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*She looks up and then frowns. Another pup comes out.* -- Dream, 15:43:29 03/19/02 Tue
Name: Freeze
Breed: Great Dane/Border Collie
Sex: Male
Color: ALL white. He is gonna be small like his mother and look exactly like her, except she is white.
Per: Great with little kids, romps around a lot.
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*Barks at the pups and licks them*..... -- Rylee, 11:00:32 03/20/02 Wed
Pups are sooo fun!
I know Dream this isnt real fun for you
*Snickers,then yawns* Man its been 2 hours and oyu only got what 4 5 pups out? Put a step on it will you *Smiled and nudged her telling her he was only joking*
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*3more puppies come out*.... -- Courtney, 06:21:59 03/24/02 Sun
Color~Corby Brown,looks tall but has his mothers face
Personanality~Funny,Joking,Cute,Goofs off alot
Color~All white,Looks exacly like her mother has rarley an Great dane in her
Personality~Sweet,Flirty,Playful,Funny all the time,dosnt really stand up for herself that much.
Color~Brown with a black chest and belly has spots on her ears,she is meduim hight ,2 inches bigger then her mother,smaller then her dad
Personality~Sticks up for everyone,Bullys around,Likes to be in charge,Strong,Good fighter.
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(Dream Are you here?)....*Licked the pups as more came out*... -- Rylee, 12:31:06 03/27/02 Wed
Color~Identical to his mother looks exacly like her
Personality~Dosnt like Fights,But will sitck up for his family,Sweet guy,Talkative
Color~Alll Dark chocolate brown Big Paws,Floppy Ears,Pink Nose with white dot on it,Has long fur like his mother
Personality~Strong,Built,Likes kids and anyone,will get physical if he must!
Color~All white with really long white fur she has a black front right paw.
Personality~Dosnt like fights,Serious,Has powers to make wind when mad,she is strong but dosnt use it much.
Color~Black/Brown,Black nose ,white muzzle and head whole body is black exept head and tummy and tail
Personality~Ne normal Pup! Fights,Plays,Friendly,Dosnt like kids much!
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(Yea! Sorry, I had stuff to do!) +She smiles and licks the pups.+ -- Dream, 14:39:51 03/27/02 Wed
"How are we to keep track of all of the pups?" +She smirks.+
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