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Date Posted: 10:03:28 05/30/02 Thu
Author: Kathy
Subject: Something to say!

JB really got to me this morning with his comments about working mothers and stay at home mothers. But with little to do at work today i've given this issue lots of thought and come to the conclusion that men just say the stupidest things and you really can't blame them for it, they're men. The difference with JB is he has an audience full of chicks and the smallest thing said the wrong way can cause a backlash of mad broads. :) Here's what I think he should take into consideration.. most working mothers work because they have to. To say to them a stay at home mom has it worse is like saying all that stuff you do for everyone else but yourself is just pretty minimal. A working mom deals with the stresses of work then gets home and deals with the stresses of homework, dinner, baths, cleaning and finally maybe if they're lucky they might get a hole hour of time to themselves. So you know... put yourself in a girls frame of mind once in a while and if you don't... don't worry I'll bring it to your attention. ;-)

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