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Subject: Re: scholarship

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Date Posted: 13:25:01 06/04/02 Tue
In reply to: Charlie 's message, "scholarship" on 21:20:20 05/28/02 Tue

As you know we voted on having a scholarship at the beginning of the year. At our May meeting we found that it was too late to get the forms so that everyone could vote on a candidate of everyone's liking (approval). We were planning to give the scholarship, no matter what (although I believe some people were reluctant), but this is something we've always done and I hope will continue to do during the lifetime of this club.

I asked if Brad would go to the school on Monday and see if there was anything we could do, since he also had a scholarship from the Eagles that needed to be taken care of. The person (I don't know her name) was busy and Brad could not see her. So on Wednesday the following week, just before graduation, the person called Brad and asked if we were still interested in giving the scholarship, Brad said yes, she asked to whom it should go, Brad left that decision to her. Basically this person could not have a mother or father working at any college, Good grades, attendance, etc... I believe it was awarded to Cassie Duncan and the scholarship was $300 dollars.

Hope that answers your question. Why weren't you at this months meeting we had a good turnout.

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