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Date Posted: 10:16:57 03/11/02 Mon
Author: Cracked
Subject: Re: Drugz and Shit
In reply to: CRACKHEAD Carter 's message, "Drugz and Shit" on 09:41:09 03/11/02 Mon

I already fucking typed all this shit but I accidently erased so I'm pissed off as shit. Our nation is a society with a very brainwashed culture. Abercrombie and Bitch, and Tommy Hilfucker are all that I see the kids of today wearing. Whate ever happened to being different or original? What happened to not dressing like an uptight faggot (non-literal usage for you p.c. fucks) who looks like the other 90% of teenagers. It all starts when we're kids. They try to make us obey "their rules," so we can fit in, and be part of a "perfect society." Yea right. This "perfect society," has a police force that shot a homeless black man stealing food for his starving family. This same "perfect society," will let a white man running across the lawn of the white house with a gun slide by and get off. This IS AN EXAMPLE OF RACIST NAZI BULLSHIT!! We spread our fucking globalized corporations

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