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Date Posted: 22:02:00 05/04/03 Sun
Author: Mike O'Donnell
Subject: everybody wants to be a bartender part 2....

just a reminder for you bar/ club owners to scroll down a bit and check out the kind of guy you should be bringing in if you want to make $$ for your establishment,as well as grow & if you want to be successful in the bar buisness, ALL of you should stray away from hiring relatives, for the simple reason of "effort". let me elaborate... lets say your relative comes in and helps you out behind the bar for a few shifts a week.... 1st problem is that according to him, he's doing you a favor, so why bust his ass? 2nd, although he does want you to succeed, is that he's probably got bigger fish to fry, and his mind may be on his real job & not be on the task at hand. 3rd, and maybe most importantly, is that he "aint goin nowhere" no matter how bad/ or good he is. and he knows it. he cant be replaced, or let go, who'd do that to a brother, or son, or relative? now, i'm not saying that all relatives are detrimental to your bar, but if you compare that to a hard working, loyal, bartender, who is trying to "make it" down the shore in this buisness, who is out to have a great summer, and get "in" somewhere down there. who is willing to do anything it takes to prove himself, ring high #'s. and ensure his spot for the next summer. as well as to "show up" all the bars that passed on him, just because he came in from outta nowhere, and doesnt have many contacts. i have more faith in the latter. and ya know what? when i can -and will- open up my bar, i'm sure i'll throw a bone to a relative that NEEDS a gig, but if someone is more skilled, talented and more willing to bust his ass, the new guy is getting the spot. sorry guys, dont hate me. but its MONEY!, the reason you open a bar up for only 13 weeks per year. please, if you read this and wish to speak more about this, email me, and i'll stop in your bar, and well have a few....on you. till next time, thanks for reading---M

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