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Date Posted: 06:14:46 11/06/11 Sun
Author: Christopher Antony Meade. (Sincere.)
Subject: Controversial film, that really makes you think.

I am well known on this site, and throughout the internet, for taking the piss out of conspiracy theorists, and conspiracy theories. If you want someone to make you laugh at the notion that chemtrails are spreading deadly pollutants throughout our atmosphere, I’m the one to send for. The very idea that there is a secret society, which rules the world behind the scenes, has given me many hours of unbridled mirth. The same with the 9/11 conspiracies, and the Diana murder allegations. None of them wash with me.

Kennedy was killed by Oswald. Marilyn Monroe died from a self-inflicted overdose. Jimmy Hoffa? I don’t know enough about him to comment either way. Perhaps he is buried under a flyover. Maybe he is sharing a field with Shergar. Do I care?

But whatever my opinions on conspiracies might be, I have to admit that they make for compelling drama, and whether we are striving to counter them, or seeking ways to promote them, they certainly are a very excellent way to provoke our grey cells into action, and to make us think about the nature of the world we live in, and whether everything that we have always slavishly believed in could be “the big lie”.

This afternoon my attention was drawn to the trailer of a new film. It was called Travail “Dawn of a New Day”. I watched it once, and then I watched it again.

My verdict on this trailer was that if its director, Raymond Deane, was not famous before, this movie will certainly make him famous now. Deservedly so.

The premise, on which the film is based, is that slavery has not ended yet for African Americans. They are still being kept in servitude. But it is of a different kind. No longer are they being whipped to work in the cotton fields. In this brave new twenty first century, their bondage is being enforced by the more subtle, but equally brutalizing, institutional racism they are subjected to.

In the film “The Matrix” we were all living in a kind of constructed reality. But we don’t know that we are being manipulated. In Travail “Dawn of a New Day” the modern day slaves are being kept under, by a mixture of an addiction to crime and drugs, allied with economic deprivation. The rage, that helps to keep them in eternal serfdom, is fostered by the lyrics of the Rap music that they all listen to. The Rap singers are, of course, controlled by the very same Illuminati elite that are dedicated to destroying all peace and cohesion in society.

Now, after typing all of the above, may I say that I do not believe it. What I said about my feelings on these matters in the first paragraph still stands. But it is a compelling notion. It could be true. The depiction of the decomposing effect of racism is one of the most vivid effects of this trailer. You see a man, who is a loving father in one scene, become a brutal psychopath in another, when his racial prejudices enter in. It can certainly be said that the trailer does not lack in violence. But it is all germane to the plot.

May I finish this review, by saying that there are not many “tasters” that make me want to rush out and see the movie. But this is one. I expect to finish watching it with steam coming out my ears. But whether this will be because I disagree with everything it says, or because I am filled with rage at the brutal manipulation going on in our society, I cannot say until I have watched it in its entirety.

What I will be saying, if the promise of the trailer is borne out, is that I have just watched one of the most exciting, and thought provoking movies ever; and one that will be talked about for many years to come.
To view the trailer, and to read what other thoughtful reviewers have written about this remarkable film visit the official movie blog at

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