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As you step up to the door with fancy glass on it you look down to see a welcome mat. You observe the white fancy house. The grass all bright and green, a white picket fence bordering it. You look in the back yard and you see horses LOTS of them, children two girls, dogs, and a couple of cats running around. You finally decide to go to the door. You ring the bell and it plays a nice calming tune. A women...20-21 answers the door. She welcomes you in. Once you get inside it is just as nice inside. You look to your left and see stairs with a nice railing going up. To your left is a hall, which you go down first. There are two guest bedrooms and bathrooms with a shower and tub. You leave that and go into the living room where you see a big screen T.V. Samantha motions you to follow into the kitchen where it is marble on the counter....a grey and white marble. The refrigarator is white and there is a pantry filled with things. You move to the upstairs where the master bedroom and bathroom are. Down the hall is a play room. You see dolls and dog toys all over the ground. You walk back downstairs and Sammy turns around, "What do you think?" She doesn't wait for an answer. She goes to the back door and calls out for: her two daugters Lottie and Gwen. She introduces them then sends them along again to go play again. She sits down with some diet pepsi and offers a drink. She then asks," Would you like to stay?"

Subject Author Date
Samantha gets her suit cases packet and heads out for spring break leaving th ekey under the matSamantha04:30:28 03/30/02 Sat
walks in (NT)Tuck15:13:37 03/14/02 Thu
*she trots in and snorts her approval* Excellent Samantha!Roxie15:47:28 03/13/02 Wed

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