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Date Posted: 06:03:16 03/13/02 Wed
Author: Jennifer
Subject: mkt paper

Hi guys. Monday in class Professor Attia went over what he wants in the paper. Here's what he said:

-small history of the company (what they're selling, how they're ranked against other similar companies, their mission)

-talk about their traditional sales, and % of sales from trad. stores and online

-how the company perceives the future of the online commerce, how they integrate online and tradtional stores (such as can you return items bought online to stores)

-competitve website analysis

-cross-cultural differences (are they selling to different countries online? if so how are they dealing with return policies, different sizes, etc.)

-small SWOT analysis for the online store

I think that most of us were doing something just like this. I'll do the history, with an intro and conclusion. This paper is due the Friday that we get back from spring break-April 5th . If everyone has their part done by the Monday that we get back, I can take everyone's disks and put the paper together-if that's okay with everyone. Just write back and tell everyone what part you're doing. Thanks.

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