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Date Posted: 05:58:43 03/13/02 Wed
Author: Courtney
Subject: *Smiled at all the comotion*
In reply to: Amy and Zoe 's message, "they giggle at the dogs" on 20:15:38 03/12/02 Tue

Ok Ok oyu guys are hungry ok..
*She poures dog food in 5 bowls knowing the dogs would eat them soon,hopefully*
"Hey girls you hungry? We could always make some food for ya if you are!"

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[> [> [> [> *Hoped over to the girls almost slipping with his 3 legs*... -- Carter, 06:00:44 03/13/02 Wed

*He had come from the pool and was slipping everywhere bud never fell,he barked happily an dlicked thier fingers his tail wagged happily*
"I like little kids what about you Rylee?"

Rylee~Got over and trotted towards the girls and rubbed up against them he almost being as tall as they where he smiled*"Little kids ohhh thier great!!"

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[> [> [> [> [> several dalmation puppies who where 6 weeks old ran over to the girls.... -- Dalmation Puppies, 08:40:22 03/13/02 Wed

*Barking and climbing over one another just to smell or lick them barking with joy growling as one steped on the other*
"This is fun ma ma!" one puppie said
"OUCH your stepping on my ear! get off" another said
g help,l im f under h you g so m get m off!! he said in a muffled voice
"I licked her hand!" antoher said
"Wheres dad? another said
I dont know dont ask me im just happy we have soooo many friendds!! another said
"You bite my tail again and I'll pound ya! another said
"Your a disapointment to nature!" a girl said
"I cant see! I cant see let me see.the smallest puppy said he was the Runt of the litter and very small "I cant see anything
"Cause you the runt! one laughed
*The runt bite the ones tail and the one left him alone*
"serves you right! came 2 male voices and 1 female voice
"Good job Runt!"
Hey just because Im the only one that kinda has a name dosnt mean you can call me by it!"
*One jumped on the girls put good only reach thier thighs*
"Leet me threw ! *one growld ,it was a female and everyone moved for her to see the girls*
"Thank you!"
one said "shut up your not as big and bad as you look *and he tackled her*
"Yeah! another said and was about to fight the other while another said "She's top Pup here you listen to her!
"No way I wont!"
"Quite fighting one yelled"
*All the puppies were fighting or talking or looking at the girls*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> *She smiled at them, and then nudged them, calming them.* -- Dream, 15:15:08 03/13/02 Wed

"Kids, calm down. Your not making a very good impression! " *She barks at One.* "And especially you. Don't you ever call your little brother a runt! " *She looks at her harshly and then smiles. She picks up the runt in her mouth, by the neck gently and places him at the twins feet.*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> *She walks to Carter supporting him, by nudging him slightly.*>> -- Dream, 15:18:16 03/13/02 Wed

*She walks to the kids, hobbling. She barks and licks Zoes fingers and then licks the other twins leg.*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> *He skids into the room, spinning a 360 turn on the floor.*>>> -- Smokey, 15:22:33 03/13/02 Wed

*He walks to the girls, like he is drunk, because he is dizzy. He trips over his front feet and falls face first. He whines and then gets up embrassed.*

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[> [> [> [> laughs at Smokey -- G, 18:03:22 03/13/02 Wed

she walks up to him, "you hungry?.come on lets go eat.
hey carter,you wanna eat or what?"
she trots over to her food bowl and starts eating.

Escort~he goes to the dalmation puppies and sniffs them
Major~goes next to G and eats the food.

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[> [> [> [> [> Thanks G! *Licked her and joined her eating* -- Carter, 12:45:25 03/14/02 Thu

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