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Blissful Heaven
Blissful Heaven
You've walked long and far and wish for a reprieve from your journey. From what you can tell, you're high on a mountain that seems to be never ending. The air is thick with clouds and the fresh smell of the night. As you walk on, the clouds part. A beautiful castle lies before you, its peaks reaching towards the stars. The surrounding area is both rocky and lush with forest vegetation. The sight steals your breath away. As you venture nearer, a sense of peace comes over you. This is a place of good. It is safe here. You enter the palace gates, and walk, as if in a trance, towards the palace doors. A soft, soothing voice passes towards you through the moonlit night. "Hello my friend. Can I help you?" You turn towards the voice and find yourself staring at a beautiful woman. Her raven tresses flow down her back and to the ground. Bright green eyes, alight with life, gaze at you from beneath thick lashes. She wears a deep scarlet robe, made of the softest of cloths, and holds in her hand a graceful staff, a beautiful multi-colored jewel shimmering from the top. Upon her head is a simple gold crown, yet it leaves no doubt in your mind of her significance in this land. A warm smile plays across her red lips. "I am Lady Karissta, Queen of the Light Creatures. And this," she motions to all that surrounds her, "is Blissful Heaven. You are welcome to stay here if you wish it." Her eyes dance with merriment as she turns toward her castle. "I hope you find this place as much of a Heaven as I do. May my blessings go with you where ever you may wander..."
Back to the Land of the Creature's

Subject: HWMonitor Meter V1.0 (Gadget).rar

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Date Posted: 00:40:14 01/22/14 Wed

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