Date Posted:09:27:27 11/23/07 Fri Author:Chet (Well. . . . .) Author Host/IP: / Subject: Re: Two decades on the same soapbox In reply to:
's message, "Two decades on the same soapbox" on 10:29:39 03/22/05 Tue
Having just found your site, I was floored at the thought there could be someone else in this world that feels or felt the same as me.
Having said that, I notice on your site that Laf has apparently passed, to which I say, please accept my heart felt condolences. I would have liked to have met him.
Like Laf, I was born on February 19th, except in 1949. I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps shortly after graduation, and served in Vietnam in 1968 and 1969 when and where I was wounded. And believe this or not, shortly before being discharged, I purchased a stuffed toy lion (naming him Lafcadio) before giving him to a volunteer who came to visit wounded Marines at Oakknoll Naval Hospital.
Great minds think alike?. . . . . I say, you bet. Think Laf and I could hav been good buds.
Getting to the post, I couldn't agree more with the state of our country and the world, and it grieves me there is no one wanting to take it back, but then I remember that these things, whether we like them or not, must come to pass. I'm quite certain you've placed your faith in a much Greater Power, and it's in Him we find our strength to face that which we'll be facing in even greater intensity as we move closer to His return.