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Date Posted: 22:36:05 03/18/03 Tue
Author: Apollo
Subject: My heart, My life, My soulmate

Stepping into his lonely den up high on the ridges of the caverns tucked away from the world. The air was stale and the den surrounded my moss not lived in for some time now. Has he entered his heart plummeted and hope diminished. Tears gathered up welting his eyes "Sizz..?" Soon all hope gone the tears began to fall into the dust at his paws. "She....had to of left by now." Trying to hold them back was impossible. His soul was cut in half, she was the one and only reason for returning here. It was all for her, all for his love. He looked around and sniffed the air. Her scent loomed the air like she was here then again his nose lies to his heart. Only letting him believe what he wants to believe. Seeing past that he gazes off to the hidden world he came to be alone...then again where she found him. Like a river his tears ran down his face and he soon clasped onto his bed and buried his face. He uttered in the fur of his cries and yelling at himself for being so foolish. "WHY!" He utters over and over and over again....

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