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Date Posted: 17:38:20 06/06/02 Thu
Author: CMP
Subject: British Chick vs Party Girl

I never used to listen to you guys until I was flipping stations one day and heard the whole "where's JB & Sandy? What's Supermouth?" controversy, and what do you know, the ploy worked on me...*ducking head in shame*
I have been so hooked on this contest, it has been awesome!
Now to my point: I LOVE Debi O'Keefe. I will definately keep listening if she is picked. The accent is cool, but to tell you the truth, it's not the entire package. I actually started not to notice it when she was on all morning. She's got so much to talk about, is interesting, smart, and funny.
I also really liked Robin Kirk when I heard her today. But, as ya'll have mentioned, she is a party girl, and that kind of worries me. Don't want too much drama happening on-air and behind the scenes ya know... If she wins, I'll probably continue listening as well though.
No one else has really sparked my interest enough to make me a loyal follower after this contest is over. No offense to you guys, I love both of ya'll, but with the other finalists it's just not a good "mix". Three can sometimes be a crowd, but not when you've got JB & Sandy and the British Chick (or the Party Girl for that matter)!

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