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Please remember folks.....i'm forced to remove any posts with profanity.I can't go in and just edit them, so they have to be cleared. Say what you feel, but please keep it within the board regulations.I'm not here to keep you from saying what's on your mind, but I have guidelines that I stick to regardless.I want your thoughts here, but keep the profanity out of the posts. Thanks Ya'll : ) Steve R WELCOME to the HOTRODSHACK MESSAGE BOARD. This forum was created to give Car people a place to discuss things, ask questions, plan get-togethers,sell parts, buy parts,give advice, and all that car stuff. Have fun, and respect each others opinions, and choices. Thanks Everyone! Steve R.
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Welcome Folks!! I Hope we can all enjoy this board, and gain from it. Feel free to post at anytime. I will allow no profanity, and no fighting. Remember.....from time to time we differ in opinions, and that's ok. Have Fun.....Be Safe!! Steve R
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