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Date Posted: 11:53:29 03/10/02 Sun
Author: Mandy
Subject: Twisted Beginnings

OOC: Pray that the old board comes back. This one isn't as much fun!


"Yes! My strategy is perfect! No one shall better me! I WILL be victorious!"

"Just move already!"

"Fine, fine," Mandy huffed as she moved her left foot on a yellow circle.

Fruzsina released a loud yawn as she flicked the spinner. The narrow arrow spun quickly around the cheap plastic board and slowly came to a spot on its destination.

"Right hand, red."


"I said: Right hand, red," Fruzsina rattled off in a slightly annoyed voice.

Mandy gave a frown at the long row of red at the very end of the mat and back again at her right hand which was on the completely opposite end. "But...but," she whined, "its so far away...."

"Just do it already!"

The blonde teen bit her lip as she reached with all her might under her stomach. It was hard, but finally she managed to pull her whole arm under her body and land on the longed for red spot.

"Wow! Look! I did it! Hey, maybe I will wi--" It was too late. Mandy's balance had already been challenged enough, but that reaching was the last straw for her weak muscles. Mandy toppled into heap on the slippery Twister mat.

Fruzsina blinked with interest at the tangled form on the floor. "Hmm....looks like we know who won the most tangled up postion contest...."

"Not funny....owwww...." Mandy slowly pulled her self into a more comfortable sitting postion, and then started checking her joints to make sure she was still in one piece.

Fruzsina shook her head at her friend. With the little bug missing, both the girls had tried several activities to keep themselves busy. Luca had been gone into hiding for more than three hours on this stupid joke. Couldn't she have figured out by now that her prank wasn't working? Perhaps it was about time they both went outside to go look...

"Do you think we should go look for her?" Mandy said, speaking Fruzsina's exact thoughts as she stood up, "I mean its been over three hours."

Fruzsina smiled as she set the board down. "Yes, please. Besides that this game has gotten really old, really fast."

Many snorted as she walked to the closet to get her jacket. "Hey! I like Twister!"

"Yeah, yeah." Fruzsina then followed Mandy to the hall to grab her own coat, but then a wadded up paper shoved under the door caught her eye. With slight interest, she picked it up, but as she began to read it her eyes grew wide.

"What? What is it?" Mandy leaned over to see what her pal was looking at.

"Mandy," Fruzsina began, "I think you should read this."

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