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Date Posted: 12:04:27 05/23/07 Wed
Author: Vaughn
Subject: Re: Telekom hauntings
In reply to: jr. 's message, "Re: Telekom hauntings" on 11:16:35 05/23/07 Wed

>there's a difference in my mind between nihilism and
>reform. Do we want to destroy cycling as a sport or
>do we want to remake it as a cleaner sport? I don't
>see forcing out every rider who ever used PEDs as the
>only path to reform, because then there would
>apparently not be anyone left. If the current mindset
>of fans and sponsors is that any PED use past or
>present justifies a lifetime ban, disqualification
>from team management, etc., then there will be no
>professional racing as it is recognized toady. If the
>sponsors dump teams making efforts to clean up, then
>they will be dumping all teams. If the UCI and the
>teams council don't start coming up with some plans
>for reforms, for damage control, for a path forward to
>redemption even if a person has a speckled path, there
>will be no cycling. There won't be enough money for
>anything but some local teams doing crits pretty much
>funded out of their own pockets. Maybe as a
>"sporting" event that is the best future. But how
>many of us truly want cycling events such as the gran
>tours to virtually disappear from the mass media
>market where we have access to them (even as limited
>as it is).
>The confessions are starting, the omerta is breaking,
>now who has the plan to keep the ship from sinking
>with the rats?
Brilliant post...
Time for a plan of amnesty, time to give it up, get honest pay the price and move on.

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