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Date Posted: 19:01:52 06/27/02 Thu
Author: MOMMA E.

I love listening to free phones, but today's free phones for the "old Austinites" was B O R I N G. Those folks could not get a clue when J.B. & Sandy kept saying "you guys don't have to tell us about Austin, you are just the people we are accepting for free phones today". Well, DUH... Now, I did like the Volkswagon free phones - that was cute. How about these for free phone ideas: people attending college for the first time in their 30's(+); pet peeves (teeth sucking would be my #1 peeve); favorite inexpensive places to take a date; scuba diving; worst blind dates; things to tell a telemarketer (my favorite is tell them to hold on just a sec. - put the phone down - and leave them holding for 15 minutes, then hang up). By the way - Deb is awesome! I cracked up when she trashed her ex about his bedroom etiquette! YOU GO GIRL...

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