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Date Posted: 14:24:59 03/10/02 Sun
Author: XPac
Subject: im not booker any more im Xpac

Many fans are enjoying a great dark match as the winner is announced. Then after a brief moment the fireworks go off. Then the fans are all up on their feet. They are waving their signs in the air all cheering. Suddenly the fireworks come to an upbrut end. Then the lights all fade. Degeneration's theme blairs over the speakers. Lights start flashing green as from above Green and Black balloons and confetti is realeased over the fans. You can hear some balloons poping by arrogant fans. Some are throwing the balloons around the sections. Then the fans witness Xpac come out in a smile makes he makes his appearence wearing a black t-shirt under shirt vest with DX logo on.he got tatoos with DX. Over that is a white shirt with Microsofts Xbox logo on it. his hair is blue.he is is wearing a Black DX shirt with the red logo. Over that he has a blue jean cut up jacket. He has black jeans on as well. His hair is blue and drenched in water. They make their way to the ring as fans cheer X PAC X PAC X PAC. he walks up the stairs he steps in. Once X pac is in he gets the mic of Lillian Garcia who says:

Please welcome the leader of Degeneration-X X PAC! When she finishes fans roar with cheers and pictures go off. X pac grabs the microphone right from Lillians hands. He then walks back up the stairs and gets in. He then brings it to his mouth.

X pac: Triple H you wanna be in a VERY VERY great team. You see DX is going to take over and hes going to get the wwfChampionship! So heres the thing If u wanna see me and Game togeter give me a cheer


so Game you wanna join my group we can head for the tag team gold and other titles we can get at Wrestlemania. The only reason I made this group is to take over this fed we are going to tear this fed apart.out there are nothing but a little slave Bitch! Look Game u wanna join me the only reason i chose u because i think u are the most badest Game in this fed Test you want a piece of me....well this Monday you are gonna get more then you asked for. You see Test you are only a big fat bitch. And like everything I always win "Xpac" You will see why I am the most dangerous man in the WWF. I will X factor your face into that mat. And I saw your little trip to the test room. Well u done bad I have never even seen the bad score ever its pathetic someone like you. I think it is a bit odd that you just "stumbled" onto this place. I don't know maybe you have been their. Either way after this Monday you won't be able to go to another test again. Also Chyko...sorry BITCH you better stand out of my way grant a tag team partner coz TheGame and me will face u in a match this monday tag team titles on the line because me and TheGame are the best tag team in this federation! You both are going to do the Test now I hear well isn't that just great. But I have a big announcement myself and Game well we are offically invited anymore who like to come in as well. So then the bond in Degeneration-X will be even stronger. The leaders are myself and thegame. Also I would like to also make another annoucement c ya at HELL and i got two words for ya

SUCK IT!!!!!!


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