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Date Posted: 10:52:56 03/15/02 Fri
Author: Triple H
Subject: The Game will be played... ready or not!

It's Time To Play The Game... HHH's music hits on the PA system

HHH appears under the titantron and strides down to the ring whilst drinking from his bottle of water and pours some of the water over his head. He walks under one white spotlight as the multi-coloured strobes flicker on and off. He walks round to the side of the ring, almost to the announer's side but climbs up the steps and walks along the side. He takes one last sip of his drink, hurls it into the crowd. He looks from side to side and then sprays the water into the air.

The Game climbs in and mounts the turnbuckle and poses.

HHH: I am the WWF Champion! I am The Game, I am that damn good

HHH pauses.

HHH: I have beaten everyone there is to beat. I have beaten every person in this E-fed. I am the WWF Champion. Who can beat me??? Who will be the next to play The Game?

Fans Cheer

HHH: Are you ready to play The Game??? Ready or not, The Game will be played...

Fans Cheer

HHH: Booker T1 The matches inform me that it is you who will play The Game. It is you who is next to be defeated. It is you who will face me in the ring for my WWF Title. The title belongs to me! I won't lose to you, I won't lose to anyone. I will be WWF Champion forever. because I am The Game and I am THAT DAMN GOOD!

The Game mounts the turnbuckle to celebrate his speech and poses for his fans...

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