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Date Posted: 07:25:36 08/05/06 Sat
Author: Lisia
Subject: Re: Escaped
In reply to: Candy 's message, "Re: Escaped" on 06:28:40 08/05/06 Sat

Laying there in her own silence she hated it, as well just listening to the conversation between her father in her sister she began hating herself some. Her paws over her muuzle she whimpered softly, but not loud enough for anyone really to hear it. Seeing Candy go over to their mother she smiled some and knew Klaus would return over there too. They were both worried about Candy to much to see there own pain. Klaus seemed to ignore his this it was easy to see he was, Kairi wasn't sure which one to worry about more. At times it was Klaus for she didn't want him to die, but then it seemed to be Candy, hoping hse live as well and be up soon.
Sighing a bit then Lisia have up some and curled up into a little ball trying to keep herself warm. Though she had heard her sister calling her, she didn't answer, she took it as a checking up on her kinda thing. Lisia thought it best that when it came to Candy's injuries it was best she be warm and cared after by there parents. She'll just help and stay out of the way like it seemed she needed to do.

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