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Subject: KaraokeFest

Robert P
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Date Posted: 14:08:35 07/13/02 Sat

Since no one else(aside from Yvonne)wants to start up this forum, I guess I will. It was "suggested" that we share our thoughts about this year's KaraokeFest. It seems so long ago now that I hope I have retained enough memories in the few brain cells I have left.
This was my first time to KaraokeFest and I went to support & socialize with friends, not as a contestant. Even though I didn't see much of the ship, it was fun to be there at the Queen Mary. As soon as we got close, we could hear singing, courtesy of the charity stage. In fact, as the next singer took the stage, I recognized him as Rudy, a fellow singer I know from El Torito,Upland. After I sang one for charity, we went inside the ship. It was packed with people but we made our way around the vendor tables.
I was surprised to run into a co-worker(Big Al)from CHOC who doesn't sing but enjoys hearing karaoke. By the time we got down to the stage floor, all of the seats were reserved so we ended up sitting on the capeted floor under the stairs,near the stage. That turned out to be a great stroke of luck because as it turned out to be a very long day and we were able to stretch out and get comfortable.
I enjoyed hearing the singing contestants, especially the ladies. The men were first,however,and so many of them sang soulful but slow ballads. One exception was Nathan,the finalist from one of my hangouts-McAlans. He sang "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder & jumped out into the audience. Being the 2nd contestant to sing was a bad draw. I think he would have finished in the top 5 if he had sang in the last 5 or 10 singers because he was awesome.
Equally awesome were 2 other of my local venue winners,Rashonda & Julitte Rose. Rashonda finished in the top 5 and she really deserved it, singing "Falling". The true highlight of the "Creme de la Creme" competition for me was hearing Jenny, the female winner. She sang "Uninvited" and I was totally impressed. I thought she was the best of the day because she did it completely with her emotional vocal performance,not "image" or "style".
I was fortunate enough to speak with her after her performance and to congratulate her after her win.

Finally, after about 6 hours, the awards were handed out. I had drove down with friends Nancy & Candace, a nominee for Inland Empire KJ of the Year. In fact, the only reason I really attended this year was because I thought she might win and I wanted to be there for her. After all, I've only sang with her for 9 YEARS. So of course, I was thrilled for her when she did win the award. Her Upland venue,El Torito also won. I was also very pleased to see Sugar win for the San Fernando Valley area. I sang with her several years ago when I worked in the area and even sang a hour long showcase for her once.
Another great thrill was seeing our very own Yvonne,complete with "entourage" and looking even lovelier than usual, if that is possible. She was presenting some awards on stage and looked unusally nervous. She later told me she was "pretty drunk" but I guess nervous and drunk go together. Of course, she pulled it off like the professional that she is.
Since I couldn't leave until Candace had finished posing for photos and receiving her congrats, it was nearly 9pm.
I had to get home before my wife sent out a search party so unfortunately, Candace didn't get to stay and party but I think she made up for it later.
All said, it was a very long but enjoyable and rewarding day. I may not go next year unless I am a contestant myself or another good friend is nominated but I am sure I will go again some year.
OK, so who's next? (you don't have to be as long-winded as me).

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Re: KaraokeFestYvonne14:22:31 08/13/02 Tue

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