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Date Posted: 17:24:19 07/03/00 Mon
Author: Breeze
Subject: Flood

She walks over a hill and into the valley. It begins to rain. She moves lower to get a drink. She watches as the water slowly rises up her muzzle. She pulls her head out of the new stream. She howls and barks, warning all wolves in the area to MOVE OUT NOW!! She growls slightly, running down the hill dashes into all the areas a wolf would live in the valley, finding no one. She howls one last time as the water moves up to her knees. She runs as fast as she can to get out before she swims. Water starts pouring over her head. She does one last bark as water goes over top of her. She struggles, finally making it to the hill. She gasps for breath, and water pours into her lungs. She leaps, and with one quick bark of pain is pulled under. She pleads that someone will help her before her time is up. She holds her breath longer yet, being pulled deeper. She washes the currents of the waves as she sturrgles to get up. She hopes no one was caught in this flood. She stops struggling, relizing that there is no hope as she drops slowly to the bottem of the forming lake. If only she could hold her breath longer...

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