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Date Posted: 18:55:18 03/05/02 Tue
Author: Sam Kimpton
Subject: Purpose of this forum

A word about this forum.

The Longstanding message board of the 3/505th PIR (Airborne Historical Association)is being handled on a remote server owned by Bravenet Internet Services. On Saturday 2 March it was discovered that the Bravenet system had been the object of a cyber attack. At least one of their servers had been hacked into.

Since that time Bravenet Internet Services terminated public access to their servers in order to conduct an investigation into the extent of the security breach and any possible damage to their system. In other words all services, including our forum, site counter, and the WWII Living History Webring (of which we are a member) have been unavailable for our, or anyone's, use.

Bravenet anticipates being back in operation within a matter of days, however this can be an eternity in the world of the Internet. We have recieved a number of e-mail messages from valued contributors to the message board expressing concern over the inaccessibility of the forum.

Please be encouraged. The message board is alive and well.
Bravenet has provided a good service and our position is that we will stick with them. This forum was created to serve as a back-up to the one on Bravenet. When they resume normal operation the links to their services on the website will be re-established.

In the interum this forum will fill the need for us to communicate. Its our assembly area and its time to "Roll up"!

Sam Kimpton
3/505th PIR (AHA)

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