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Subject: Good Luck!

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Date Posted: 15:41:18 09/26/05 Mon

I agree with most of team 13 comments. The sport of racing can be pretty tough at times when you have experienced drivers racing together let alone rookies on a very tight track. Its a drivers responsibility to control his car regardless if your inside or outside. If its pushing then you back off, survive the race, go home and make adjustments and come back next week ready to race again. If you get involved in a wreck, well nobody is excited about that except the fans but its going to happen. Hopefully the drivers talk and put it behind them. One thing for sure a driver will remember every car that has ever crashed him but cant remember what day of the week it is. He remembers what sticks in his mind and when you spend all week preparing a car, get it crashed for no good reason then spend all of next week and money in some cases getting her ready he surely doesnt want to see it happen again. Case in point you probably wont forget about getting crashed this past week. Robert has been racing along time and can drive any class he wants too. He races big cars because its fun, its a challenge and this class keeps the costs down so he can race every week. He has a back yard full of race cars from hobby classes to street stock classes and a shop full of parts to keep him going if this is what he wants. I do know like most racers he loves working on his car to make it better buts hates to have to fix or replace broken crashed parts like everyone else. He has spent all year working on his car making changes to see how the car reacts. Some weeks are good for him and some are not as good but week in and week out he respects the drivers around him until he feels he has been done wrong. Robert doesnt need a tire bought for him. Many more flat tires are in both of your futures. My suggestion is to go and talk to him directly. Ask direct questions and you will get direct answers from him. If you go into next week looking for revenge, which I highly discourage, well he is driving a big car for a reason! If he needs it then he has the ability to do what he wants in that car. If you both talk I am sure you will walk away shaking each others hand and not have to worry going into the next race. Robert will help anyone at or away from the track and if your car is pushing its to his/everyone's benefit to help you so things like last week dont happen. Good Luck...

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