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ok, for those of you who can't figure out how to see digitz pictures...go to the home on SCRAPBOOK...then click on ANY name in the little box that comes up (IT REALLY DOES NOT MATTER WHAT NAME YOU CLICK ON), another box will come up after you click on a name. Then on that box scroll down to EVENTS. On the EVENTS section scrolle down to 2002, then find DIGITZ IN A THONG. Click on that and if you still don't see the pictures then it is a user problem.
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I have been gone too long! -- Leslie in New Braunfels, 12:48:44 07/10/02 Wed
I used to listen to JB and Sandy a few years ago and then we moved to Laredo. I am back now and have really been enjoying hearing them again. I was pleased to know that got his own show on the weekends--I remember when he was just an intern! And I really like the new gal Debbie. But I have not heard a word about Bridget! Can anyone tell me what happened to her? Thanks!
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PLEASE QUIT PLAYING THIS SONG -- STephanie, 12:38:43 07/10/02 Wed
Please quit playing (over and over) that ..."amber is the color of your energy..." song. It's horrible!!!!!!!!!!
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Baby Jack -- Amanda, 10:20:43 07/10/02 Wed
Hey! It's been awhile since we heard Baby Jack and his cute
little voice..
Could you please play him singing his "God Bless America"?
Thanks I enjoy listening to you guys abd Debbie in the mornings..
We listen to you on the way to school and work..
Thanks and keep up the great work!!
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Debi -- Dan, 07:01:32 07/10/02 Wed
Just for Debi leaving the "Rock Job", she really needs to let me take her to lunch! Kind of miss her coming to the office. I do have to admit, it is great to listen to you guys, however with Debi you've reached a new high.
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Supermouth -- Jay, 05:54:41 07/10/02 Wed
Debbie sounds much better American. Tell her to keep practicing.
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Digitz Booty -- Cat, 17:23:34 07/09/02 Tue
Digitz booty is NOT bootylicious, hella jiggily lookin' oooh and that thong had me rollin' too weak!!! Got to give it up fo' him though, a good sport.
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Where are you? -- Super Dave, 14:55:25 07/09/02 Tue
I started working days and now have lost touch with you. When did you leave the DFW Area? I surely miss all the bantering you did each morning.
I found your web page so at least I can listen to you there. But, where is Bess? Did she move to another station or get married? :)
Keep it real!!!
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junior love doctor -- Jarret, 11:57:06 07/09/02 Tue
JB and Sandy, I love your show and try to listen every morning, however I am a bit concerned about the junior love doctor bit, being that Ryan is only thirteen. I don't feel that it is appropriate to encourage him to such lengths of sexual indiscretion for simply comedic purposes. Over the months that he has "appeared" on the show he seems to have developed quite a love for himself and a very shallow outlook on relationships and women, or in his case girls. I know I sound preachy but I think this warrants consideration for his sake. Sorry for the sermon. On a different note, Debbie was by far the right choice for supermouth. Thanks, your devoted listener, Jarret. P.S. I'm not a woman and I'm not gay. HAHA
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I've lost touch -- Cori Janette, 16:02:31 07/08/02 Mon
since i dont set my alarm-radio to jb and sandy anymore due to the summer time, i have totally lost track of jb and sandy. o well i guess ill wait till august to get back in gear-- JB AND SANDYS SCHOOL YEAR ADMIRER
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Thong boy I must see -- Sandra, 08:29:54 07/08/02 Mon
I am trying without any luck to see Digit's assets.. Please help!! :)
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FUNNY -- Barbara, 07:03:31 07/08/02 Mon
You guys are great, don't get a complex
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Catch me up to day -- Jennifer Stanfield, 22:30:21 07/06/02 Sat
I have been on maternity leave and totally out of the loop since I don't drive my car to work anymore and haven't listened since March (I know, shame on me since I have listened to JB & Sandy since they came to Mix in '95 or '96). I have two questions: are you back in Austin? And what happened to Bess and Tim?
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congress bridge -- laxstaraca, 17:11:06 07/05/02 Fri
Can anyone tell me where to go to see the pics of Digits walking across congress bridge? Thanks guys!
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Bored on the 5th of July -- Jennifer, 05:50:42 07/05/02 Fri
It's the 5th of July... It's STILL raining... And I am at work! Pah!
Listening to recycled JB&Sandy with Rubyhorse... Guys with accents! Yummy! I could listen to them talk about their toe jam and taxes...
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Tour de France -- Kris, 17:52:16 07/04/02 Thu
I know JB is a cyclist. Are you planning any JB & Sandy Tour de France parties in support of Lance??
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Best Restaurants in Austin -- Penny, 15:39:38 07/03/02 Wed
Looking for that list you guys were going to come up w/ on the best restaurants in Austin. Can you post it on your website. thanks
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supermouth -- Greg, 08:35:23 07/03/02 Wed
is it just me or does debie look alot like bess?
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Scarab at Devil's Cove -- DD, 08:26:26 07/03/02 Wed
Hey guys,
First of all I LOVE YOU GUYS!! And second of all I have looked everywhere to find info on that boat sinking at Devil's Cove. Can you help me out?
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Debi -- Suzanne, 05:38:48 07/03/02 Wed
Congrats on the new job - glad it was you that won. I knew JB & Sandy would do the right thing. Lovely to hear an english accent again. Nothing better than a lovely cup of tea and a couple digestives in the morning. Best of luck.
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Underdog -- Dennis, 20:03:33 06/29/02 Sat
I was watching a rerun of Scrubs (not my choice) when I heard the Underdog Theme being sung as part of the show. Now I can't remember the words and the song is in my head...good grief!!! I need to know the words. Help
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digits -- clarissa, 14:20:09 06/28/02 Fri
hi JB and Sandy,
I am curious about digits. he sounds really sexy and he is also very funny. i am dying to see a pic of him!!! please please post one of him! i envision him as tall, hispanic and hysterical. am i right?
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"Digits" -- Teri, 07:08:54 06/28/02 Fri
I know how Steakboy found his way on the JB & Sandy morning show -- being a summer intern, and of course we all know how Debi got on -- winning the Supermouth contest, but how did Digits get on the show?? I'm not complaining at all, I think he's a great addition just curious.
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Re: NEED TITLE/ARTIST TO THIS SONG -- Teresa C., 06:04:52 06/28/02 Fri
re: "...There is a song they play on the station that goes like this---"I want to run through the halls of my high school. I want to scream at the top of my lungs!" Does anyone know the title or artist of this song? I love this song!!!! Thanks in advance,
Brenda, that is John Mayer. He is an awesome singer, and not to mention adorable! His album is called, "Room for Squares", I believe. Hope that helps...
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FREE PHONES BY SUBJECT -- MOMMA E., 19:01:52 06/27/02 Thu
I love listening to free phones, but today's free phones for the "old Austinites" was B O R I N G. Those folks could not get a clue when J.B. & Sandy kept saying "you guys don't have to tell us about Austin, you are just the people we are accepting for free phones today". Well, DUH... Now, I did like the Volkswagon free phones - that was cute. How about these for free phone ideas: people attending college for the first time in their 30's(+); pet peeves (teeth sucking would be my #1 peeve); favorite inexpensive places to take a date; scuba diving; worst blind dates; things to tell a telemarketer (my favorite is tell them to hold on just a sec. - put the phone down - and leave them holding for 15 minutes, then hang up). By the way - Deb is awesome! I cracked up when she trashed her ex about his bedroom etiquette! YOU GO GIRL...
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Digits -- Carrie, 14:25:56 06/27/02 Thu
Please, please put up some pictures of Digits on the website. I would really like to know what he looks like, especially after the game ya'll played this morning. I must admit, it didn't paint a pretty picture of him, but I bet he's not all that bad. However, I would really like to put a face to the voice. He's hilarious (as you all are). Thanks so much for the laughs on the way to work. It gets my day going.
Loyal listener,
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Debi the great! -- Tara, 11:29:52 06/27/02 Thu
I think that Debi aka Supermouth is doing a great job. JB & Sandy's show makes my 45 minute trip from South to North Austin much more bearable! Thanks Debi, JB, & Sandy for all of the laughs!
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Local Talent Alert -- Bekah, 09:06:48 06/27/02 Thu
There is an extremely amazing talent in our mists. He is currently play on Sunday nights at a place called Trophy's on S. Congress. His name is Ryan Desiato, and he is a real treat to the music world. You should check him out on Sunday if at all possible. I know you guys and gal are always speaking of the local talents, and this is a chance to witness a newcomer before all the political hoha comes into play. Let me know what you think after you see him.
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Need Title/Artist to this song!!!! -- Brenda, 06:53:01 06/27/02 Thu
There is a song they play on the station that goes like this---"I want to run through the halls of my high school. I want to scream at the top of my lungs!" Does anyone know the title or artist of this song? I love this song!!!! Thanks in advance,
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Contacted by a male in unusual way -- Rosanna, 13:56:09 06/26/02 Wed
I'm a loyal listner since ever, I've been living in Austin since 83. This morning You were talking about unusual contacts by males. A man track me down for 12 years thru "find a friend" or something like that, no luck. then he tried,I had signed up under my HS, and he tried to e-mail me and no luck (for him). Thru a mutual friend that I e-mail on classmates, he found me and made contact! That was in April of this year, since then we e-mail every day and speak on the phone frequently. Last time we saw each other was 1975!! YES, 1975!!! we were 15 !
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Ginger -- Jimmy, 20:21:49 06/25/02 Tue
I like listening to you all in the morning on the way to work, Debbie is a great addition to your show, she is funny and the accent charming, but I sure miss that soft sweet sexy voiced Ginger.
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RubyHorse -- Samantha, 20:19:08 06/25/02 Tue
Thanks so much for putting out the word on Rubyhorse - went to the concert and they rocked the house! What a great bunch of guys...
JB and Sandy you guys are the best Austin morning show and Debi is a great addition, love her sense of humor )
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Where can I find you ??? -- Caroline, 13:02:33 06/25/02 Tue
Im from Dallas and was wondering if there is any way that we can listen to you from here? And if so can I PLEASE have the station. I really miss you guys here in Dallas. Thank you
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Debra -- Vikki, 09:11:58 06/25/02 Tue
I just wanted to say that I have been a mix listener since 97. All I can say is "It's about damn time to have a woman on the show that can straighten you guys out". Na! I'm just kidding. I think that picking Debra was the smartest move you two guys could ever make. Debra is a hottie and she puts a little more life to your show. Thanks for the new addition.
Loyal listener
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Rubyhorse -- Kiki Stapleton, 06:28:56 06/25/02 Tue
What a great concert! Truly memorable.
These guys are awesome. You could tell their hearts were really in their music. They gave it their all.
I really beleive that the night will be a big turning point in their career.
Thanks for playing their music and supporting such a great band.
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something that might interest you -- paul harrod, 05:19:45 06/25/02 Tue
i have been meaning to write you guys for a while now when i heard all of you guys play music that you never get to play on the air last week and it gave me a great idea. i wanna know if my brother can come and play "live" on your show. i know that is pretty forward but he is worth it, trust me. i know and every who has "ever" heard him play knows that he is a "star" and i say that with the utmost of confidence. the only thing holding him backed is laziness. wouldnt you like to know that you helped get him discovered. he has had an album of about 13 or 14 hits for 6 or 7 years now and i cant wait on him any longer. it doesnt bother him at all to play for someone or millions of someones either. well, this is the only way that i know how to get ahold of you guys, think about, i PROMISE you can not be disappointed, you, your show, and the listeners will love him
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cheats for grand theft auto 3 -- Daniel Farr, 05:17:20 06/25/02 Tue
me and my soon to be wife love your show and i heard you guys liked GTA3 so i thought i would send you some cool cheats
weapons:R2,r2,L1,r2 left,down,right,up,left,down,right,up
health: r2,r2 L1,r1, left,down,right,up,left,down,right,up
the tank: circle 6 times,r1,L2,L1,triangle,circle,triangle
change costume:right,down,left,up,L1,R2,up,left,down,right
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Great choice on Super-Mouth -- Jose Angel Lopez Jr, 03:59:23 06/25/02 Tue
Debi sounds great and seems to mix with you two well.
I'm glad I got to here her first before I saw her pics.
Otherwise my vote for her would have been totally based on looks. No, really she makes a great addition. can't wait to see what happens next year. Will she continue on the show, will there be somebody new, will she get her own show....
we'll just have to wait and see. Don't mind my ramblin's.
It is almost 6am. One more hour and I go home from work. Great show guys, you get better all the time.
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what station -- A.Z., 12:59:46 06/24/02 Mon
i live in fort worth but i really miss jb and sandy and i was wondering what the station was that they r on in austin cuz i got a really good radio so now i can listen to them i just needed to know so someone please help!
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smash mouth -- shawn, 20:12:44 06/22/02 Sat
I wanted to say Great Job Deb im glad you got the job
i listen to you all every morning .JB and sandy you made a great choice in Deb :)
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supermouth -- Amy, 08:14:29 06/22/02 Sat
Yeah for Debbie!!!! She is an awesome addition to the show. She creates a whole new dynamic that is so fresh! Not that I didn't like the show before...Thanks, guys.
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name -- Vanessa, 13:11:24 06/21/02 Fri
does anyone remember the formula for your "porn name", "rock name", and "star wars name". i remember a while back jb and sandy had talked about this.
PS: congrats to Debi, best wishes to an already great morning show.
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Free CATS and KITTENS -- Ripleigh Love, 09:43:06 06/21/02 Fri
Congrats Ms. O'Keef for being the new side kick. I'm here posting a message for free cats and kittens because I'm in a serious delima. I live in a duplex in the nmorthside of Austin. We found kittens that had been dumped and took them in and are trying to find homes for them. Those cats are now a year old. Just before we went to go have them fix two of them gave birth now we have nine week old kittens. I would keep some for myself but I already own two cats. PLEASE if you know anyone htat wants cats have them e-mail me or call me @ 257-8316 and ask for me or Shannon Love. We have only three weeks before I have to brakedown and take them to the shelter. Thanks Austin.
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Texas baseball -- Lori, 20:47:19 06/20/02 Thu
Hey Sandy i know your a HUGE sports fan, and JB i think you are also. Just you think the Horns can win it on Sat?? Hook 'Em!! Congrats Deb!!
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supermouth winner -- jacey, 13:14:36 06/20/02 Thu
I think that Debi is a great choice for Supermouth. I think in a lot of ways she reminds me of Bess, but with a cool accent. Anyways congrats Debi...You were definatly the best choice.
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Congrats to New Supermouth winner Debbie O'Keef! -- Lemuel, 09:52:19 06/20/02 Thu
Hello all!
I think you r show is great and have been a listener for years. I want you to know how pleased I am with your decision to have Debbie as your new sidekick. I have enjoyed listening to you every morning, yet find myself laughing all the more whenever Debbie was on with you.
What a truely wonderful personality you have added to your show. She seems so natural and at ease, intelligent and naturally funny. Well done!
Thank you JB & Sandy for being good natured and secure in your own talent (you two are the best morning show out there!) and recognizing and allowing a newbie to share and add to your forum.
Debbie, you said the other morning that you only wished you could could live up to all this praise. You have!
the very best to you all and I know it is going to be a great year! You (all of you on the show)give us all a much appreciated "shot in the arm" boost of laughter, charm and genuine sincerity. Also, your "songs we love that will never get airplay" picks were great! Is there any possibility of making that a regular or semi regular segment of the show?
ok, blah, blah, blah...
thanks again!
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devil's cove -- Tracy, 07:25:00 06/20/02 Thu
I just heard the tale end of the scarab sinking at devil's cove? I've been out of town and wanna know the scoop. -Lake Lizard
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Tiger Woods story... -- Friend of Myra's, 07:14:16 06/20/02 Thu
It was not Tiger & Earl that Myra gave a ride to, it was 4 guys from the foundation. They suggested she interview for the position and when she went to the interview it was with Earl, Tiger and Tiger's girlfriend. (And she was making $150 every 2 weeks)But, they did like the fact that Myra was not STAR STRUCK by their presence.
Friend of Myra's
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congratulations debbie -- ande rasmussen, 20:18:00 06/19/02 Wed
Dear JB Sandy and Debbie,
JB and Sandy
man what a hard decision
they all were great
Debbie, Congratulations on your win.
i look forward to hearing you in the morning
Ande Rasmussen
PS Debbie I suggest you get a good accountant
to discuss and figure out
how you are going to pay income taxes
on all those cool prizes you won
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Great Pick for Supermouth! -- KT, 19:32:08 06/19/02 Wed
Was very happy to hear Debbie O'Keefe picked as your new sidekick. I was rooting for her from the beginning and was hoping she would get the job. She fits well with both you guys and seems to hold her own without being too overwhelming.
The Morning Show has been my wake up call for these last several years and remain a fan despite the horrid slump that was the Dallas Year. So, congratulations to Debbie. I'm looking forward to hearing her over the next year.
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Eh...sure, ok -- Tyler Durden, 17:36:13 06/19/02 Wed
Debbie seems pretty good for Supermouth, but I'm betting that after a month or so, the trendy British accent and the comparisons of "things in America" versus "things in Britain" will both wear a bit thin.
I have been listening to the show for the past couple months, and you guys are the best. People always look at me funny as I drive to work in the mornings because I am laughing my butt off while listening to y'all!
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No Surprise here... -- Supermouth, 17:19:52 06/19/02 Wed
Ok, so I'm glad Debbie won...she's witty and funny. But...what was the big suspense? EVERYONE knew a long time ago that it was going to be her. Why did you guys have to drag it on so much? I don't think it was fair for the other finalists to be in suspense. I'm sure they were thinking the same thing but probably had some hope. Anyway guys...I stopped listening during the contest because it got so boring and predictable. But now that it's over, I'm going to give it another chance. I think that the finalists should have received some kind of consolation prize or something for making it that far.
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CONGRATS DEBBIE! -- Diane, 16:14:15 06/19/02 Wed
YEA! I am sooo glad Debbie got the supermouth job - she is going to be so fun to listen to in the morning ) She is so adorable and has the greatest sense of humor. My whole entire office was rooting for Deb - and we are celebrating!
Bring on the pot noodles - Deb's in town lol )
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Special Songs -- David, 10:41:46 06/19/02 Wed
Can we get a list of each of the "Special Songs" from today's program?
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Yea Debbie! -- Michele, 06:57:23 06/19/02 Wed
I was the next Michele to talk to you today, but cut for commercial break. So glad it's Debbie! Congratulations! Debbie is a natural and her sense of humor is spontaneous and fresh. Great show, love it! I'm still a loyal listener! May see you at Carlos and Charlies on Friday!
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Congratulations, Debbie! -- Steve, 05:11:54 06/19/02 Wed
Not only are you very funny and witty, but you're a major hottie :-).
Are you seeing anyone :-) ?
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You guys are awesome -- Catherine, 18:06:46 06/18/02 Tue
Hi guys! I just wanted to say that noone makes me laugh harder at 7:00am in the morning than you guys. I wake up with ya'll blaring in my ear and as I crawl out of the bed I am chuckling! I am in graduate school at SWT but live in Austin. The drive is boring but listening to your show makes me laugh outloud, everyone I pass on the road thinks I am nuts. I just smile at them and wish they were having the same experience. I enjoy listening to you, you truly make the start of my day exciting! Thank you for the laughs.
P.S. Good luck with the Supermouth decision, it will be a tough one.
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Supermouth -- Cindymac, 14:13:28 06/18/02 Tue
I don't know why, but just hearing her say "Pontoon boat" had me rolling, not to mention the "tao of pooh"....She seemed the most natural of all the finalist...I really hope she is THE choice!
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Supermouth -- Kathy, 13:26:22 06/18/02 Tue
I don't understand why they didn't just go ahead and announce today, we all know it's Debbie.
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table manners -- jill, 06:31:27 06/18/02 Tue
hey guys i was listening this morning and i wanted to share this little bit of rotten table manners, one time my parents and i went to a really nice restaurant and my dad blew his nose into a cloth napkin. ooooohhhhh it was so gross and i will never be the same, i can't use cloth napkins any more! gross!!!! oh an di love you guys !!! that goodness you are around
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Robin's the One!!!!! -- Addie, 13:23:14 06/17/02 Mon
Robin will make a great Supermouth winner! She is witty, fresh and sounds like a lot of fun! A Texas homegirl who has been a regular listener to your show should be rewarded for such dedication to your station!
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Way to go Chris!! -- Preston, 05:57:52 06/17/02 Mon
I thought Chris did a great job. She certainly has that Austin flare. I think she would be an awesome addition to the show. Way to go Chris!!!!!!!
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Julie Rocks -- Meaghan, 08:06:33 06/16/02 Sun
I think that Julie did and awsome job, she was funny and I really enjoyed listening to her, Debbie is great, but I would really like to put a good word in for Julie, she rocks ,and should be the one for the job!!!!Oh, and Cris just annoyed the daylights out of me, just her tone of voice wans't fun. It just seemed like she was trying to hard to be cool or funny or whatever.
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supermouth -- Meredith, 21:51:46 06/15/02 Sat
i want debby to win you go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I want Debby to Win you go girl -- Meredith, 21:49:51 06/15/02 Sat
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Supermouth -- Melissa, 19:16:52 06/14/02 Fri
First of all, I really enjoy your morning show. Second, I have to say that Debbie would be a great Supermouth. She is very funny and I love her British accent, especially when she jokes about the Osbournes (which by the way is a great and funny show). Debbie also seems to be charasmatic and down to earth. Finally, I hope she becomes the next Supermouth. Thanks.
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Choose DEBBIE for SuperMouth -- Lori, 18:52:42 06/14/02 Fri
Hey Guys,
Debbie is perfect for supermouth. Her accent would definitely reel in additional listers (not that you need them) and would set your show apart from other morn. shows (not that you don't already). Debbie seemed to help keep the show flowing. Please pick Debbie.
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Supermouth opinion a' la me... -- Melissa, 10:51:15 06/14/02 Fri
I wanted to give my input beyond the voting thing at TCBY. It is funny, reading the board a bit before submitting, it confirms many of the opinions I have. Monday was pretty good, Julie. She has experience and it shows. Her voice is great. The only reservation is that she does not really stand out or seem special in any way. She seems par for the course of radio "personalities" that can be heard on any station. The reason I love the JB & Sandy Morning show is because JB & Sandy are not the norm. Their approach seems to be very unique. It seems they intentionally have developed a program that is not filled with typical radio bits and radio voices. I could live with Julie as my second choice, but I really think it would add a very generic element to a very unique team. The one contestant who did stand out is Debbi. She offers a combination of things that not one other contestant offered. Her energy also seemed to play well with both JB and Sandy. And, seeing as how JB and Sandy are really so different from each other, it takes a special person to play well with each of them separately. Not only does her voice add a new flavor, but her humor, perceptions and background are all so different (yet, seem to be so identifiable with many different listeners). The other three contestents were certainly good to have come as far as they did. It seemed, though, that each of them were good in a very limited time frame. Across the full show, the wit, interesting input and voice quality just could not stand up to the level on entertainment JB & Sandy have made us all used to. Thanks, M.
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Who cares about Supermouth! I want Steakboy! -- Steakboy Admirer, 19:26:41 06/13/02 Thu
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ROBIN RULES -- Jennifer, 12:24:32 06/13/02 Thu
ROBIN...ROBIN...ROBIN!!!! Its a No Brainer. That girl is hilarious! She had my office absolutely rolling when she was on last week. There is no question about it...Robin is the one.
Hurry and get back so we can this thing rollin!
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Supermouth -- Valeria, 11:12:26 06/13/02 Thu
You guys are awesome! I have so much fun in the mornings listening to you all. Hurry back from your vacation. Can't wait to hear who will be our new supermouth. I am going for Debbie. Debbie, you are great! It's like you all click together... Good luck! JB, you girl it's adorable! Sandy, you need an international girlfriend. If you didn't have luck in England, I have a sister in Brazil you'd love...
Bye now......
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Dumb Question -- Susie-Q, 07:47:31 06/13/02 Thu
I missed the answer to the "fish truck" question last week - so someone please tell me why trucks carrying fish say "FISH" on the back of them!
Also - Debbie should get it - she's smart, funny, and quick. The others were good too - but there's got to be a winner. Gotta give credit to all of them for having the guts to do it, and get picked on by the public in the process right?
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SUPERMOUTH -- Carla, 06:50:23 06/13/02 Thu
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Debbie O -- Sean, 19:05:07 06/12/02 Wed
I gave all the girls a chance and the one that had me wanting to hear more... was DEBBIE O. Debbie... if you're reading this... you're the one for me! Here's to hoping you bloody get it! ;-)
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DEBBIE! -- Diane, 15:49:02 06/12/02 Wed
Come on peeps - you know she is the bomb! Deb! Rock On!
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Robin -- Kevin, 15:30:47 06/12/02 Wed
Robin IS the girl for the job....hands down! She is witty, funny, obviously knows how to have a good time, and meshes very well with JB and Sandy. Debbie is OK...but very, very, very annoying.
Go with Robin, she's a shoe-in!
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Supermouth -- Vicky, 19:32:14 06/11/02 Tue
I definately have to vote for Debbie O. That girl rocks! She is smart, witty, and I LOVE that British accent. Plus, I think she said she was vegetarian and we have to stick together, you know. I kept changing the station when you had the other finalists on, but I can't get enough of Debbie and her energy. You have just got to hire the girl, please!
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I love Debbie! -- Madi, 11:15:40 06/11/02 Tue
I've been listening to you guys since I moved to austin 5 yrs. ago and Debbie is awesome! I stayed in my car almost an extra hour before I went into work (where i can't listen to the radio) on the day that she was on. She makes me laugh so hard and she's witty and clean mouthed. Really fits w/ the show. I like her better than both Bess and Bridgette. And I loved them! :) And the accent is so cool...I don't think it will get annoying at all! I hope I end up hearing her when yall get back from vacation!
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Supermouth -- Tammy, 10:28:26 06/11/02 Tue
I like Robin Kirk myself. She is smooth but yet funny too.
A very theatrical young lady and smart too. A diverse individual can fit into any situation and I believe this lady has it.
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Favorite Supermouth -- Sandy G, 06:28:30 06/11/02 Tue
From the get-go Debbie has been my favorite. I love listening to her. Each time she's been on, she hasn't failed to make me laugh and perk-up my day. Thanks for the entertainment! By the way, Julie would be my 2nd choice.
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Supermouth With or Without -- Shannon Knight, 11:47:35 06/10/02 Mon
JB & Sandy
With or Without (SUPERMOUTH) you guys are AWESOME!!!!!!
I moved to Austin a little over a year ago and have
totally tuned into your show. Thanks for the morning
wake up!!!!!!!!
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Super Mouth -- Lisa, 08:35:56 06/10/02 Mon
The finalist week has come and gone, and I think Debbie outshined everyone. The We - Fri girls' voices really grated on me. No offense gals, but you just don't have the DJ voice. Monday was good, but no one compared to Debbie.
Personally, I think if you all don't grab her, some other radio station will!
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Supermouth -- Gail, 19:20:49 06/08/02 Sat
Debi O ROCKS!!! She's definitely the best contestant you have for Supermouth. She's always positive and upbeat...that's REALLY what I want to hear every morning. Puts me in a good mood! None of the others compare!!!
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tyson/lewis fight -- Gary, 17:57:28 06/07/02 Fri
Does anybody know of a good bar to watch the fight-besides the "gentlemens club" THANKS
Debbie all the way......
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Supermouth -- EJ, 12:28:27 06/07/02 Fri
You guys have a tough choice on your hands. Debie or Julie would be awesome. I haven't laughed at the show like that since before Bess left, although "Going Ugly Early" and "Bootie Call Rules" still make me laugh. Anyone who can use sarcasm effectively, make me not hit the snooze button at 7am and laugh on the way to work has my vote.
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Finalist -- Ronda, 08:14:03 06/07/02 Fri
I've read the message board and I'm surprised to hear so many people like the British chic. That accent gets on my nerves. I liked Monday's finalist but she has previous radio experience so it was a breeze for her. Wed's finalist had a nasal tone that rubbed me the wrong way. Thurs was pretty good but so was the show's topic which has to be a big help. Fri was so quiet I couldn't judge.
I agree with a comment I read on the board, I'd really like someone who is a fan of the show get the position. Someone who as listened for a long time can relate to all of us faithful listeners. I've listened for the entire 6 yrs, even when I didn't like the show in Dallas I continued to listen. I didn't like Bess at first but she grew on me so I guess any of these contestants will do the same.
Good luck!
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Katie is annoying -- Steph, 07:52:16 06/07/02 Fri
please do not pick katie. she drags out her words at the end of each sentence:
"thats so coooooooool"
"please don't go theeeeeere"
"oh wooooooow"
"go drink some beeeeeer, hang out at some placeeeeeees"
jesus man, she sounds like a freakin valley girl. I mean like oh my god if she wins i'm like totally gonna kill myself, yeeaaaaaaaah maaaaaaan, like gag me with a wire spooooon, she's so annoying. puke.
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Sandy's trip -- Lisa, 07:49:59 06/07/02 Fri
More power to you Sandy!!!!
Have a blast.....i wish i was going with you.....
Don't feel selfish....there are so many people that wish they would have done what you are doing, take tons of pics and enjoy the worldly experience.....
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Supermouth -- chris, 06:55:49 06/07/02 Fri
Hey morning crew, I've been a loyal listener since the days of Funky and Bridget and must say I have really enjoyed your supermouth contest. After listening to all of your contestants, my favorite is still Debbie O. She can keep up with you and plays off you guys well without stealing the show. As for her accent, after listening to her for a while it's not as noticeable, or maybe it's just that I work with a "Brit," and am use to the accent. I think she'll do a great job! Good luck with your decision.
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Supermouth -- Kathy K, 06:54:59 06/07/02 Fri
I have listened to all of the contestants this week I like Debbie the most as she seems to fit in with whatever you are takling about. Also, I don't recall her saying um every 2 seconds like some of the others did when reading the news. That's a big pet peeve of mind. A couple of the contestants would draw out the last word. Katie did not put any emotion into her reading this morning, but at least she didn't say um. I did hear her click her tongue on the roof of her mouth at the end of each sentence the first time she read the news, but she did not do it the second round of news. I have been an avid listener of this station from your first day in Austin. Good Luck in making your decision for the next Supermouth.
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Today's Contestant -- Amanda, 06:45:02 06/07/02 Fri
I don't like the girl that's on this morning (6/7). I'm sure she's perfectly nice, but her voice is annoying (no energy, voice fades out as she's speaking, and she smacks before she speaks). I hear her and I feel drained of energy. When Debbie was on the other day, just hearing her energy made ME feel more energetic.
Y'all have been pretty brutal with the contestants, so I'm sure you already know this girl today isn't the right choice.
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Turkey rocks!!! -- Yasemin, 06:44:46 06/07/02 Fri
Hey everyone,
I just wanted to comment on the "unforgettable" story we heard today - the lady who lived in Turkey in '71... Turkey is totally not like that!!! I am from there and I lived there for the first 18 years of my life, in Istanbul, a city with 12 million people, very similar to New York city, but with castles and palaces in the middle of it - hundreds of years of history. And of course it spans across Europe and Asia ;)) (Just some extra info there ;))
Anyway Turkey is one of the most American, and other countries friendly country... I have met many many people since I came to the U.S. who have been on cruises, tours etc. to Turkey, and every single one of them said they totally loved it, and they'd go back in a second.
I just want to erase this image of Turkey most American's have in their minds... Many people don't even know where Turkey might be, and some people have the warped image from that "Midnight Express" movie. It is a beautiful country, surrounded by water on three sides... Yes, it has it's economic problems etc., but it's a GREAT place to visit for tourists!!!!
I could go on forever... If you are interested, there is a lot of info out there, many pictures you can see online, and a lot of history you can catch up on. Just keep an open mind!!!!
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my ears think -- Velma, 20:31:18 06/06/02 Thu
My ears think that Debbie is the best so far. She is awesome and very fun to listen to. She doesn't hog the conversation and she keeps up with you guys!!!
Love listening to ya!
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super mouth -- stellalluna, 18:06:43 06/06/02 Thu
I did not like the way Monday and Wednesday's contestants sounded - Monday's was too busy "selling" herself when I was listening and Wednesday's made strange tsk noises (very distracting) before she talked. I liked Tuesday's contestant the best-she seemed the most relaxed-but Thursday's contestant was better than the other two. I'll be listening Friday, hope they're good.
BTW I DON'T think the contest is rigged. I hire someone at least once a month and wish I could have the advantage of trying them out for a while 1st, it would prevent a lot of BAD MISTAKES!
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British Chick vs Party Girl -- CMP, 17:38:20 06/06/02 Thu
I never used to listen to you guys until I was flipping stations one day and heard the whole "where's JB & Sandy? What's Supermouth?" controversy, and what do you know, the ploy worked on me...*ducking head in shame*
I have been so hooked on this contest, it has been awesome!
Now to my point: I LOVE Debi O'Keefe. I will definately keep listening if she is picked. The accent is cool, but to tell you the truth, it's not the entire package. I actually started not to notice it when she was on all morning. She's got so much to talk about, is interesting, smart, and funny.
I also really liked Robin Kirk when I heard her today. But, as ya'll have mentioned, she is a party girl, and that kind of worries me. Don't want too much drama happening on-air and behind the scenes ya know... If she wins, I'll probably continue listening as well though.
No one else has really sparked my interest enough to make me a loyal follower after this contest is over. No offense to you guys, I love both of ya'll, but with the other finalists it's just not a good "mix". Three can sometimes be a crowd, but not when you've got JB & Sandy and the British Chick (or the Party Girl for that matter)!
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BritishhhhhhhMOUTH -- Kathy, 13:59:01 06/06/02 Thu
Why don't you guys just hire HELGA I bet she could use a new jeep and some plastic surgey. :)
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Supermouth -- Merrill, 13:54:16 06/06/02 Thu
Robin just got on my nerves.....tooo fake.
Chris was OK, but can't hold a candle to Debbie.
Can't even remember the other chick, so we know she didn't make any impression...
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Supermouth -- Angie, 11:36:33 06/06/02 Thu
I have been a long term listener, Dallas and all. I don't care for the Brit too much. She can keep up with you guys, but honestly I don't need the thick sarcasm so early. I love you guys, and whoever you choose I will always be there, although I probably would't be able to stand tuning in for the entire show anymore if she becomes your Supermouth winner. Just one out of thousands of opinions.
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Debi O.K. - Super Mouth -- Diana, 11:28:47 06/06/02 Thu
My vote is for Debi O'Keefe. She is natural, witty, and CLEAN mouthed. She fits in with JB and Sandy's style of radio. I get the impression she is a "free spirit" and may not last a year????
How are you handling dependability? What if Super Mouth quits after 3 months? Shouldn't you dole out the prizes SLOWLY (not all at once) in case they take all the prizes and run??
Will you have a first runner up - in case - Ms. SM can't fulfill her duties....???
Also, for me, Ms. SM should be a LISTENER. It is troubling when a contestant is not aware of a very common JB/Sandy -ism - say for example - Friday MegaMix or Free Phones or Junior Love Doctor. If the contestants aren't listeners - then it is a turn off to other LISTERNERs.
Good luck!
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DAWCAS -- dannette ross, 10:55:26 06/06/02 Thu
JB and Sandy I wanted to extend my thanks and appreciation of your mention of Deaf Abused Women and Childrens Advocacy Services (DAWCAS) this morning. I am a hearing board member and served as an advocate as well for 2 years. Austin has such a large and underserved deaf communnity. DAWCAS is filling in the gaps of service and love for women,children and families in need.
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stupid question amnesty day -- Heidi Hutson, 06:28:58 06/06/02 Thu
I couldn't get the chat link to work this morning so I'm sending my message here. Since "retention ponds" is such a huge topic this morning, even though everyone is right about what their purpose is, I thought you might want to know that they are actually called "DEtention ponds"
Since everyone knows all about them and what they are there for, I thought they might want to be calling them by the right name.
Have a great day!
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Christy -- Jay, 05:25:22 06/06/02 Thu
Christy is on her way to take our daughter to her Kindergarten graduation this morning. She really wanted to stay in Austin but this is a bad week with me at work and the last week of school.
She did make it home ok.
She can "hang" drinking. Shots too.
Just a lot of stuff going on this week.
Fort Hood
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supermouth -- staci, 05:02:14 06/06/02 Thu
Today is thursday, and I believe it is Robin who is with you guys today. Please do not choose her--I have listened all week, and she is on my nerves!! It is not even 7 a.m., and I am about to put in a C.D. The "voices" she does as she reads the mail are annoying!! And if she says "exactly" one more time I may lose it!!
Just a point of view!! Good Luck choosing a winner!!
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Supermouth -- DaveH, 18:54:16 06/05/02 Wed
As far as I'm concerned, Chris is the one you should choose to be your morning Supermouth. She can hang with the guys, knows guys, doesn't back down at all, has a great sense of humor, and is smart to boot. You CAN'T go wrong with Chris!
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Supermouth -- Not Supermouth, 18:25:28 06/05/02 Wed
Chris is cute (no surprise there) but HOW did she make it to the finals? She seemed like she was trying too hard. She was a little too loud-and she didn't really seem to be n'sync with you guys. So far I like the Debi O. She seems a little more comfortable on the air and seems to just be herself-not trying to fit in. There were many other contestants that could have take Chris' place. What happened to ThunderMama? She was witty and funny. Was she not young enough for you guys?
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CHRIS IS FABULOUS! -- The Records Queen, 17:54:13 06/05/02 Wed
CHRIS has my VOTE!!!
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SuperMouth -- Suzie Q, 17:38:45 06/05/02 Wed
I've been really impressed with all of the finalists so far... I think that any of them would be a fine fit for the position. It took a lot of courage for these ladies to try out in the first place, so let me be the first to say how much I admire each one of you. My heart and my vote, however belong with Debbie! She was instantly comfortable with being on the radio (even when she was brushing her teeth!) She has a sharp and clever sense of humor, and her wit brings new life to the show. JB and Sandy, you guys said you were looking for someone OUTSIDE the radio industry for your show, and I think you have found your perfect fit! Strong work Debbie, and I can't wait until you get hired!
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Love the LIMEY!!!! -- Bob Davidson, 16:46:33 06/05/02 Wed
I've been a 5 yr listener and I've heard all of your other sidekicks--and Debbie has got to be the best I have "seen". At first I heard her and thought "oh an british chick--she's on there riding on her accent" but you know, this woman has a lot to say, and keeps up with the both of you--especially you Sandy. I really think that I would be very disappointed--to the point of not really paying attention to your show anymore--though I admit I'd still listen--if Debbie didn't win. Debbie is vibrant, intelligent, witty and a refreshing blast of fresh ideas, topics and concepts. There just seems to be a really deep well of possiblities there. The rest of the girls are just okay, and I'd be happy with any of them in a lackluster way. If it wasn't for that crazy Brit. Go with her guys--the audience needs the variety and will tune it to listen to the novelty at first and be hooked by the show in the long run. You said it yourselves--it takes a little while for your format to grow on someone. Debbie would catch the ear of the casual listener and hold it for you to put the nail through it into the radio. Let the other contestants try--quite frankly, I'm only half listening now, since there can be no substitute now but for Debbie.
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Supper M -- Jen, 13:06:39 06/05/02 Wed
I still think Debbie O' should get the job!!!
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Super Mouth -- Janell Hopkins, 12:55:51 06/05/02 Wed
Re: the first three finalists...
Liked the lady on Monday;
Loved the British gal on Tuesday;
So, so on Wednesday's contestant.
Waiting to see what Thursday and Friday are like.
Those are my votes so far. Jh
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Debi brings back a listenner.... -- Marco, 10:49:24 06/05/02 Wed
The truth is I haven't listenned since they came back. It has taken the guys a while to find their nitch again. They are finding it thoguh. I tuned in yesterday and heard Debi, and listenned the whole morning. Whitty, energized, funny, and "Brilliant". If she becomes the new co-host I definately pledge my loyalty back to the JB and Sandy, and move Doudly and Bob to number two on my dial.
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Supermouth -- Diana, 07:06:54 06/05/02 Wed
Debbie O'Keefe rules! I loved her and the chemistry between the three of you. Debbie, in my opinion, is the new Supermouth!
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Chris is GREAT! -- K, 06:56:50 06/05/02 Wed
Chris seems to fit rit in with you guys. I liked Julie and Debbie, but Chris is my favorite. I'm so glad I don't have to make the final decision. These finalists are really talented.
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UT Twirler website -- Marie, 06:35:43 06/05/02 Wed
Here's the UT twirler's website, in case anyone is interested.
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Supermouth -- Alyssa, 06:12:45 06/05/02 Wed
I think --so far--Chris F. is definitely the best---Julie was not funny, Debbie was good, but the accent is not radio friendly-----Chris is great-gets along well with you guys, a good personality, funny, etc. I think she would be great for this position !!!! GO CHRIS !!!!
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supermouth -- amy, 22:51:25 06/04/02 Tue
I tried to listen to all of the contestants but I found myself only entertained by one... DEBBIE... she rocks.. she clicks... she is just real enough to fit... I'm looking forward to learning some new terminology... let's hear it for getting a "learn-on" from the brit!!!... woo hoo for debbie!!!...
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I loved you Debbie!! She totally has my vote! And what is up with all these "here accent will get annoying" posts? Everyone wants foreginers to learn english, but they can't stand their accents? yeah! That makes a lot of sense!?!? Not that Debbie doesn't know english, she is from ENGLAND! She has better grammer than any of us. Debbie is awesome, she is down to earth, compassionate and I really really hope she wins! BTW, what exactly DID happen to Bess?
Thanks--Stephanie ( great-grandaughter to an English grandmother with an ACCENT, niece to a Puerto Rican with an ACCENT, niece to an African with an ACCENT, and engaged to an Indian with an ACCENT) :) God bless america and all it's colors!!!!
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Where are you guys in Dallas? -- Cara, 18:52:13 06/04/02 Tue
Excuse me, I know I am WAY out of the loop, and I have been meaning to do this for weeks, but I was out of town for a couple week, and I came back and MY morning show was gone. Sick joke???? I hear Bess but where are my I have resorted to going back to talk radio in the morning. Why are JB and Sandy not here anymore, how is the baby, etc.. can somebody please update me?
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Supermouth -- Linda F., 15:52:28 06/04/02 Tue
I liked listening to Debi. She is witty and seems like a pretty cool Austinite for an English girl. She has my vote.
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Confused -- Darin, 15:25:44 06/04/02 Tue
Somebody please help
This is a strange request.I've been a listener for 5 years,but I've been in Florida since the beginning of March.I started to listen this week and everything is different.So my question is,Why is JB and Sandy back in Austin.And what happened to Bess And Tim!!!
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Go Debi O! -- Bacchus, 14:49:14 06/04/02 Tue
Debi O'Keefe has great chemistry with the guys - loved the show this morning! I love the accent!! Somehow, she seems well-suited for Austin's eclectic atmosphere.
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supermouth -- Lisa N., 13:50:58 06/04/02 Tue
Let me tell you, Debbie is by far the most fantastic individual for this position. Not only would she fit right in with you guys, but her witt is as about good as the good ol fish and chips from her native country. Go drama queen!!
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Supermouth -- Merrill, 13:47:15 06/04/02 Tue
I think Debbie O will compliment JB and Sandy the most!
The people that think her accent will be annoying need to get over it....her personality conquers all!!!!!
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Debi O'Keefe -- Tara, 13:28:14 06/04/02 Tue
I think Debi is awesome. She definitely brings a little twist to the morning show. She seems to be very witty and knows exactly what to throw in when it is needed. I'm rootin' for you Debi. Good Luck!!!!!
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Supermouth Contest -- Monica, 13:22:38 06/04/02 Tue
After having listened to both Julie & Debbie, I would hate to be the one having to make the final decision on Supermouth. Both ladies worked well with JB & Sandy. There's no doubt that Debbie can hold her own, however, Julie was able to hold her own without the accent. I'm not ruling out the other 3 contestants and will give them equal time. As for right now Julie's my favorite.
To those of you who have the final decision, I don't envy you. GOOD LUCK!
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Debbie O -- Mayra, 12:51:40 06/04/02 Tue
Debbie O is GREAT! She brings an "Osbournes" twist to the show. She is too funny! I have listened to the show for the last 5 years and I have really enjoyed listening to the 3 of you lateley (JB, Sandy, and Debbie)! Keep up the GREAT job. Keep Austin Weird! :-)
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Supermouth -- marisa alvaradobrown, 12:31:18 06/04/02 Tue
While I think Debbie did a great job yesterday, i can anticipate that her accent will be annoying after sometime. Julie did a fairly good job. I look forward to hearing the rest of the contestants.
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Debbie O' gets my vote -- Adela Elmoussaoui, 12:29:57 06/04/02 Tue
I was listening to the show this morning, and Debbie O was great. I haven't heard any of the others, but I also remeber when you called her to let her know she had advanced to the 3rd round, she was so exciting, and she got a really long call. I think that shows how her quick wit, and personality can capture the audience and blends well with you guys! Enough said, she ROCKS!!!
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Debbie is the ONE! -- Cheryl, 12:23:50 06/04/02 Tue
Debbie is fantastic. She is representative of the women in Austin....even though she is a Brit...she is indicative of the spirit of the progressive Austin Woman.....go girl!
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Monday, Tuesday, LAST ROUND -- Chris, 11:54:56 06/04/02 Tue
I AM SO GLAD IT'S ALMOST OVER!! I definitely liked Debbie O'Keefe this morning. The gal yesterday (can't remember the name) I did NOT like as she has a lisp or something, I kept hearing alot of "s" sounds in everything she said, and it distracted me so much, I couldn't even tell if what she said was funny or not!! So far, DEBBIE!!! I will listen the rest of the week.
And JB! I know you're a new dad and all, but how 'bout updating the site!! The scrapbook pop-up still comes up and all you have up is round 1!!
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Super Mouth Pictures -- Kathleen, 11:29:31 06/04/02 Tue
I only have one suggestion on the pictures... red-eye reduction. It's really easy to do with most photo software and your subjects would look so much better.
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Go Debbie O. -- Bill, 10:22:32 06/04/02 Tue
Debbie's great. She's very cool and funny, and that's what counts, not her accent. Most importantly she fits right in with the gang.
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Debbie, Debbie, Debbie -- Patricia, 09:54:24 06/04/02 Tue
Hey, the finalists must be one a day from here on out. I'm listening....... I LOVE Debbie. Julie, the Monday gal, can hold her own with you guys and is very good, but Debbie gives it right back to you guys. Yes, the accent is charming and cute, but she really clicks with you guys. I like the way she jumps right in there. HOWEVER, I think Sandy has a crush on her! Ha. Time will tell. No nookie in the booth, guys. : )
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Debbie Rocks -- Brian, 07:45:03 06/04/02 Tue
Debbie O'Keefe is the best. Hands down. Other contestants are to be congratulated for their efforts, but Debbie is obviously a great fit with the morning team and should be the winner!
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Supermouth -- Laura, 07:31:29 06/04/02 Tue
I have not heard everyone, so I am going to do my best to listen all this week to all of the final 5 contestants. Today is Tuesday and I have listed to both Julie and Debbie. They are both great and I can see that this is going to be a hard decision. Everyone is going crazy over Debbie's accent and while it is very interesting, both Julie and Debbie worked well with JB and Sandy, but I liked Julie better. Bottom line, please don't jump so quickly to Debbie because everyone is excited about her accent. When all is said and done the newness and excitement of the accent will wear off and you would hate for everyone to get tired of it.
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New Listener -- Tara, 06:53:13 06/04/02 Tue
I have only been listening to your show for a couple of months, but it is the best in Austin... believe me I have tried out everyone else. As far as the supermouth contest goes, I really have enjoyed Debbie O. She great and seems to "click" with you guys (J.B. and Sandy). Go Debbie O.!!
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Debbie -- Grace, 06:34:57 06/04/02 Tue
I'm enjoying Debbie on this morning's show. I really dig the accent. Of course, I'm probably biased since I'm married to an Englishman. :) I'm hoping Debbie is chosen as Super Mouth! Just think of it, everyone in Austin will start using British slang! You'd start a new fad.... Don't be a muppet -- Choose Debbie!
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Choose Debbie!!!!! -- listener, 06:29:46 06/04/02 Tue
Debbie is great!
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Supermouth -- Glenda, 06:08:53 06/04/02 Tue
I really enjoy listening to Debbie O'Keefe. She would be the perfect supermouth. I really like her accent, it gives a little spark to Texas radio. I really hope she gets the spot.
Good Luck Debbie!!!
I really think the others are good too, but she is my pick.
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Supermouth -- Penny S., 05:28:24 06/04/02 Tue
Up until today I've liked Debbie O'Keefe. I can honestly say now that she would wear very thin after a while. As funny as she if, I don't think she'd be as good in a few months after you've explored all the differences between America and England. So, bottom line, she wouldn't be my pick for your sidekick. Besides, she interupts you too much. : - )
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I told you guys -- Zach, 04:43:47 06/04/02 Tue
I'm bettin the farm on Deb and she's gotta win. I didn't even hit the snooze this morning to listen. She's got great chemistry with everyone and she's completely enchanting. Just fab (apparently)
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the pub at 5 points -- Marsha Elrod, 19:17:04 06/03/02 Mon
I can't seem to get an e-mail thru to y'all, so thought I'd try this!
I haven’t heard all your Super Mouth contestants, so I can’t honestly say I like Debbie O’Keefe the best, but I really have enjoyed the times I’ve heard her. I wanted to call last week, which is something I never do, when she started talking about her family in Norwich.
I went to school in England 1969-70 as a foreign student at the University of East Anglia (UEA), which is a few miles outside of Norwich. We (the foreign students) were actually called “occasional students,” which wasn’t altogether inaccurate! Norwich had the distinction of having both the most churches and the most pubs per capita of any city in England. I’m not sure what that signified; maybe just a bunch of happy Christians or else devout drunks!
Whatever, it was a landmark year in England, as the law on pub hours changed, allowing pubs to stay open until 10:00 instead of 9:00. That gave us an hour after the library closed to get from UEA to Five Points pub down the road towards Norwich and quaff a couple pints of bitter.
Please ask Debbie if Five Points is still there. It was the scene of many happy gatherings for us red-eyed, brain-weary students. And I wish her the best of luck as SUPER MOUTH!
P.S. If you read this on the air, please do so between 7:00 and 8:00, so I can listen. Thanks!
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Super Mouth (Debbie O.) -- Jason, 17:58:16 06/03/02 Mon
I've been listening to you guys for about 2 1/2 years now, because to me, your show represents MY perception of reality - i.e. fun, down to earth, never trying to be something that you're not. Throw Debbie O. in there with you, and oh man, I didn't think it was possible, but the show takes on another level of humor, fun, and energy. Tell Debbie O. that Leicester (small city I'm from in England) says all the best.
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Missing the morning show!!!! -- Jan, 15:48:12 06/03/02 Mon
Well I can tell you when we moved to Adelaide, South Australia 8 weeks ago I didn't know I would miss the morning show so much. Not much of the same music or talk down under as we have in Texas!!! Hope next year when we come back for a visit you guys are still around. Keep up the good work and send the warm days "Down Under".
Jan and Katie
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Sheryl Crow -- Anne, 10:30:13 06/03/02 Mon
Does anyone know when Sheryl Crow is coming to Austin? I am trying to find out for a friend. Thanks for you help!!!
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bread in a minute? -- Reuben, 08:40:21 06/03/02 Mon
I caught the tail end of a piece of the morning show and they were talking about eating a piece of bread in one minute being physically that correct? Or is it 30 seconds? Where is the "medical" evidence of that?
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Julie -- Catherine, 07:10:41 06/03/02 Mon
Hey Guys!
Love your show!
Julie's a keeper. She is so funny and has a terrific laugh.
Good luck. I know you will pick the right person for the job. The British chick is OK, but the accent would get very annoying after a couple of minutes.
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On line listening -- Kelley, 06:42:06 06/03/02 Mon
Hey guys I would love it if we could get the whole morning show on the internet in the mornings. I am in San Antonio and I listen every morning but at work none of our radios pick yall up. Please go online with the whole show!!!!
Thaks for listening
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Debbie for supermouth -- Laura, 06:21:03 06/03/02 Mon
Debbie O. would be great for supermouth !! She is funny and keeps the conversation flowing. Debbie was made for radio! Dont ya think?
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Ditto on Debbie -- Sean, 05:25:29 06/03/02 Mon
Hands down -- Debbie is the one. I WANT to hear her. If I had a vote... I'd vote Debbie O!
P.S. Didn't the guys say they didn't want someone in radio? And Julie makes it to the finals... she's a radio person with experience. Just wondering.
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Moving out of Austin -- Keith, 14:03:07 05/31/02 Fri
Hey everyone,
I'm moving out of Austin to the country. Small town about 90 miles from here. I need to get a good mover. Any recommendations. I'm looking for someone who provides boxes, picks up, drives to new home, and unloads. If anyone has any info., let me know.
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jb and sandy -- jill, 07:28:09 05/31/02 Fri
hey guys!
i just wanted to write and let you know know how greatful i am that i found your station. i am from orange county california and i was addicted to my morning show out there, if i was awake by then. when i joined the army and was stationed at fort hood, the only thing that kept me going in the d-fac was switching the rap station to yours. it wouldn't stayt on that chanel very long but i tried. i wanted to tell sandy that i was pregnant when erin was pregnant except my daughter was born on september 5 and there were so many times that i wanted to call in to relate to your topic of the morning concerning pregnancy. you two are hilarious. i love you guys!! oh! and get debby as your new side kick! i thought she was so funny.
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Super Mouth -- Carla, 06:14:25 05/31/02 Fri
I'm so stoked that Debbie O'Keefe made it to round 4. She is my pick and I'm hoping she wins. Go Debbie!!!!!!!
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Super Mouth - Robin -- Desiree, 05:55:49 05/31/02 Fri
In hearing all of the contestants this morning, I have decided that Debbie is by far the best candidate!! Good Luck Debbie!!!
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Debbie for Supermouth! -- Michael, 05:44:04 05/31/02 Fri
Been following your contest, and it's really getting interesting! I love Debbie O'Keefe's voice. If she's Supermouth, I'm definitely a regular listener!
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who sings bringin on the heatrbreak -- annie, 19:13:00 05/30/02 Thu
Def Leppard!! sings that awesome song.
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Star Wars Chick -- Meagan, 14:39:49 05/30/02 Thu
JB and Sandy,
I just wanted to thank you guys for giving us female fans of Star Wars the chance to be heard this morning. I was glad to be able to help set the record straight that Star Wars is not just a guys' thing. There are a lot of us Star Wars Chicks out there, and some of us are bigger fans than most guys are. It was great to talk to you guys this morning! I have listened to the show for over 3 years now and was very excited to finally have a good reason to call in and talk to you. Keep up the great work!!
-Meagan Vogel
(It's a wookie thing) :)
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supermouth -- kerry cook, 10:55:22 05/30/02 Thu
please, please, please choose debbie she is great. i'am from england had have lived in dripping springs for 10 yrs i moved to tx when i was 24. to hear debbie on the radio every morning would make me feel less home sick, it is such a joy to hear her she is so funny. essex girls rock.
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Something to say! -- Kathy, 10:03:28 05/30/02 Thu
JB really got to me this morning with his comments about working mothers and stay at home mothers. But with little to do at work today i've given this issue lots of thought and come to the conclusion that men just say the stupidest things and you really can't blame them for it, they're men. The difference with JB is he has an audience full of chicks and the smallest thing said the wrong way can cause a backlash of mad broads. :) Here's what I think he should take into consideration.. most working mothers work because they have to. To say to them a stay at home mom has it worse is like saying all that stuff you do for everyone else but yourself is just pretty minimal. A working mom deals with the stresses of work then gets home and deals with the stresses of homework, dinner, baths, cleaning and finally maybe if they're lucky they might get a hole hour of time to themselves. So you know... put yourself in a girls frame of mind once in a while and if you don't... don't worry I'll bring it to your attention. ;-)
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Supper M -- jennifer allaire, 07:44:32 05/30/02 Thu
Supper M,
just give it to Debi O'Keefe she is funny and she would fit into the group. listened to yesterdays show i haven't laughed like that over a morning show!!
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Go Saucy Brit! -- snleopard, 07:44:14 05/30/02 Thu
I am so thrilled that Debbie(?) O'Keffe made it to the final round. I think she is extremely hysterical and she seems to work well with ya'll. Is she as friendly as she sounds on the air? I hope she wins and I hope to see ya'll on a radio remote or something.
I Love the Show! Ya'll called me an after school special when I called to tell you the story of how my husband asked permission to marry me and about how we are honoring our deceased parents by wearing their rings.
Shery Adams
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Stay-at-home moms -- Stephanie, 07:20:26 05/30/02 Thu
I just wanted to put my two cents in about the comments made by other listeners and JB that stay-at-home moms work harder than those who work outside the home.
I don't agree with that. I worked for two years after my first child was born and then stayed home for four years after my second and third. It is hard work staying home. I also had an in-home daycare business at the same time and would have as many as six children (including mine) on any given day.
But let me tell you, it's much easier to keep up with the house and the kids when you are home all day and all night.
I went back to work about three and half years ago. My children are 6, 8, and 10 years old. It is so hard to work all day and come home and have to put in what seems like another three or four hours of work, doing home work, reading and housework.
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debbie -- amy, 05:20:20 05/30/02 Thu
i have been listening through all of the supermouth trials and the ONLY one i think would make a great addition to the show is the british chick. she's hysterical, bold, quick witted, and isn't intimidated by you guys. and those british-isms are awesome! if my vote counts at all, i give it to her. she's even cool when you wake her up in the morning! she rocks.
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supermouth -- bj, 04:59:36 05/30/02 Thu
why would the news delivery make a difference in you choice of "supermouth"? Bess was terrible. My vote, the english gal.
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Helga - 15th of May -- Heike Phoenix, 21:24:57 05/29/02 Wed
Hi JB & Sandy,
I was listening on 05/15 in the morning to your show, during my drive to the INS, San Antonio.., and I loved Helga, the german woman, I am german as well, and she absolutely cracked me up... since that I love to listen to your morning-show.. say HI to Helga when you see her and I'll defenitely check the place out where she works, if you guys could give me the address, that's the only part I didn't get.. also, I was working myself for over 4 yrs. in Germany at a Radio Station (Traffic-Director/Office-Mng.) and can just tell you that I miss it terribly. Congrats to your great show! I'll defenitely listen to you...
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Please pick your Supermouth! -- Still getting bored..., 19:34:16 05/29/02 Wed
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Supermouth-Please make a choice soon! -- Getting bored..., 19:25:58 05/29/02 Wed
Listening to the Supermouth contest was fun at first but it is getting kind of old. I've listened to your show for many years and have never been tempted to change the station until now. Please pick someone soon! Also, I was wondering why Ali G. got her second chance when I'm sure many other contestants would have liked to...she was not entertaining at all and she sounded like she was trying to hard. Well, I looked through your scrapbook and I figured it out...she's very cute! I used to think looks only didn't get you far but it sure gave her another chance! There were many other contestants that didn't make it to Round 3 that deserved that chance more than she did. I'm sure she is a nice girl but I don't think she is it for Supermouth. The British girl is kind of funny though...I was hoping she had more news because she was making me laugh so hard! Anyway, love you guys but please end this soon!
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Supermouth! -- Billie Waite, 17:11:36 05/29/02 Wed
As a fellow Brit, I have to say that I LOVE hearing Debbie
O'Keefe in the mornings. Not only does she sound like a GRRREAT laugh, but her English humour is unparallel. I sincerely hope we hear more from the slag as I think that she would make your morning team the best it could ever be.
Cheers, Billie
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Supermouth -- Sammie, 12:14:17 05/29/02 Wed
Debbie O'keefe (The British chick....I hope that is her last name!!) is by far the best that has been on the air during this Supermouth contest.....that is, since I did not go out for the job... *LOL* Debbie is hysterical, and once you get used to the accent, you won't even notice it anymore. It will become an everyday thing.... She is awesome, and at least she has things to say! I like the way the guys react to her on the air too. It is just so much more fun! Go Debbie!!!!!
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Chris Froelich -- Nikki, 12:06:55 05/29/02 Wed
I just thought you should know that I think Chris was hilarious on the morning show with you guys. She would be a nice addition. You should definitely choose her for the next round of Supermouth!!!!!! You want a young, hot thing doing the show with you, don't you?!?!?!?
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Today's show -- emma, 10:47:38 05/29/02 Wed
I think Debbie's Round 3 performance was great! I was kinda worried that her personality would maybe be too pushy for the guys - but she fit in perfect. Her being british would add a nice dimension to the show - a more worldly perspective. I vote for Debbie!
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Supermouth -- Rachel, 09:18:08 05/29/02 Wed
I really liked the girl that was on today (5/29). She seemed to feel right at home on the radio. I listened to almost all of the contestants and she is my number one pick.
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Supermouth -- Michelle, 08:23:19 05/29/02 Wed
Really liked Debbie this morning. I like someone who is not afraid to laugh at themselves. The accent is not annoying either. The news was hilarious. The guy that was on last week, Bobby? He sounded like Boomhauer reading the news. Everything else was fine but that news reading TANKED. Another one that really stuck out was Ally G. She seemed to click with you guys too, but her voice and laugh was just too much to bear. I had to change the station.
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The British girl on air this morning. I think your search is over! -- Lemuel (Lem-Well) Cartagena, 07:34:13 05/29/02 Wed
Hi! Love the show. The Supermouth contestant you had on this morning (British girl)is, by far, the best, most interesting and most at ease person you've had on with you. (no, I have never met her.) True, you have had some others on who weren't too bad, along with others who were just over the top annoying attempting to be super cool and clueless with the "put down humor". I really think she is the one for you and that you would be missing out on a truely special person if you let her get away.
So, let her have her week off for her friend's wedding. She is well worth the wait!
ok, blah, blah, blah, now get back to work!
Thanks and best regards to you all!
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Refreshing -- Lindsay, 06:57:52 05/29/02 Wed
How very refreshing to hear Debbie's British accent on the radio; don't we all hear enough Texas "hick" accents all day long? I hope Deb advances to the final round of Supermouth; she's witty and will provide some interesting perspectives!
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Supermouth -- Tamra, 06:52:08 05/29/02 Wed
We loved Debbie this morning. It's the first time in weeks that we laughed all morning. She really brings out the best in J.B. Sandy. And isn't that what it's all about.
Happy day to all!!!
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