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The following article was posted at ChronWatch
Liberals: Too Lazy to Win the War on Terror
The essence of modern liberalism is laziness. The idea of the American Dream is based on individualism and personal responsibility. If you work hard, play by the rules, and develop your God-given talents to their fullest, you will be successful in life. But Liberals do not hold to this ideal and would rather have you go through life sitting around passively waiting for something to be given to you by the government. Theirs is a principle according to which individualism is sublimated to the state and success is defined as relative comfort rather than doing the best you can do.
This type of thinking is destructive enough in the domestic politics, but Liberals are trying to apply the same lazy “get something for doing nothing” mentality to the War on Terror.
The War on Terror has been advanced on many different fronts but the one constant has been that the Left does not like it. While the Taliban were collapsing, the New York Times was calling Afghanistan a “quagmire.” While the FBI was pulling terrorist sleeper cells out of suburban communities, the Left was demonizing the Patriot Act. And as our troops fight terrorists daily in Iraq, Liberals are calling the War a disaster, comparing our soldiers to Nazis, and demanding a time table for America to tuck its tail between its legs and run home. It is easy to sit and claim the Left opposes the War in hopes of picking up a quick political gain, and to a degree this might be true, but the real reason the Left has given up on winning the War on Terror is that they are too lazy to do what it takes to win. So rather than digging deep and doing what it takes, the Left has decided to give up and drag the rest of us down in defeat with it.
The Left’s thinking is based on its love for the over simplification of complex problems and addiction to quick fixes. On the domestic front, this can be seen in how the Left feels the best way to end rampant urban crime is to legislate guns out of the hands of law biding citizens rather than addressing the underlying cultural issues that cause the crime. Or in how Democrats claimed that Social Security was heading into a crisis during the Clinton Administration, but evidently not enough of a crisis to actually do anything to fix it under Bush. And, in how the Left feels the best way to improve the public education is to pour even more money into a failed system that has already wasted billions to produce no results rather than taking the hard road, enforcing accountability for results on the teachers, and working to change the system for the better.
In the War on Terror, this translates into having the United Nations pursue our national defense and security concerns and working to maintain the malignant international status quo, rather than calling militant Islam and rogue states the enemy they are and confronting them on a global scale. In the ideal world of the Liberal, all the hard work would be done by the United Nations and victory in the War on Terror would be handed to us as an entitlement for the losses we sustained on 9/11. It would be quick, it would be easy, and Liberals could bask in the self righteous glory of having our enemies chastised at the international level. Unfortunately, it would also be ineffective.
The United Nations will never do anything to stop global terror or curb the mad ambitions of rogue states because it is composed of the very groups who support them. In place of action and results we get toothless resolutions and empty platitudes of support. Rather than ending the threat to America’s security, we would just set the problem to the side to worry about on another day, most likely shortly after another devastating terrorist attack on American soil by a different group of Islamic terrorists.
The enemy in the War on Terror is not simply Osama bin Laden, but the militant anti-American ideology that spawned him. If bin Laden had failed in his attack on 9/11, or if he had never even tried, then it would have been some other group at some other time in his place. To actually end this threat, we cannot limit ourselves to fighting the actual perpetrators of 9/11 but the ideology and rogue states who promote their fanaticism.
This is a very difficult and unpopular path to follow. North Korea, Iran, and militant Islamists have hated America long before the invasion of Iraq for the simple fact that we exist. They hate our culture, our wealth, our power, and the freedom and democracy we represent in the world. Pulling out of Iraq, capturing bin Laden, or ending all our support for Israel will not change this fact. These tyrants must be confronted if there is ever to be any semblance of peace in the world or security for America because they will not stop until either they or we are destroyed. If the world is unwilling or unable to support us to this end, then America must defend its security and interests on its own no matter what the cost. We have no alternative because we are in the enemy’s crosshairs, not the French or the United Nations. And the longer we wait, the stronger our enemies will become.
Liberals glorify the idea of getting something for doing nothing. Whether it is government entitlement programs in place of economic opportunity, or a hollow declaration of victory in a watered down War on Terror that will only delay the inevitable conflicts to come. But the true solutions to the problems of the world today defy quick fixes. These issues where not born in a day, and they will not be solved in a day. Real victory will take resolve, courage, hard work, and real action. Unfortunately for us all, these are traits the Left simply does not have and can scarcely understand.
About the Writer: Justin Darr is a freelance writer living in the Philadelphia area with his wife, Erin, and twin children. He can be read widely on the Internet and in print publications in the United States and Europe . Justin receives e-mail at
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