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Aster's Den
Aster's Den
The entrance to the den is a large hole in the side of a hill overlooking the territory, there are wolf beds all around it. Past the entrance there is a short tunnel that slants slightly upward. It ends in a small chamber where you find Aster curled up. She lifts her head and glares at you, "Please do not disturb me unless you are bringing food. Out!" She shifts her possition, curls back up, and falls back asleep.
Tundra Grass (Tundra)

Subject Author Date
Key West Tequila A Pinch Of Salt And A Quirky Slice Of America.mp3.rarpansmart21:58:19 01/22/14 Wed
Drops chunk of caribou meat in front of Aster.Tara07:47:36 06/12/02 Wed
*She has no milk to produce, the pups will starve to death if she doesn't eat something soon.*Aster16:37:24 03/25/02 Mon
He trys to get up but can't and falls flat on his face.*He starts to cry* Wha Wha mama whaaaaaa. (NT)Comet20:00:50 03/18/02 Mon
"Can I see the pups, Aster?"Moonlight22:58:24 03/17/02 Sun
*he enters carrying a hunk of caribu meat*Jost10:04:02 03/16/02 Sat
"Jost? I'm kinda hungry......" (NT)Aster08:57:43 03/16/02 Sat
*Yawns and begins on her hare* (NT)Aster17:38:27 03/12/02 Tue

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I need food if I'm going to be able to produce milk!
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