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Subject: Re: Spanking

Harlin Covert
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Date Posted: 13:17:48 06/21/06 Wed

>Well I see the Payne is up to his usual tricks, if he
>or Timmy starts getting spanked, its time to pull out
>the tech dogs and move people around to keep
> the points and the money in his pocket, kinda wonder
>why the season starts out with lots of cars and ends
>up with 2 or 3. Just another Payne in the @#$

If you want to grip use your real name .
screen names are chicken s--t
as for as Tim. He has not won a race this year in fact the sat. race was his best this year.
As for as Yankee.He and I have beat on each other a lot this year and he only got mad when wesley spun him and we crashed.
[mad at wes not me]
so if your just a cry baby do not come otherwise bring your car and have some fun.
Harlin Covert #60

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