!
Banner by Glitter Banners
Simply Gorgeous Girls
April 27-29th in Pigeon Forge, TN

Many ways to win!
Click on the banner for your entry form!
This contest will not be repeated so don't miss out!
Accepting Natural and Print Model Photos! Only $17 to enter!
Deadline to enter is March 17th!
::: www.SimplyGG.com :::
Banner by Glitter Banners
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SGG -- No name, 02:11:42 03/10/12 Sat
SGG Is Coming To The North East!!!

Make Plans To Join Us April 7, 2012
In Harrisburg, PA!
North East Regional Easter Pageant!
Entry Fee Only $150!!!
:::: Ultimate Grand Wins $500 CA$H!! ::::
H/M by Jessica Painter - jessica.painter@jenzabar.net
Miss Desi - Beautiful Hair, Flawless Air Brush Make Up & Air Brush Tanning 443-567-9942
Hair and Make Up by Ashley mdnockouts@yahoo.com or 443-528-7297
Top Model Pageant Coaching by Ms Ashley mdnockouts@yahoo.com or 443-528-7297
Email gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com to be added to the list!
Click on the banner and visit our website
and to get your entry form!!!
Banner by Glitter Banners
April 27-29th in Pigeon Forge, TN

2 Ultimate Majestic Supremes - $4000 Bond 0-5 & 6-up
4 Supreme Divisions 0-3, 4-7, 8-12 & 13-up
4 Majestic Supremes - $2000 Bond
4 Face Supremes - $1000 Bond
4 Mini Supreme -$800 Bond
4 Novice Supremes - $600 Bond
9 Beauty Queens - $300 Bond
9 Face Queens -$200 Bond
Compete your age as of January 1, 2012.
SGG is not glitz, not totally natural, we're back to the basics of Pageantry!
If you've not entered, what are you waiting for???
Vendors Attending and offering their services:
Kyglamsquad@aol.com or 859-583-9018
Hair/Make-up by Ashley Mason – mason182@sbcglobal.net
Hair/Make-up and Tanning by Aimee McBurnett – EliteTanning@aol.com or 678-986-2138
Hair/Make-up by Madonna - madonnahm@aol.com
Hair/Make-up/Tanning – Jessica Painter and Tammy Samuels – Jessica.Painter@jenzabar.net or 540-652-6213
Hair/Make-up by Dawn Majors – varegalmiss@yahoo or 540-460-7859
Hair/Make-up by Wanda Tabor – wandabeautymaker@yahoo.com or 276-494-2898
Donna’s Studio – Modeling with Ms. Ashley – supermodel1216@aol.com
We will be happy to add you to the list, e-mail gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com
Click on the banner and visit our website for your entry form!
Banner by Glitter Banners
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SGG -- No name, 21:57:05 03/05/12 Mon
Simply Gorgeous Girls
April 27-29th in Pigeon Forge, TN

Many ways to win!
Click on the banner for your entry form!
This contest will not be repeated so don't miss out!
Accepting Natural and Print Model Photos! Only $17 to enter!
Deadline to enter is March 17th!
::: www.SimplyGG.com :::
Banner by Glitter Banners
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` -- No name, 23:43:36 02/29/12 Wed
Lots of new changes for 2012, don't miss out on this great national!

National Directors:
Angela Smith Phone: 606-526-9058
Email: beautifulmeproductions@yahoo.com
Lisa Boyer Phone: 573-382-1748
Email: girlfrnd55@hotmail.com
Dena Jackson Phone: 870-740-2759
Email: kdena72@yahoo.com
Facebook ID: Beautiful Me Productions
We Hope You Will Make Plans To Attend!
Banner by Sweet & Sassy Banners
...Banners are only $5...
Under The Big Top Kentucky Open State Pageant

Visit Beautiful Me Online @ www.beautifulmeproductions.com
Banner by Sweet & Sassy Banners
...Banners are only $5...
:: BEAUTIFUL ME NATIONAL ::June 1-3, 2012 Kings Island Resort Mason, Ohio

Banner by Sweet & Sassy Banners
...Banners are only $5...
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SGG -- No name, 23:01:30 02/14/12 Tue
Don’t miss the March 1st deadline for the $495 Simply the Best Package Deal!

NO Experience Required and NO Expensive Attire Needed!
We've added another Ultimate Majestic Supreme for 2012!
It's going to be a fun and exciting year with more Surprises in store!
SGG is not glitz, not totally natural, we're back to the basics of Pageantry!
Make plans now to join us April 27-29th in Pigeon Forge, TN
Click on the banner and visit our website for your entry form!
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AGG -- No name, 19:24:34 02/08/12 Wed
Last Photo Contest to win fees off – Deadline Feb. 13th!
Entry form is available on our website!

Beautiful Custom Crowns, Monogrammed Sashes and nice gifts for all events!
Bonds and Titles Awarded!
Grand Supremes - $1,000
Supremes - $500
Face Supremes - $400
Novice Supremes - $300
Beauty Queens
Supreme Package is only $245!!
Click on the banner and visit our website for your entry form!
Banner by Glitter Banners
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` -- No name, 04:22:05 02/02/12 Thu
Join Us For Our 8th Annual.....

February 19, 2012
Hosted By Mr. Tim Whitmer
:: Natural, Glitz, Teens & Adults! ::
Email: Ecusa@Live.com for Paperwork
EMAIL: Ecusa@Live.com CALL: (866) 539-3051
Banner by Glitter Banners
Join Us For Our 8th Annual.....

March 10, 2012: Natural Pageant
March 11, 2012: Glitz, Teens & Adults Pageant
Sheraton: Towson, Maryland
Hosted By Mr. Tim Whitmer
:: Over 60 Titles to Be Awarded!! ::
EVERY Contestant Will Take Home A Crown, Gift & More for Participating!
Email Us Today for Paperwork! Ecusa@Live.com
EMAIL: Ecusa@Live.com CALL: (866) 539-3051
Banner by Glitter Banners

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Brand New 2-3T White Glitz Swiss Dot Babydoll Just Listed. 99 Cents! No Reserve! -- No name, 19:11:14 01/22/12 Sun
Other dresses and sizes listed too. Check them out! Don't miss out on great deals!
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AGG -- No name, 20:54:28 01/21/12 Sat
Join Us For Our 2012 Mini National

Make plans now to attend!
Enter our Photo Contest to win fees off!
::: Deadline is January 25th! :::
Vendor's Attending:
H/M and Tanning by Jessica Painter and Tammy Samuels
E-mail - jessica.painter@jenzabar.net or call 540-652-6213
H/M by Dawn Majors varegalmiss@yahoo.com or call 540-460-7859
H/M by Wanda Tabor wandabeautymaker@yahoo.com or 276-494-2898
E-mail gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com if you would like to be added to the list!
Click on the banner and visit our website for your entry form!
Banner by Glitter Banners
AGG Mini National

Make plans now to join us February 25th
for our 11th Annual 1 day Mini National Pageant!
Here's your chance to win fees off!
This is the only photo contest being held so don't miss out!
Click on the banner and visit our Mini National website!
E-mail gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com for your entry form!
Banner by Glitter Banners
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Heartbreak Hotel Valentine's Day Pageant -- MEEC PAGEANTS, 11:09:59 01/16/12 Mon
~~~~~ MEEC PAGEANTS ~~~~~
****February 5th 2012****
Waynesboro, VA

3 Supreme Titles!!!!! Over 40 TITLES!!
LOTS of CROWNS & prizes:
Early Bird Deposit Deadline January 14th gets $10 off and Special Gift from Director
~~~~~~COMPETE for just $50!~~~~~
Website: www.meecpageants.webs.com
Paypal & Email for More info: Quansilla Goins, Director meecpageants@live.com
MEEC Pageants

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SGG -- No name, 22:07:14 01/14/12 Sat
We’re Celebrating The New Year
And We Have A “Special” Just For You! Ends January 31st!

Don’t Let this special pass you by!
Deadline to take advantage of this special is January 31st!
Join us April 27-29 in Pigeon Forge, TN!!
Make plans now to attend!
You and your Pageant Pal can both
enter the “Simply the Best Package Deal”
which includes ALL events on the
entry form and the registration fee
for only $450 EACH!
A $200 deposit holds your spot in line-up and only
a $250 balance would be due at registration!
You can make payments on the balance due from
now until April 15th if you wish to do so!
Vendors Attending and offering their services:
Hair/Make-up and Tanning by Aimee McBurnett – EliteTanning@aol.com or 678-986-2138
Hair/Make-up by Madonna - madonnahm@aol.com
Hair/Make-up/Tanning – Jessica Painter and Tammy Samuels – Jessica.Painter@jenzabar.net or 540-652-6213
Hair/Make-up by Dawn Majors – varegalmiss@yahoo or 540-460-7859
Hair/Make-up by Wanda Tabor – wandabeautymaker@yahoo.com or 276-494-2898
Donna’s Studio – Modeling with Ms. Ashley – supermodel1216@aol.com
We will be happy to add you to the list, e-mail gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com
Click on the banner and visit our website for your
National Entry Form!
Banner by Glitter Banners
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AGG -- No name, 22:30:38 01/13/12 Fri
Join Us For Our 2012 Mini National

Make plans now to attend!
Enter our Photo Contest to win fees off!
::: Deadline is January 25th! :::
Vendor's Attending:
H/M and Tanning by Jessica Painter and Tammy Samuels
E-mail - jessica.painter@jenzabar.net or call 540-652-6213
H/M by Dawn Majors varegalmiss@yahoo.com or call 540-460-7859
H/M by Wanda Tabor wandabeautymaker@yahoo.com or 276-494-2898
E-mail gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com if you would like to be added to the list!
Click on the banner and visit our website for your entry form!
Banner by Glitter Banners
AGG Mini National

Make plans now to join us February 25th
for our 11th Annual 1 day Mini National Pageant!
Here's your chance to win fees off!
This is the only photo contest being held so don't miss out!
Click on the banner and visit our Mini National website!
E-mail gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com for your entry form!
Banner by Glitter Banners
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SGG -- No name, 22:01:59 01/13/12 Fri
Did you know we have 4 Supreme Age Divisions???

2 Ultimate Majestic Supremes to be crowned this year!
0-5 and 6-up
4 Majestic Supremes to be crowned!
0-3, 4-7, 8-12 and 13-up
Beauty plus 1 optional = Supremes
SGG is not glitz, not totally natural, we’re back to the basics of Pageantry!
Vendors Attending and offering their services:
Hair/Make-up and Tanning by Aimee McBurnett – EliteTanning@aol.com or 678-986-2138
Hair/Make-up by Madonna - madonnahm@aol.com
Hair/Make-up/Tanning – Jessica Painter and Tammy Samuels – Jessica.Painter@jenzabar.net or 540-652-6213
Hair/Make-up by Dawn Majors – varegalmiss@yahoo or 540-460-7859
Hair/Make-up by Wanda Tabor – wandabeautymaker@yahoo.com or 276-494-2898
Donna’s Studio – Modeling with Ms. Ashley – supermodel1216@aol.com
We will be happy to add you to the list, e-mail gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com
Click on the banner and visit our website for your
National Entry Form!
Banner by Glitter Banners
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SGG -- No name, 00:45:07 01/06/12 Fri
Our National Paperwork Is Now Available On Our Website!

NO Experience Required and NO Expensive Attire Needed!
We've added another Ultimate Majestic Supreme for 2012!
It's going to be a fun and exciting year with more Surprises in store!
SGG is not glitz, not totally natural, we're back to the basics of Pageantry!
Make plans now to join us April 27-29th in Pigeon Forge, TN
Click on the banner and visit our website for your entry form!
Join us in Roanoke, VA!

Don’t miss the January 20th deadline to enter!
Make plans now to attend!
E-mail for your entry form.
E-mail gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com for your entry form.
Visit our website www.simplygg.com
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National Pageant Clothes for Sale -- ss, 07:05:22 01/05/12 Thu
CLOTHING FOR SALE All Prices Include Priority Shipping!
All Prices Include Priority Shipping!

PLEASE EMAIL jes2@optonline.net
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AGG -- No name, 21:11:38 01/04/12 Wed
Mini National Paperwork now available on our Website!

Beautiful Custom Crowns, Monogrammed Sashes and nice gifts for all events!
Bonds and Titles Awarded!
Grand Supremes - $1,000
Supremes - $500
Face Supremes - $400
Novice Supremes - $300
Beauty Queens
Supreme Package is only $195!!
Click on the banner and visit our website for your entry form!
Banner by Glitter Banners
AGG Mini National

Make plans now to join us February 25th
for our 11th Annual 1 day Mini National Pageant!
Here's your chance to win fees off!
This is the only photo contest being held so don't miss out!
Click on the banner and visit our Mini National website!
E-mail gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com for your entry form!
Banner by Glitter Banners
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` -- No name, 21:05:23 12/06/11 Tue
Southern Elite Pageants Presents...

A Preliminary To Our National Pageant December 10, 2012 In Disney World!
Join Us In Richmond, Virginia February 11, 2012!!
Valentine's theme, pink/red colors,
Perfect for your little sweetheart!
Cash Prizes For 3 Supremes!!!
Banner by Glitter Banners
Southern Elite Pageants Presents...

A Preliminary To Our National Pageant December 10, 2012 In Disney World!
March 24, 2012 In Dallas Texas!
Rodeo theme, cowgirl boots...Everything is bigger in Texas!!
::: Cash Prizes For 3 Supremes!!! :::

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` -- No name, 05:37:28 11/16/11 Wed
~ Leveled National Pageant!! ~

May 18th, 19th and 20th 2012 Kansas City, KS
::: OVER $50,000 IN BONDS!!! :::
Web: www.midwestmajesticpageants.com
Email: MidwestMajesticPageant@hotmail.com

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NATIONAL PAGEANT WEAR FOR SALE -- No name, 07:48:47 11/09/11 Wed
CLOTHING FOR SALE All Prices Include Priority Shipping!
All Prices Include Priority Shipping!

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AGG -- No name, 14:24:25 11/03/11 Thu
::: America’s Gorgeous Girls Toyland 2 Christmas National! :::

::: Some Important Information! :::
1) We will be offering an optional 2nd Outfit of Choice!
2) Christmas Party on Saturday night after competition, Santa will be attending!
3) If you have other Children (siblings) that will be attending but not competing
and you would like to order a Christmas Stocking for them too
contact Shelia by e-mail gorgeousgirls@embarqmail.com or call 276-646-5602.
Orders must be placed no later than November 5th!
4) Last day accepting PayPal is November 8th!
5) Lots of surprises in store for the weekend! Still accepting entries!
Click on the banner and visit our website for your entry form!!
Banner by Glitter Banners
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NATIONAL PAGEANT WEAR FOR SALE -- SS, 06:37:49 10/28/11 Fri
CLOTHING FOR SALE All Prices Include Priority Shipping!
All Prices Include Priority Shipping!

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AGG -- No name, 21:41:23 10/27/11 Thu
Kristin will be there and she hopes to crown you!

We are still honoring the $795 Package Deal which includes all events
on the entry form, the registration fee and all optional events!!!
It’s not to late to enter but time is flying by so make plans now to attend!
Several divisions with low numbers!
Sorry, no door entries accepted!
Click on the banner and visit our website for your entry form!!
Banner by Glitter Banners
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AGG -- No name, 01:05:04 10/22/11 Sat
You could be a Calendar Girl just like Courtney!

Each month there will be a different Calendar Girl in our
2011 Program Book which is a 2012 Calendar!
12 Winners will be our 2012 Calendar Girls!
Accepting Glitz, Natural, Composite and Print Model Photos!!
Click on the banner and visit our website for more info.
and an entry form. Only $45 to enter!!
Deadline to enter is October 25th and you must already be
entered in the National Pageant to enter this contest.
You can’t win if you don’t enter!!
Banner by Glitter Banners
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TEEN SPORTSWEAR NOW ON EBAY....99 Cents! NO RESERVE! -- No name, 20:21:28 10/16/11 Sun
~ Will Go Fast!~
2) Ultraloaded sportswear. Over 35 gross rhinestones. Worn once. Jr/Miss 10/12 NOW ON EBAY...99 CENTS!
3) **SOLD**
4) ***SOLD***
Please e-mail me if more pics are needed .
All Items Must Go!
Click on this link to go to auction:
Get Rid Of Those Unused Pageant Clothes:
And Make Some Summer Money!
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