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Date Posted: 13:11:50 01/03/25 Fri
Author: Irish Jim
Subject: Is the clitoris a female penis?? does it pee or cum?

A female penis?
The clitoris has also sometimes been seen as a female penis, largely due to a phenomenon that we may refer to as “biological homology,” which refers to the fact that all fetuses are born, as Emily Nagoski puts it, with “all the same part, organized in different ways.”

This is also why men — who, unlike women, will not need, or be able, to express milk and breast-feed babies — have nipples.

They still develop nipples, however, because they — like pretty much all body parts — are preprogrammed in the earliest stages of embryonic development.

In other words, men and women actually mirror each other physiologically to a very great extent.

And this is how the clitoris develops; it and the penis are homologues. Nagoski explains how this happens during very early development in the womb.

“About 6 weeks after the fertilized egg implants in the uterus, there is a wash of masculinizing hormones,” she writes.

“The male blastocyst (a group of cells that will form the embryo) responds to this by developing its ‘prefab’ universal genital hardware into the male configuration of penis, testicles, and scrotum. The female blastocyst does not respond to [this] […] and instead develops its prefab universal genital hardware into the default, female configuration of clitoris, ovaries, and labia.”

While the penis and the clitoris are homologous, however, the penis plays several roles — erotic, reproductive, and excretive — while the clitoris performs only one job: that of creating erotic sensation, which may lead to orgasm. Why might that be?

According to Nagoski, the female orgasm is a “byproduct” of biological homology, and so it should be celebrated as a fantastic bonus.

“Male ejaculation, with its close tie to orgasm, is crucial to reproduction,” she explains. “As a result, orgasm is embedded on female sexual hardware, too.”

But some researchers believe that the female orgasm may not always have been “a bonus.”

Instead, they think that, similarly to male orgasm — which coincides with the release of semen — female orgasm may have stimulated the release of ovules.

For instance, the authors of an articleTrusted Source that was published in 2016 in the journal JEZ-B Molecular and Developmental Evolution found that immediately after orgasming, women experience a hormonal surge that, in the modern human, has the effect of improving the mood.

But the substances thus released in the body, the scientists say, are not unlike those released in the bodies of other female mammals such as rats during intercourse, stimulating the release of eggs that can be fertilized.

In humans, ovulation is a spontaneous event, independent from intercourse. But the authors of the aforementioned study hypothesize that, at some point in our evolutionary past, we may well have functioned like other mammals, and female orgasm may have stimulated the release of ovules.

Now, orgasm has persisted as a pleasurable evolutionary legacy, without the reproductive association.

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