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Date Posted: 06:58:25 01/11/21 Mon
Author: Irish Jim
Subject: Jerking off on a publice street in front of little girls is a hanging offence!!!!
In reply to: NYPD news 's message, "The seven five star Mike Dowd's brother FDNY firefighter arrested for exposing himself!!!" on 07:54:47 01/10/21 Sun

Now that's some deviant shit, if it was my daughters I'd cut this sickos dick off!

Found the full story...

The firefighter brother of an infamous cop has been charged with acting lewdly in front of two teen-age girls as they walked to their Manhattan school, authorities said.

Timothy Dowd, 36, grabbed the girls’ attention by licking the window of the van he was in, then masturbating, police said.

Dowd’s brother is rogue cop Michael Dowd, who is serving 14 years in federal prison for taking tens of thousands of dollars from narcotics dealers in Brooklyn.

The teens, 13 and 14 years old, reported the May 5 incident, which occurred at East 20th Street and First Avenue, two days later to officials at Baruch HS, where they are students, police said.

They gave police the license-plate number of the van, which was traced to a Suffolk County lighting company for which Timothy Dowd moonlights, police said. He was near First Avenue because he had made a delivery for the company, cops said.

Timonthy Dowd, a 12-year veteran assigned to Ladder 154 in Jackson Heights, was busted Monday and charged with public lewdness and endangering the welfare of a child, said Barbara Thompson, spokeswoman for Manhattan DA Robert Morgenthau.

Authorities said they also plan to charge him with performing the same act in front of a group of high school girls in Long Island City, Queens, on March 30.

Last October, Timothy Dowd allegedly exposed himself to a 31-year-old woman at Suffolk County Community College. He pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct and agreed to seek counseling, police sources said.

He was allowed to keep his job, sources said, because he was charged with a misdemeanor, not a felony.

Timothy Dowd, who is separated from his wife and has two children, was suspended without pay, Fire Department spokesman Mike Regan said


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  • I don't GAF how often we post about this because anyone with children living near this sick Dowd needs to be WARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- MeznoktoZ, 10:21:12 01/11/21 Mon
  • Try knocking on doors -- Rateye, 17:20:20 01/27/21 Wed

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