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Date Posted: 16:00:48 05/23/07 Wed
Author: ludwig
Subject: Re: Walter not only knew, he bought the stuff
In reply to: Roots and vegetables 's message, "Re: Walter not only knew, he bought the stuff" on 14:48:30 05/23/07 Wed


I was talking tongue and cheek--of course no one is going to be outraged.

But need I point out that the I-don't-understand-the-morality-of-these-cheaters" claptrap is exactly what we get out of the deniers, including Landis and Hamilton. And it is usually the easily deceived fans who exude the most bile at riders who admit to drug use or even talk about drug use.

>Can't you get it into your thick skull that EVERY
>major team was doping to some extent in the 1990s. And
>that EVERY major team has been doping to some extent
>in the 2000s. There may be a few riders who have never
>broken the WADA code but it is probably a small
>number. That's the reality. That is why none of the
>riders have ever really objected to any one caught
>cheating. This is also happening in all American
>professional sports, in track and field athletics and
>... well, it's a huge phenomenon world wide.
>So don't start off on this "cheating" business and
>pointing an individuals. Even the few clean riders
>benefited from support riders who doped. For crying
>out loud, Greg Lemond rode for the dirtiest team of
>its day and even if he never took anything he
>shouldn't have (yeah, right!) he benefited from the
>performances of doped domestiques.
>Everyone is compromised. End of story. And it is only
>people riding bicycles, for crying out loud!
>>>If the entire Telekom/T-Mob team was doped to the
>>>gills during the Riis/Jan years, how likely is it
>>>Postal and later, CSC raced cleanly all those years
>>>and yet were able to get the better of them?
>>This has become a rhetorical question.
>>I can't wait for the press releases from the clean
>>DSes and athletes who had to lose to these "cheaters".
>> They must be outraged.....

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