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Date Posted: 17:52:58 12/09/02 Mon
Author: Tierce
Subject: study
In reply to: Archer 's message, "perfection" on 16:05:22 12/09/02 Mon

::She watches Archer weave the logs, studying their placement carefully. After he completes the 'course, she jumps up, swinging to the far side of the first log. Keeping her legs tight to her body, she stretches herself out, becoming thinner and sleeker. She takes a single stroke with her wings, timing the turn so her wings are on a downstroke -effectively streamlining her form. She twists around the first log and heads for the second turn. Once her shoulders clear the first, she spreads her wings again, stroking between logs, snaking her way through the logs fluidly, though not very quickly. Reaching the horizontal section, the dragon changes her timing slightly, stroking on the underside of the logs, leaving her wings outstretched to glide over the tops. Her shoulders pass through the lower part of the second log, but the rest of the course passes without incident. Having familiarized herself, she flies back to the start and increases her speed significantly the second time through. She weaves her way through the logs with a sinuous grace, careful not to 'bump' the horizontal log this time. Pausing after she completes it, the dragoness glances at Archer to see if he was going to go again::

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