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Date Posted: 13:35:54 03/12/02 Tue
Author: Jamie/Stone Cold
Subject: RAW Results!

Raw exploded onto the air for just the second time with a huge pyro display as the fans were welcomed by Jim Ross and Jerry, The King, Lawler. As the Raw theme ended Vince McMahon’s began and the chairman made his way out to the sounds of disrespect from the WWF fans. Vince ignored the jeers and stepped into the ring. Vince addressed Ric Flair, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H, talking about the little alliance that they seem to have going. He put it down to the fact that both Ric and Austin were getting to old to get by on their own any more and that Helmsley was there to make sure they got around okay without falling over. He said that he didn’t care whether they were working together or not, and that this had always been HIS company and Ric Flair was invading on his territory. He said that one way or another he would get the SKE back all to himself again. Which brought him on to another topic: the mysterious letters and phone calls he had been receiving. He said that he was taking action against Ric and his desperados. He wouldn’t give any more clues, simply stating that he would call it a “deal with The Devil”. Before McMahon could continue he was interrupted by Motorhead’s Time To Play The Game as Hunter Hearst Helmsley stepped out under the ‘tron with his own mic. Triple H said he could get by just fine on his own, he just wanted a piece of Vince and appreciated that Austin and Flair were on his side. Hunter then told McMahon that he’s formed a little kliq of his own with Angle and Regal. However, whereas The Game had teamed up with the two biggest ass kickers in the history of sports-entertainment, McMahon had team with the two biggest ass-kissers. He said he didn’t care about Austin’s motives, or even Flair’s motives, he just wanted any chance to beat the hell out of Mr. McMahon. Triple H left it at that with Vince yelling at him that after Wrestlemania, neither him, Austin or Flair will ever cross Vincent K McMahon ever again.

The first match of the night saw Chris Jericho facing Goldust for the IC title. Neither men were fan-favourites as they made their way out to the ring. Both men began a stare down after the bell before Jericho start trash talking the Bizarre One. Goldust slapped Jericho across the face and both men began to battle it out. Jericho attained control first, dropping Goldust with a high flipping drop-kick. The Living Legend then threw the IC champion outside and bounced his head off the ring steps several times before throwing him over the safety barrier and into the fans. Y2J then rolled back inside before being counted out, starting the count over. By the count of 5 Goldust was still out among the fans. Jericho assumed he had won and began to parade around the ring with his arms raised. As the ref reached 9 Goldust came charging back into the ring, clobbering Jericho in the back of the head with a stiff forearm before backing him into a corner and pummeling him with lefts and rights. With Jericho dizzy The Bizarre One propped each of Jericho’s legs up on the ropes and stepped back, preparing to deliver the Golden Globes. Goldust came charging in but Jericho suddenly dove from his resting place, between Goldust legs, catching him by the ankles and rolling him into a pinning position that he just managed to kick out of. Y2J took advantage of Goldust’s dizzied state began to deliver a beating for a second time. Goldust was floored with a bulldog, giving Y2J the opportunity to hit him with the Lionsault. Jericho didn’t take the chance to pin however, instead he grabbed Goldust by the legs and began to set him up for the Walls of Jericho. As Jericho turned him around Goldust mustered the strength to kick him away, sending him out to ringside. Goldust decided he had had enough and left the ring to collect a chair from ringside, not knowing that Jericho had had the same idea. Both men re-entered the ring brandishing steel chairs as the ref warned the both of them. Jericho gestured that he’d give the chair up but as the ref turned to warn Goldust, Y2J clobbered the ref with the chair. The Bizarre One was ready for the Living Legend’s swing, and both men went for the attack at the same time, knocking each other flat on the canvas. After what seemed like an eternity an official decision was made for a double DQ, and Goldust retained the IC championship.

Kurt Angle and William Regal were seen backstage talking about their match later on in the night against Rob Van Dan and Edge. William seemed worried about the match but Kurt assured him that it would be fine, after all, they were only up against RVD and Edge, and neither of those two were Olympic gold-medalists. Regal agreed but continued to fret until Vince McMahon entered to wish them luck. He said that there was no need for them to worry since, as Kurt had said, neither RVD or Edge were anywhere near their league. Plus he had a good feeling since Ric Flair had been too chicken to show up at the arena that night, that everything was gonna go his way. He left the room singing “My Way” to himself as Kurt said he’d told Regal so.

Austin was seen in his locker room looking impatient. He sat drinking a beer and eating a bowl full of lima beans until he was distracted by the clock on the wall above him ticking loudly. He sey the beans aside and looked at the clock, then his watch, then the clock. With every tick of the clock he said “What?” before realising that his watch was slow. He looked at the clock again, then his watch, then the clock, before saying “Are you sassin’ me?” and picking up the beans, which he promptly put down and ignored.

The next match of the night was a triple threat match for the SKE Women’s Championship that pitched Chyna, Trish Stratus and Stacy Keibler against each other. Chyna completely dominated both woman as the match started out, hurling Stacy over the top rope within seconds before sending Trish after her. Trish breifly took care of Stacy on the outside, sending her crashing brutally into the ring steps, before sliding back in and standing up to the Ninth Wonder of the World. Trish did as best she could against the bigger, stronger Chyna and was successful for a time, backing her into a corner and sending her down to the mat with continuos boots to the gut. But as Trish backed away Chyna stepped up and took her out with a blow worthy of a heavyweight boxer before going for the cover. Stacy was there to break it up however, but quickly slid out of the ring being chased by Chyna. Stacy kept backing away from Chyna as she was pursued around the ring before finally sliding back inside. Stacy decided on a change tactics and got ready to fight. Chyna charged her but Stacy leapt out of harms way and Chyna collided with the turnbuckles with enough force to almost send her completely over and out to ringside/. Chyna lay on the canvas, winded as the ref began to count. Trish was getting to her feet but Stacy delivered a swift kick to the ribs that left her down. Keibler then stepped outside and collected a steel chair, much to the shock of The King. She climbed inside but the ref threatened to disqualify her. Stacy lowered the chair and began to make eyes at the ref who had difficulty resisting her. Suddenly Trish rolled Stacy up from behind and the ref got a 2 count before Stacy kicked out. An enraged Stacy tried to slap Trish, but Stratus caught her with a boot to the gut. Trish was suddenly turned around by Chyna, who clamped her hands around her waist, hauled her up and power-bombed her flat onto the canvas. Chyna raised her arms, a mistake that gave Stacy the chance to hook and arm between her legs and roll her into the pin to get the three count. Stacy Keibler took the SKE Women’s title. The ref hadn’t seen Stacy pulling on Chyna’s tights to keep her down.

Michael Cole caught up with Rob Van Dam backstage for an interview. He asked RVD about his match later with Regal and Angle, and what he thought about teaming up with Egde. He said he liked Edge fine, and he didn’t really care about Regal or Angle, cos everything’s cool when you’re RVD. Cole asked if he felt threatened at all by Mr. McMahon. RVD just shrugged. Cole asked about what he thought about losing his Wrestlemania spot to Triple H on Smackdown. Again RVD just shrugged. Cole asked him if he was concerned about anything at all. Once again RVD just shrugged. Suddenly Van Dam was jumped from behind by William Regal. Regal rammed RVD’s head into a nearby car-door before sending him crashing through an enormous stack of boxes. Regal then dug RVD out and slammed him on the concrete before pulling a pair of brass knuckles from his jacket. He waited for Van Dam to stand but suddenly heard someone call his name. Regal turned to be Speared right into the side of a truck by Edge who had just been arriving at the moment of the attack. Regal high-tailed it as Edge helped RVD to his feet. Edge asked if he was okay, RVD said he was cool since Regal didn’t mess up his pony-tail.

The third match of the night pit Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin against each other for a place in the Wrestlemania main event against Kurt Angle. Both men were cheered on their way down to the ring and both men looked confident. Triple H started the match with some technical maneuvers not seen in a while. Both men went through various different pinning positions and reversals, each one met with applause from the crowd. Austin swayed things to a more basic level after taking time out to listen to his watch (which he wasn’t actually wearing at the time) and then charging out of the corner into a Lou Thesz Press. Austin and Triple H proceeded to brawl with each other, providing equal competition. For a while it was difficult to see which way the match was going until Triple got a huge advantage by flipping Austin over the corner post and sending him crashing into the ringsteps outside. Hunter followed him, bouncing his head off the steel before throwing him into the safety barrier. Triple H landed several hard knees to Austin’s forehead, opening up a fresh wound. With Austin busted open Triple H battled him towards the announcer’s table before taking time to slide in and out of the ring to break the ref’s count. On his way back Triple H was taken by surprise when Stone Cold took his legs out from under him. Austin hooked Hunter’s feet under his arms and slungshot him face-first into the ring post. The Rattlesnake then grabbed HHH by the hair and dragged him into the ring. Austin made a cover but The Game kicked out. Austin yelled WHAT? at the ref several times before turning around into a hard slam by The Game. Triple H made his own cover but Austin too kicked out. Both busted open and bleeding they continued to fight, each trying anything to weaken the other enough to keep him down for three seconds. Neither man could seem to do enough as the other kept kicking out. Triple H caught Austin with a facebuster and then set him up for the Pedigree, but again Austin flipped The Game onto his back and threw him like a slingshot, sending Triple H throat-first onto the top rope. Triple H turned and Austin booted him in the gut and attempted a Stunner, but The Game pushed him away. Austin came back off the ropes to be met with a clothesline from HHH. Again Triple H tried for the Pedigree, but this time Austin stoop, flipping Triple H over his head and onto his back. Austin dropped several elbows on The Game before going for a cover, but once again Hunter kicked out. Stone Cold grew increasingly frustrated and distraught, rubbing a hand over his head and yelling WHAT? at the fans over and over again as they yelled back. When Austin turned HHH went for a boot to the gut to try for a Pedigree once again , but Stone Cold grabbed his leg and spun him around. Austin went for his own boot on the turning Triple H but this time Helmsley did the same to him and attempted to set him up for the Pedigree, only to be spun around for a second time. This time Austin landed the boot and drilled Triple H with a Stone Cold Stunner. Austin covered Triple H and got the three count. Stone Cold Steve Austin is going to Wrestlemania. As Austin’s music played he called for a beer from ringside. As Austin cracked it open he turned to see Triple H slowly stumbling to his feet. Austin called for another beer and handed it to The Game. The two men toasted to Wrestlemania and downed their beers in mid-ring.

Ric Flair spoke to the fans from WWF New York. He said that Vince could make as many threats as he wants but he wasn’t going to scare him into submission. He said that the SKE was his to, 50% ownership and that it was a joint venture and if Vince didn’t like it then he would have to sell the other 50% to the dirtiest player in the game. The limousine-ridin’, jet-flyin’, kiss-stealin’, wheelin’-dealin’ son of a gun, who’d kissed all the girls and made ‘em cry-The Nature Boy, Ric Flair-WOOOOOO!!!!

Following Ric’s speech Vince made his way out once again. He said that he needed to show the fans that he wasn’t as yellow as Ric Flair. He said that the end of Austin and HHH’s match had made him sick. He said their display of sportsmanship was out of place in HIS company and that he wanted strong, competitive wrestlers on HIS roster. He said that he wanted to show Triple H what real competition was. He said how for the last few weeks Ric’s little group had done all they can to intimidate him but that he wasn’t going to take any more. He said that the main person who had tried their hardest to crack him was Triple H, so he offered Triple H the chance to really break him-in a no holds barred, no DQ match at Wrestlemania! Vince offered Triple H to come on out and sign the contracts that he had with him to face the co-owner in the ring. The Game obliged and stepped out to sign the papers, his head bandaged from earlier in the night. He told Vince that he had to admire his guts for walking out and readily getting his ass kicked by The Game. Vince assured Triple H that he was in for a very unpleasant surprise. Triple H merely smiled and said that Wrestlemania meant Game Over for Vince McMahon, before booting the co-owner in the gut and driving him face-first into the mat with a Pedigree.

The main event put the team of Kurt Angle and William Regal against Rob Van Dam and Edge. Regal and Angle were both met with boos from the fans which were silenced when they took the match. Angle repeated what he’s said earlier about neither RVD or Edge being Olympic material, let alone Olympic GOLD material. He said that neither of them possessed the charm nor the intelligence of William Regal either. Regal thanked Kurt but was cut off before he had the chance to speak by Rob Van Dam’s music. RVD received a huge pop from the fans, as did Edge who followed soon after. The match started out with Kurt Angle facing off with Edge. Angle took Edge down to the canvas and began pummeling him with a vengeance. Edge managed to pull himself away from the crazed Olympian and catch the charging Kurt with a drop-toe hold sending him face first into the bottom turnbuckle. Edge went to work on Angle while Regal continually tried to step in when the ref’s back was turned. Each time William wasn’t quick enough. Angle finally took advantage of the ref’s back being turned with a low blow but as he went for an Angle Slam he was taken out from the apron with a swift kick to the back of the head by RVD. The ref turned to see Edge making a cover but Angle managed to kick out, RVD’s kick proving too little too soon. Edge caught Angle with a spear only to have Regal jump in and break up the tag. Edge than tagged in Rob Van Dam who took over on the gold medalist, eventually sending him flipping over the top rope. RVD then charged Regal, taking him off the apron and sending him face first into the security barrier. Meanwhile Angle pulled Edge off the apron to the outside and bounced his head off the ring steps before throwing him into the fans. Angle then quickly slid into the ring whilst the ref was scolding RVD on attacking Regal and tripped him, locking in the Ankle Lock. RVD screamed in pain but Edge couldn’t help him and all he could reach for was a smug looking Regal. With a sudden burst of strength RVD flipped Angle over himself and rolled him into a pin. Kurt managed to pull out at the last second before quickly tagging in Regal. William entered and was immediately charged by Mr. Pay Per View. After clobbering Regal into a corner RVD limped back and prepared for the Van Terminator but Regal moved and Rob’s injured leg met with the turnbuckles. Regal took full advantage and put the boots to the hurting Van Dam, rolling him out of the ring. Regal turned to see Edge on the apron and then goaded him into stepping inside. Edge moved to take the challenge but was stopped by the ref. As Regal watched RVD slid back in and surprised Regal with a roll up pin but the ref only pulled a two count. Limping, RVD continued to dominate the match, kicking Regal all over the ring before finally tagging Edge back in. Edge took the fight to Regal until Regal sent Edge down with a stiff clothesline. Regal then produced a pair of brass knuckles and the ref was on him like a shot. As Regal insisted they were for arthritis the ref didn’t see Kurt slip away from his corner and grab a steel chair from ringside. Kurt folded the chair and quickly took RVD off the apron with it. He then assaulted Van Dam’s leg once again before taking the chair back around to his corner. Regal finally gave up the brass as the ref turned to see Kurt dropping the chair. The official turned to Kurt and Regal to his chance, hitting Edge with a low blow, followed by a Regal Cutter. Kurt pointed to the pin and the ref counted three. Kurt and William celebrated as the crowds booed when suddenly a heavily bandaged Austin came charging down the aisle. He took Regal out with a clothesline to the back of the head and caught a surprised Angle with a Stunner. He turned and stalked Regal who was slowly getting to his feet-another Stunner. As Austin talked trash to both unexpected music suddenly it. The Big Show came walking down the aisle towards the ring with a purpouse. He stepped in and towered over Austin who looked up without fear and yelled WHAT? Big Show turned away, but suddenly turned back, grabbing Austin by the throat and chokeslamming him almost through the ring. The crowds booed until he grabbed both Regal and Angle, lifted them by their throats high above his head and slammed them both down onto the mat. Standing over three fallen wrestlers the Big Show raised a hand and bellowed mightily as Raw went off the air.

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