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Date Posted: 17:48:07 03/29/07 Thu
Author: Sharath
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Re: "The Country of Choice"
In reply to: Bar 's message, ""The Country of Choice"" on 16:02:07 12/07/03 Sun

As a man born and raised in India and currently living in USA, I could not agree more with the author. I cant understand why immigrants get offended by every thing. Things have been in place in USA for a long time and a lot of those have evolved over many years. Seriously, there is nothing wrong with them. The national flag with the stars, stripes and colors has its significance and is connected with American history. I cant understand what is it about it that is offensive. The American Law does not bar anyone from practising their own religion and culture within the United States. Enjoy the freedom but I say never forget to understand that foreign cultures and religions should NOT override what is American. I am not Christian, but "In God We Turst" does not offend me in any way. Like the author said, if it did, rather than complain, i'd rather just leave. Legal Immigration is a blessing both to the country and to the immigrants. There are proper channels to immigrate, so what is so hard about using them? Would you like it if someone came into your home country and broke the law and desecrated the religion of your ancestors and wiped out all traces of your history? Dont we all hate all those "warriors" who did that in the past? So why do it to America?

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