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Date Posted: 15:55:56 03/07/02 Thu
Author: Shara
Subject: Re: Shara
In reply to: Ilona 's message, "Shara" on 13:38:22 03/07/02 Thu

Hey girl...

The place where the posting boards are located apparently had their systems tapped into by an unauthorized user and they disabled access to their site from the public while they double check their systems to make sure no valuable information was taken in the process. I got an e-mail from them today and they said they hope to have their public access sections back up to the public by the end of the week. They said they knew it would take several or more days because they had a lot of things to check out with their security features before allowing people to log back in to their site. While that was going on, the server that our website is located on was also having some troubles for a couple of days (which is why the entire Winfertility website was not working) and i fixed that problem by moving the website onto another server (not all pages of the website are there right now- but the most important ones are)

Until the posting board server will allow us to access the old posting boards i am stuck with these boards that arent nearly as cool and efficient, but i had to do something because i hated that everyone couldnt keep in touch.

As for how things are going on around here- very hectic. We're still finishing the nursery and we are hoping by early next week to be able to put up the crib and armoire and stuff so i can get all of the baby things in it before she gets here. My baby shower is on Saturday and i will be so glad to have it over with because its been very stressful planning everything for it, luckily my mom is hosting it and helping out so much. It wont be long now.

As the next couple of weeks unfold i probably will not be around as much (i know i havent been around much as it is) because my due date is 3 weeks away and i need to devote time to everything i have to get done and then i'll need some time to recover and get a schedule with the baby before i can devote time back on the boards. I'm pretty confident that once our old posting boards get back up that there shouldnt be any technical troubles while im gone...

Thanks for asking about me! I read about your decision to choose donor eggs and i've been keeping up with your situation and i think thats a great idea. You'll have a much greater chance of a successful outcome that way and i think its awesome that you've weighed out all the pros and cons about it. It wont be long now and i'll be asking about you over here!

Shara ;)

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